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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. Not intelligience, exactly, Charlie, but a heightened sense of one's feminine side, be you male or female, in other words, right brainers. On a slightly different note: Karl Marx once said that organized religion was the "opiate of the people". I have long held the belief that professional sports have replaced religion as the "people's opiate". Any thoughts?? _________________ Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever... <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-26 03:45 ]</font> <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-26 03:46 ]</font>

  2. XP sucks, downgrade to 2000, no problems. They're GIVING away a fully functional "learning edition" of Maya 4 if you download it (~203MB), don't remember the website. Unfortunately requires minimum of 528MB of RAM and they won't guarantee it will work unless you have a professional video card with at least 128MB video RAM! By the way, Trolldeg, your art work is awesome for a first try! _________________ Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever... <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-26 03:33 ]</font>

  3. On 2002-05-25 08:28, Vanessa wrote:

    ...What kind of top / shirt would you wear with them ?...



    So far, a rayon black, blue, and tan Hawaiian type shirt with repeating "foliage" pattern; and a lycra/poly "moleskin" ladies' shirt in navy blue. Nothing daring or earth-shattering--no guys around here, and very few girls wear lace-up jeans; likewise, no males wear "whisker-wash" jeans of any style, hence my doubt that they could be called, truly, "unisex"! But they were so irresistably foxy...

  4. I guess these jeans I just recieved from http://www.talletc.com don't qualify as "unisex" but I'm wearing them anyhow

    Posted Image</img>

    Just couldn't resist when I saw them, size 19 with 36inch inseam (and in cotton/lycra denim too).Posted Image</img>


    Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-25 06:49 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-19 10:47 ]</font>

  5. Oh I don't know--if you like pain, they could be just the thing! When I was a teenager, I fell in love with the green suede leather pointed toe "Minstrel's shoes?", or elf shoes with the upturned and tied up point that I saw pictured in the Classic Comic Book of "The Black Arrow" (Robert Louis Stevenson) of what was apparently common to wear in the 12th Century. They had no heel whatsoever, more like Women's Indian Moccasin Boots, which I still have a weakness for.

  6. On 2002-05-22 10:28, Tom-NL wrote:


    Are you sure that you take doses of 1.5 <u>grams</u> of L-Tyrosine, every 4 hours? Quite a hefty dose!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: tom-nl on 2002-05-22 10:32 ]</font>

    3 500mg capsules, no not a heavy dose;

    studies have shown that ~200 to 300 mg of DMAE (DiMethylAminoEthanol) to be as effective as Ritalin among 6-12 year olds with ADD. In my own case (I have adult ADD), I have found a combination of 200 to 300mg Phosphatadyl Serine, 30mg of Pregnenolone, and 2500mcg Vitamin B-12 to be effective, pretty much all day, along with the Tyrosine at regular intervals. Yes it is somewhat expensive, but much cheaper than going to the MD and buying prescriptions for Adderall. Sorry about messing up the intent of this thread, won't happen again!

  7. On 2002-05-23 23:31, terayon wrote:

    bert...unless you were doing purely cardio workout, the reason you werent loosing weight may have been because you lost fat, but gained muscle in its place...and muscle does weigh more than fat

    It just takes up less space; so, did you lose any INCHES or CENTIMETERS?

  8. Don't know if this is the right place to post this or not but I got a blurb from the Shakira fan club (which I didn't know I had joined) about a live "Divas" broadcast on VH-1 tonight from Las Vegas, NV at 6PM Pacific time, eg about 1-1/2 hours after this post, that Shakira and several others will be in.

  9. On 2002-05-23 05:15, terayon wrote:

    /me feeling good at 477

    dreading the move to those awful boots at 500-7** though... :smile:

    What be wrong with spikey heel boots??

    They WICKED COOL to borrow a phrase. Wish I were about to be in your shoes, er boots, as it were!:smile:


    Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-23 05:29 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-23 13:40 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-23 13:41 ]</font>

  10. I like 1/2" to 1" platforms for walking over gravelly pavement (keeps my feet from suffering from the Princess and the Pea Syndrome--stone bruises and whatnot), and when I drive--very little pressure from the ball of foot equates to quite a bit of pressure on the gas peddle, which saves my knee from pain on long drives. And they DO look a bit more masculine, sort of an 80's retro look. _________________ Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever... <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-22 10:12 ]</font>

  11. In my ideal world I would weigh about 75lbs less than what I weigh now, in which case I would wear some pants similar to Shakira's (but with lacing in back as well as in front like Sondra Locke wore in the Clint Eastwood movie "The Gauntlet"

    Posted ImagePosted Image

    possibly a shirt-style bodysuit similar to one sold at http://www.bodysuit.com (would prefer purple or teal, tho) :smile: :smile:


    Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-22 09:50 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-22 09:50 ]</font>

  12. On 2002-05-22 02:43, Laurieheels wrote:

    But...but... caffine and sugar get me through my day. Without sugar in my pop, or coffee, how would I survive????


    FYI I have found quite recently that taking 1500mg of "L-Tyrosine" a naturally occuring amino acid available at most Vitamin World stores, health food stores, etc, every 4 hours or so has a better "keep me awake and alert" effect than caffeine without the side effects.

    As for drinks--I like Barq's root beer; Code Red (yeah I know, they both have caffeine); Sarsaparilla, any brand; soft apple or cherry cider; a particular brand of bottled spring water from Canada that I can't remember the name of (it has a sort of a slight sweet taste); and Ocean Spray Cran-Grape. I agree with ShockQueen on the taste of coffee, but what I really CAN'T STAND is the taste of TEA (it MAY have something to do with my mother using tea bags to stop the bleeding of my gums after trips to the dentist several times--the last when my wisdom teeth were yanked out--bled off and on for 3 days; the tea bags DID stop the bleeding, but I swear I'd starve to death if I was forced to drink tea with every meal the way I hear most Britts do--YECCH!).

  13. And one more: The assumption made by all major department stores that all fat men (waist measurement over 36) are short (inseam less than 34). The main reason why I wear women's jeans? It is easier to find long inseams in my equivalent size (18-20 if hiphugging, 22 if not) than in men's sizes!

  14. During my short (21 month) Truckdriving "career", I aquired a few PET PEEVES: People who would pass my truck on the freeway, then pull back in front and SLOW DOWN so I had to jam on my brakes and turn off the cruise control. California truck driving laws that forced you to drive in the right hand MERGE lane only, and the so-called legislators that announced to the votors that this was a SAFETY LAW! People who didn't take (or pay attention in) physics in school: Who told me that since I had 5 axles (10 brake drums/disks) that I could stop quicker than they could since they had only 2 axles (4 brake drums/disks). For the possibly uninformed or unintuitive, a short mathematical explanation: 80,000lbs divided by 10 = 8,000lbs per brake; vs 4,000lbs divided by 4 = 1,000lbs per brake. and finally... Having to change into manly footwear every time I got out of my truck because I didn't want to answer the question "Why are you wearing high heels?" (or worse) at a truck stop, state hiway scale ("chicken coop"), etc. _________________ Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever... <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-20 09:19 ]</font>

  15. Happy 28th. Wish we could take up a collection and drop ship your favorite drooling pumps/boots or whatever. Thanks for the input :eek:. _________________ Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever... <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-20 08:26 ]</font> <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-20 08:27 ]</font> <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-20 08:32 ]</font>

  16. Hey, these kittens are kool:grin:, tho the heels don't look hi nuff 4 a comfortable arch.

    2nd edit:

    BTW, other than laboriously viewing the html source code of this page and copying and pasting the "img" tag and associated "gif" from some other poster with a "smiley" that you are interested in (in this case, ShockQueen and the "icon_biggrin.gif"), is there another way to put them onto your post as you are typing?

    4th edit:

    PS I tried to put in the

    on Laurie's 15th week diary as shown in your helpful blurb under "Smiles" but that didn't appear to work, so I guess it's back to copy/paste :eek:.


    Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-20 07:56 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-20 08:06 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-20 08:09 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-20 08:38 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-20 08:39 ]</font>

  17. I would like to know how many heel-wearing guys also have their ears pierced, and if so, one (which one)? Both? More piercings than just one in each ear? What style earrings/studs do you wear? What do the women think of them, etc? Myself--none; always wanted to try both, but for me at least, it is easier to appear in public with (chunkey) high heel boots than even the thought of pierced ears!

  18. On 2002-05-14 20:54, Bert wrote:

    You can also buy one of those el cheapo single use cameras and have then the pictures burnt on cd. Works fine, and those soapboxes make darn good pictures, defenitely better than a webcam :smile:


    This was going to be my suggestion too!

    Then....Download Photoshop 6 from Limewire (~120MB, ~9hrs w/56K) to tweak the photo down to a manageable optimized jpeg of 20-30KB instead of the ~500KB on the CD. Hope I haven't irked too many pros with the Limewire suggestion, but until I get out of college even the educational price is too steep (of course, when I DO get out, I won't be eligible for the educational price. Oh well).

  19. On 2002-05-17 02:48, Debbie(HK) wrote:

    At least you have good taste with the cheungsam :smile: as you probably know, I'm not a fan of 'pants' :smile:

    I love the classic 50's look and heels of course. I have 3 cheungsams and they are hand embroidered silk - gorgeous!!


    You, ah, wouldn't care to post a few pix of u in them (and your fav heels of course) would you??


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