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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. On the other hand, if anyone in here likes Birkenstocks, well, I'm sorry but I have to draw the line somewhere... :grin:

    Agree, can't take Birkenstocks...

    But I did finally break down and buy a pair of men's Chaco toe-loop hiking sandals the other day!

    I was wearing my LEI toe loop clogs today Posted Image and a fellow computer geek, thinking they were my Chaco's, asked me where he could get HIS soles raised like that!! :smile:

  2. ...Cheating. Hmmmm

    At fetishwear sites, such as trashy.com, I can find 5" heel boots with no platforms, or 5" heel boots with 1-1/2" platforms.

    As it happens, I like shoes and boots with 1/2" to 3/4" platforms because it makes for a more rigid, and therfore more stable, sole/heel transition area. At 240lbs, I need all the help I can get. If I were a more modest, say, 160lbs (we can dream, can't we?) I wouldn't need the stability as much.

    That said, I have found that it is impossible to find shoes or boots in size 12 or 13 that have a modest platform with an effective heel height greater than 3-1/2". I would at least like the experience of wearing a 4-1/2" to 5-1/2" heel boot with stability, but it isn't likely to happen anytime soon. :grin::grin:

    As for myself, I'm NOT trying to "cheat", but apparently the shoe designers ARE, otherwise they would design truly HIGH heel footwear with just enough plat to provide stability for us fatso's out there! :smile: :drinking: (And no, I don't drink--I just like the animation)

    While living in a very small, very Mormon, town in eastern Nevada several years ago, I took a great deal of pleasure at ribbing my fellow hypocrites with a bumper sticker that read Eat, Drink, And Be Merry, For Tomorrow You May Be In UTAH! :grin::grin::o

    And now I find myself LIVING (if you can call it that) in that self-same state. Must be God's sense of humor working overtime. There are about 3X the number of law enforcement personnel here in St. George per capita than in Las Vegas, 120 miles away, with about 1/10 the crime. Which makes it one of the most popular retirement sites in North America (it couldn't possibly be the HEAT!). And what is the number one crime that results in arrests?? Teenage underage drinking!

    Let's see, Utah has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the US, and the highest teenage suicide rate, and all my fellow Mormons rant and rave about what wonderful family values we have, and what a wonderful place Utah is in which to raise a family...

    &%$@#! Sorry, soapbox just got zapped by lightning. :grin:

  3. Whatever happened to SuperLaurie??? I still stick with Kim Possible as there seems to be a certain physical resemblence as well... :grin::grin: Unfortunately she doesn't wear heels much that I've seen. (Hey, other than "GINGER" , it's the only cartoon I watch, when I'm not forced to watch South Park when I'm with my kids, ugh) :smile:

  4. Pardon my naivete', but why would full HTML enabling be a security issue?

    And even if it is, I can't see why enabling such features as (oops, apparently <"pre"> IS supported!), <blockquote>, <ul>, <table>, or


    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--

    // *** script written by AJ Wilkinson 04/27/02 ***

    var now = new Date();

    var Y = now.getYear();

    var M = new Array(0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334);

    var curM = now.getMonth();

    var Julian = M[curM] + now.getDate()-1;

    if(Julian <= 130)

    { document.write("During the <font color=#339933>Spring " + Y + "</font> Semester,

    ") }

    else if(Julian > 130 && Julian <= 225)

    { document.write("During the <font color=#993333>Summer " + Y + "</font> Semester,

    ") }


    { document.write("During the <font color=#ff6633>Fall " + Y + "</font> Semester,

    ") }

    // --></SCRIPT> </pre>

    would be problematical from a security point of view. Yes I know, CERTAIN JavaScripts can really cause hell, but only during that session on your browser!!! :smile::grin:

  5. OK, OK,

    but HTML is the good old thing which is easy to write (for me), so I hoped to spare this BBCode stuff!

    best wishes

    Joak :grin:

    Couldn't agree with you more, Joak!

    Unfortunately, BBCODE apparently is a required part of using the PHPBB 2.0x software, so "When in Rome, Ya gotta go with the flow"

    (or words to that effect). At least there is a helpful set of codes above, on the "post a reply" page incase you get lost, as I almost always do... :grin::grin::smile:

  6. I thought I'd share a paragraph from today's editorial of (black American) columnist Thomas Sowell that seemed particularly relevant and profound:

    The great curse of the 20th century was the inability of decent poeple to realize that what was unthinkable to them was both thinkable and doable by others--like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. Are we to wait until Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and we wake up one morning to find a couple of American cities obliterated?

    Any thoughts??
  7. Cotton-lycra t-shirt style bodysuit, rayon hawaiian shirt, my lace-up jeans and these self-modified LEI summer clogs (yeah I know, they only have about 1-1/2 inch effective heel height, but that is 1-1/2" more than on ANY men's thong type sandals, and I neeed the thong to pull my big toes back into place). These pants pictured elsewhere, but I figured I'd post them here too.

    Posted ImagePosted Image

    Posted Image

    • Like 1
  8. Laurie

    Another great post. Thursday was a long day especially after walking to lunch your feet must have been aching, did that mean some time in the bathroom with your shoes off.

    Good luck with 5.5" inch shoes, cant wait to here your reports on you wearing them at work.

    After reading Laurie's posts, and yours for several months now, I have concluded that Laurie's feet don't ache at the end of the day, much, if at all, if for no other reason than the fact that she is not the masochist that you keep hoping she is.... :smile:
  9. Not a very nice song (if you really listen to the words) about a guy essentially stalking a girl that doesn't apparently care much for him:

    Overload from the movie Dirty Dancing

    "..Hear your heels, clicking on the sidewalk, beating to the rhythm of my heart..." :smile:

  10. I did go to Debbie's site--esp like the black cheungsam. This topic needs some rescucitation. A few other things that haven't come back (yet) that I like to wear and see worn: From the Womens' fashions: Puff-sleeve (both at the shoulders and at the cuffs) blouses ("and see worn") and dresses. Above the elbow gloves. Amelia Erhardt style flying breeches. Corsets in general use. And the long black pencil dress that the Adams Family mother always wore! :grin: From the Mens' fashions: Revolutionary War era "suit coats" with lots of buttons, bright colors, exaggerated collars, long tails, etc. Also the capri-length breeches. Ghillie tie or buckle shoes. Above-the-knee riding boots with cuffs, circa 16th century France. Pointy toe suede forrester's or yeoman's ankle boots, circa 12th and 13th century England. Harlequin minstrel's clothing! :smile:

  11. Oh all right:

    Posted Image

    The guy that masquerades as "azraelle", a somewhat feminized spelling of the Semite name for the "Angel of Death!", e.g., my twisted opinion of self, right after my divorce after 22 yrs of marriage, as "King Midas in Reverse", referring to a Hollies song of the same name.


    Just trying Jeff's suggestion for a pasted sample of Fox's html code converted to BB Code, I hope...

    :splat: Posted Image :splat:

    Click For Freestyle Fashions


    Hey, it actually works!!! Is "BB Code" somehow related to the Apple-specific "BBEdit" html text editor by Bare Bones Software?? :grin::grin::smile:

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