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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. I suspect it is the KLEEZ-E worm--I keep getting messages, which I don't open, with near pseudonyms from, supposedly, some members of this board--"firefoxheels", postcode, jeff, and a few others. Reason I suspect them is that they are all somewhere between 127K and 134K, and have enticing subjects. If they are for real(!), send me something in the 5-15K region of length. The worm is known to take familiar, weighted-by-use random names and then add random subjects of a list of ~30, and send it as an e-mail from an infected host. The total length is supposed to be around 120+K in length. According to the Kaspersky anti-virus web site, anyway... :smile:

  2. If, ah, I may make a suggestion, less bandwidth would be needed if y'all'd OPTIMIZE your photos first. If I didn't get a deluge of them, if some sort of temporary holding area were set up in cyberspace somewhere, I would be willing to do it for those who don't have access to Photoshop. As an example, this, at 176,138 bytes: Posted Image

    versus this, at 66,075 bytes, 20% optimization: Posted Image

    Reducing the image size nets even further reductions in total bytes, and consequent reduction in download time (and/or space on the picture gallery server), like this, to 60% of original image size, reduces the actual byte count by aproximately 2/3, to 23,331 bytes:

    Posted Image

    And finally, if someone would like to use it for an avatar under their rank image, this further reduces the size to 80x71 pixels in this case, and to just 1362 total bytes:

    Posted Image

  3. she is starting to offer advice on the type of outfit that would look okay with such shoes and not solicit offers from men.

    Seems to me you take reasonable precautions (avoiding the wrong part of town, dark alleys, carrying a stun gun(?), etc); therefore, start worrying about your outfit as being a solicitation only after you have gotten propositioned by the seedier element of society.

  4. I fell in love with patent leather girl's shoes (essentially very low-heeled Mary Janes) when I was in 3rd grade (age 7), but I didn't have any use for "high-heels" until I was about 12, and the (white) "go-go boot" craze of mid-'60's. I didn't like my mother's shoes at all, even though they were spiked high heels, because of how she walked (wobbled) in them, and because of how they had deformed her toes.

  5. The article was ok...but I wish you could reveal abit more about what you do in your work environment, and how you convinced your supervisors, assuming you have any, that your work for them wouldn't suffer from your change in footwear. For example, if you were an office manager vs a warehouse worker--if the former, it might not be particularly difficult to convince your superiors, whereas loading/unloading boxes, driving forklifts, etc, might cause them to ask you to look for another job if you insisted on wearing heels! :grin::smile:

  6. Not meaning to be rude :grin: , SQ, but you seem to be fairly knowledgeable about web building, including graphics (I assume that you did them for Rave's since it resembles your own site?); that said, why aren't your 75x75 pixel photos optimised for the internet (using Photoshop or Illustrator for example)? I have found that an optimization of 20% works for most photos without appreciable degradation of image quality--19% or below and it falls off sharply, Adobe seems to have built-in a threshold of sorts at the magic 20% barrier. At 20% a 75x75 image shouldn't be much larger than 2500 bytes, if that much. Judging from the few images I sampled, yours are more like 8800. The site is great, its just that with my slow 56K modem it takes a while to load, particularly Chris's album page. :smile::grin::grin:

  7. I decided to post this here rather than in SQ's "Just go out and DO IT" thread. The one and only time I ever wore colored nail polish intentionally on display in public (rather than hiding my hands in my pockets or someplace else, or wearing some unobtrusive or dulled finish color) was in 1993 in Las Vegas. I had on bright metallic green polish, and was in a discount department store checkout (Sam's Club). The cashier was a rather "fetching" young adult girl. She was effusive in her positive reaction to it--wanted to know why--I answered, truthfully, that I just felt like being different that day. She wished more guys would do it, even encouraged me to keep it on until my wife saw it later that day (I didn't--she would have been "unthrilled"). The other men in the checkout were looking "askance" during all this. :smile: I have never had the self-assurance to wear nail polish and hi-heeled shoes/boots at the same time--that just seems to be too over-the-top, unless I was advertising that I was gay, which I'm not--this way I can at least rationalize that most people may have a question in their minds of "Is he or isn't he", rather than having NO DOUBT! Of course if they are fellow Christians, then ANY abnormal behavior or dress removes ALL DOUBT in their mind's eye. Yes I know that Christians are SUPPOSED to be non-judgemental, but have found that those who are represent the exception rather than the rule. :grin::grin:

  8. When I was at what is now BYU-Idaho (then known as "Ricks College") the student government, under some pressure from the administration, enacted a rule that made it an expulsion offense for female students to wear denim jeans to class. It was shown to not be applicable to girls in denim or twill jeans with back or side-zipper fastenings, and eventually to front fastening pants if in a suitably feminine color (such as pink). They appointed student "enforcers" to patrol the cafeteria. One nut attempted early-on to turn in a girl in pink denim jeans with a side zipper, but that got shot down by the administration. I don't know what they would have done if a GUY would have shown up for class in pink jeans, etc. :grin:

    On a slightly different note, a girl was sent home last year at one of the local (St. George, Utah) high schools after she (and her mother) dyed her hair purple! She wasn't allowed back in until she had bleached it suitably blonde. In the words of Rita Coolidge, some 35 years ago, "Its still going on here today.." :smile:

  9. Terayon, have you no female friends wearing "whisker wash" or "sharks' gills" jeans? Canada can't be that much different from the USA. As a matter of fact I saw a couple of teenage guys in WalMart tonight wearing whisker wash jeans (button front, not lace front) so I know it isn't just a female fashion trend... :smile:

    AS for the Hawaiian shirt, it is the only one I have; you seem to be imprisoned by your personal stereotypes--the shirt in question is a leftover from a "joke" that our college computer programming class played on our professor. He is not fat, and with a family of 5 kids and a loving wife, I sincerely doubt he is gay. I have never seen him wearing anything other than some sort of Hawaiian shirt (I believe he has 12 at last count), and white pants! (some sort of wierd addiction perhaps?) His wife, on the other hand, is every bit as geeky in her own way, except that she wears nothing that isn't loud and body UNrevealing (tent dresses, ruffled capris, etc., and she isn't fat either).

    The entire class showed up on the day that he was being evaluated by the Utah college accreditation board dressed just like him! :rofl:

  10. One of the main supporters of the original war to wipe out the Jews in 1946 was an Islamic religious leader in Lebanon (I can't recall the title he held). I got the distinct impression from my reading on the subject that he did call for a holy war. If he did I don't believe it was ever rescinded...

    Lasting peace in the region will only come after the Israelis totally conquer the Arabs once and for all. Through out all of history, peace is achieved only after one side crushes the other militarily, without mercy, into total surrender.

    Unfortunately, the VICE VERSA is also a distinct possibility. :smile:
  11. I think it would be poetic justice if death would be carried out, as accurately as possible, in the same manner, including the time it took to die, as the killer's victim(s). In those cases of multiple murders, use the victim that suffered the most. Make the punishment fit the offense--that's what child psychologists advocate in raising children. :grin: Can't understand why this concept is called "cruel and unusual punishment" when it is applied to adults! :smile:
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