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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. Megan if I feel the need to compliment a woman then I genuinely will be complimenting her even if I refer just to her shoes, you ladies pick this up instantly I think. If I were single and found the lady attractive I would hve no issue coming on to her (nicely) and with regards to them saying no then clearly the man is not trying hard enough to impress such a wonderful woman that you clearly are.

    Nothing wrong with 'letching' over a woman in my opinion, if a woman fits my type and I think she's hot then 'm not going to be thinking about have afternoon tea with her. Clearly the way I then present myself to her is a different matter. I'm sure ladies like the fact they are sexually attractive to men but of course want to be treated like a lady.

    Oh no, not wonderful, but thank you :unsure: . Not so used to being come on to either. I'd be flattered, but I'd still probably say no. Then again, who knows where treating me to afternoon tea might lead!
  2. This last Thursday I had to carry "The Hunger Games" up to the projection room. Seven full 2000ft. reels in one box. It was a heavy sucker (75-100 lbs.). I had to take it up one step at a time but I got it there in heels.

    In coming down those same stairs I have to side step due to the step landings being very narrow.

    That's nearly as heavy as me. I can carry a hundred books at a time, but only in my head or my heart. And I still can't do the stairs very well.
  3. Sorry, I meant that I thought JeffB makes a good point about how easy it is for everyone to accept cheap and nasty things because it seems to take too much effort to look for nice well made things. You can see from looking at those clogs that the maker didn't care.

  4. I've noticed that when I'm wearing my heels some women do give me that "up and down" look that I only ever see them give to other women... before I experienced it I always used to think it was done in a very harsh and critical way, but having been on the receiving end of that look it feels quite flattering to have been detected by someone's fashion radar. I find myself automatically checking out what she's wearing too, and a simple exchange of smiles puts a totally different perspective on things.

    That's the thing, guys often use compliments as "tricks" rather than with sincerity, and women know it almost to the point that the possibility of sincerity is excluded. I think when I'm wearing my heels it makes it easier to compliment a woman, believing that she'll be more receptive to the fact that I'm genuinely admiring her and not letching. But at the same time I feel like the fact that I'm wearing heels instantly dismisses any notion she might have that I find her attractive.

    Given all that, I don't feel guilty for admiring because I know that I'm doing so with sincerity. If anything I do feel a little regret when I don't give a compliment that I really ought to give.

    I think you're overthinking it. I'm not (and I'm going to guess most girls are the same) very trickable, and I know how to deal with lechers. Disdain usually works. But why would I want to think you didn't find me attractive? I want to fill men's dreams, want them to pine for me, want to turn gay men straight. Never going to happen, cruel, cruel world. Please don't help the world be cruel. Say something nice to me, just for the hell of it. You'd be surprised how good it makes you feel even though you're not going to get sex out of it. I'll probably (this is just me, not other girls) weep some happy tears later .
    • Like 3
  5. Yes, but JeffB showed a picture of particularly ugly clogs. The ones in his picture aren't hand made by craftsmen. They're stapled together, with cheap staples, for goodness sake. Jeff B's thread highlights how squalid our lives can become if we're not careful, and for that I applaud him

  6. Have done this hundreds of times, mostly unnoticed I think but some times you just have to say something. I always mention that I'm married for example. "those are lovely shoes, I'd like to get my wife a pair" or similar. I think it puts the lady at ease as they realise you are not coming on to them, hopefully Megan will agree.

    Oh, absolutely, but compliment me, not my shoes. I don't mind if you're coming on to me; I know how to say no. I'm astonished that you chaps can take no so often and come back for more. But certainly, when I'm given a compliment my sincerity radar seems to go on the blink.
    • Like 1
  7. ----

    Megan don't worry we all make errors at sometime - remember Mary Poppins said she was "pratically perfect" not perfect.


    Thank you. My umbrella turned inside out in the wind and dragged me to the top of the nearest tree. I imagine the firemen haven't stopped laughing yet.
  8. Hi Sharon (and anyone else who's listening), So lovely to see you back. I'd assumed you were over busy with work or something more important. Sorry to hear about your problems with your password. If it had happened to me I think I'd have been lost for good as I wouldn't have known how to fix it. I spent some unhappy hours fretting about my avatar, but people helped me, and I've lost my stars, but Tech says he's working on that. I got soaked to the skin today. I had to go into town and the rain was coming at me horizontally with the wind. I hadn't realised how rough the weather was and I only had a denim jacket on, with an Indian cotton dress. I looked like a drowned rat. I'm not sure I like rain wetting. I was very glad to get home. I would have got straight under a hot shower, but I didn't have any hot water, so I had to make do with a cup of tea. How do you do for tea in Germany, or is it not your beverage? Anyway, I've got some work I should be doing. I don't know if I will; I might leave it till tomorrow, but I'll end here. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon. As it warms up you must have some tales to tell. Regards, Megan x

  9. I did the same thing today. Well, kinda. I was walking through the train station, and saw some really nice heels on an attractive young lady. The shoes were really nice, and I felt myself checking them out for a bit longer than was maybe 'normal'. Well, I don't care. I'm sure she'd have been complimented if she knew.

    I'm sure she would. And, chaps, do you know what a spoken compliment can do? Obviously there's got to be some subtlety, but you'd be surprised how little. I've had my day made by having an unknown chap say, 'Excuse me, but can I just tell you how pretty you look in that dress?' The trick is to compliment us, not the shoes or the dress or whatever. You're such lovely chaps, I don't mind giving these secrets away.
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  10. Its ' gabbing '. Like.. chatting, talking, just having a friendly conversation. We did some ' grabbing ' afterwards though..

    Oh yes, I can see that now. And I've just realised I was meant to look at the pictures. I should have asked Tech to include a function to stop me making a fool of myself :unsure:
  11. I guess those that question your compatibility have never heard that "opposites attract."

    Quite right Bubba, complimentary personalities. They each bring to the table what the other may lack. A mutually beneficial relationship.

    Don't we all hold our admiration for what we're not, or what we can't do? I sometimes think that love is all about who we wish we were. From 'Trumpets' by The Waterboys:

    I want to be with you,

    And to find myself in the best of dreams.

    Because being with you

    Is the same as being you.

    • Like 1
  12. I got quite a way into your post before it occurred to me you weren't talking about my daughter lol.I don't like to have opinions about peoples choices because I'm not living their lives. I hope they do me the same courtesy. Sorry, I didn't do a quote, so now you'll all be wondering. Ha ha!

  13. Why?

    Because I *AM* Paid. Not by dollars or anything a ' dollar ' could buy. I see these kids smile. I speak with their parents and get to tell them their kids are actually accomplishing something outside of hanging out on a street corner somewhere and getting into trouble. I run into these people at stores, just being out and about and we converse and interact. Such is worth more to me then 50 pairs of CL's, Whatever the newest car is or even any dollar value. Others would say Im wasting my time.

    I think the ' haves ' and ' have nots ' are more defined in our minds, not by what we have in our pockets :unsure:

    I couldn't agree more. And I think if you look around you'd see more people with this mindset than people on the make. Just looking through our local newspaper today I read dozens of reports of smallish groups of people organising things to help each other and make it a nice place to live.

    That's strange. I just replied and it went to the beginning of the thread.

    Ah, here it is now, where it belongs.

  14. Hi everyone, I had a fabulous day today. I had to go along the seafront and the way the wind was blowing, above the high water mark there were big piles of foam, blown off the sea, about the consistency of bubble bath. There weren't many people about, and I don't think anyone would have noticed, but I couldn't resist a walk in the foam. It was really fun to kick through it, about knee deep. I didn't go any closer to the sea. The waves were towering over me, eight foot, ten foot at least. A girl likes to be swept off her feet sometimes, but the thought of then being dashed on the pebbles didn't appeal. Anyway, further along the sea was right up to the sea wall and splashing over the promenade, giving a shower to the unwary (and the unbtroubled!). It was all quite thrilling. The sea spray made my hair all sticky and lank. I didn't have time to wash it so I plaited it and when I went to the quiz I put on a headscarf. I must have looked like a cross between Amish and Jennifer Saunders in Ab Fab. Absolutely Amish, you heard the idea here. I'm going to go and see if I can get my avatar back. I feel a mixture of back to school after the holidays and bomb fell on my house. I'm English, so I must need a (nice) cup of tea here! Hope to hear from you soon, Megan x Hope to hear from you soon

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