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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. Now, team them with a beret and you could write a song about it. No, wait, it's been done. I have synaestesia, which sounds terrible, but just means two senses get triggered where one should. For instance, every word I hear has a colour. That's the strongest one for me. But I can taste some colours when I see them, though they have to be bright. Norwich City (one of our football clubs) play in yellow and green and it tastes of sherbert in my mouth when I see it. Those shoes tasted of summer fruit. All disappointingly predictable, but I'm glad they didn't taste of something nasty.

  2. Thank you, Rei. I'm trying for the record on how many ways to mess up posting a link. I've yet to do one successfully first time. It was the colour that caught me. She had a strangely unnoticeable dress that was too short for her legs (mrow) and the shoes shone like the red coat in Schindler's List.

  3. I found that a problem too. In the end I had to get Dr Shoe to pass on my message.

    It was actioned to perfection but it does seem an unusual situation when there is no admin contact.

    I can sort of understand his reticence at having an open message box for all and sundry but it does seem unusual - no doubt this will evoke a " blunt as a baseball bat" response - or not!

    I'm with Tech here. Recently I wanted to talk to someone urgently (or so it seemed to me) and my first instinct was to go for him. The poor chap can't be dealing with all our insecurities though, can he? (As it was, I was fussing about nothing, I'm glad I didn't have him sliding down the pole in the middle of his dinner.)

  4. I used to be quite good at it. I do try to welcome new females when I notice them.

    However, welcoming new males would be a full time job and with lots of extra PM's to answer as a result.

    Have I made a rod for my own back? But there aren't so many girls, and well...

    I'm old enough to be unfazed but... I don't know how to put this. I know, do you lke to walk into a pub full of men? I still don't, but..

  5. I think it's to do with multi tasking, everything goes into a form of overload and things get dropped off (the subject).

    Same happens here but far less tasks :wavey:


    For me, multi tasking means starting a hundred things and finishing none. I need multi people to help refocus me from time to time.

  6. i suppose its all possible. in the mid 60s,did we ever foresee men in long hair etc being ok? so its possible

    Well, history didn't start in the twentieth century. Cavaliers in the 17th century with flowing locks, Gauls with plaited hair. We're all the same animal and the difference between the sexes is not always as great as we see it. Or as important.

  7. The link keeps making my browser crash. All I can see is bright coloured shoes mean you're the first girl on the dancefloor. Well, I like bright shoes, and I did used to be the first, so maybe there's something in it. I'll try again later and see if I can see more.

  8. Hi Sharon, I had on black mid calf slouch boots and black tights, a green just below the knee cotton dress with an embroidered bodice and my leather jacket that I told you about last week. It felt very different as an accident, as there wasn't the feeling of naughtiness you get when you do it deliberately. The water was icy. I tried not to think of people looking at me as I walked home, but I did feel a bit self conscious. I don't think I can get as confident as you. Regards, Megan x

  9. I've just read through your thread. I hesitate to comment, because, well, it's not a problem I've ever encountered. But if you don't get on with men's fit trousers and you don't want to be a woman, have you thought of 'going Scottish' and wearing the kilt? I think a man with the right legs looks fabulous in a kilt, and with all those pleats you'd could walk with swagger and confidence. Just a thought.

  10. A good number of the gay men I've known have been male to the point of tediousness. Oh, how much better a man(straight or gay) who knows his female side. (Why isn't there yin yan sign available? (.s.) No, doesn't work.) Equally, a woman who knows her male side. When more people know themselves we'll finally get away from stereotype

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