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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. The article shows the misguided perception amongst many so-called thinking people that a proper use of taxation is social engineering. Taxation should only ever be about raising revenue and, in a really fair society, directly related to means. Still, what can you expect from someone who can use a word (?) like 'externality'. Prize of a big kiss to anyone who can come up with a) a plausible definition, and :unsure: a reason why it wouldn't have been better to use that definition than the word 'externality'.

  2. Hi Sharon (and all), I'd wondered whether your pool was in Germany or Cornwall. How wonderful that you've got it back! Which do you like the most: the moment of jumping, being in the water or being out of the water wet? I'm just feeling envious. I don't normally do my toes, because I don't show them so there doesn't seem much point. But it might be fun to look at someone and know my toes though they don't know. I'll look in Boots, though they're normally beyond my budget. My daughter gave up bacon for Lent (university bet rather than religiousness, but she kept it up so I'm quite impressed). Anyway, Sunday will be a bacon fest. When I'm finished she'll never want to eat bacon again. I like Easter and hope you all have a good one. Megan xx

  3. I so agree with, Shafted. That's why there's girls here. I know the chaps have different issues than me, but it doesn't matter, which is as it should be. And the sexiness of heels is fills the site. How could it not? I've not added anything much. Shame there isn't an 'I agree' button. Are you reading, Tech?

  4. Hi Sharon and Sangue, Sharon, your advice is so knowledgeable, you make me look positively stone age lol. Like you, I'm not really into sheers. I must admit, I tend to buy by colour, or if the legs in the picture on the package look good. I think they might take me for a ride sometimes! Sangue, I've been following a sort of black comedy drama on TV called The Big C. Turns out it's set in Minnesota! Tonight's episode was a snowy one. I see what you mean. The title sequence has the woman swimming clothed underwater in her swimming pool with friends and family waving from above. It always makes me think of you, Sharon. But she has pink toes which remind me of Sangue. Regards, Megan x

  5. I have laddered almost all my sheers and I am fed up with sheers!!!! I will be forced, finally, to replace them with something sturdier.

    Hi Sangue. I saw a tip on TV today that I'd not heard of and it made me think of you. They said that you can make sheer tights or stockings more run resistant by spraying them with hairspray, after you've put them on. I don't know if that's any help to you.

  6. I think it's to do with invitation too, showing a bit of what's normally kept private and hidden. I think maybe that's what makes your beloved peep-toes so sexy, Sangue. Or a bit of heel in a slingback, or a glimpse of sole in a dangled shoe. That's why I don't find the idea of male shoeplay sexy. I don't want to be invited, I want him to respond to my invitation and come calling. Actually, I really admire the chaps for their resilience, to come asking, knowing that more often than not it will end in a no.

  7. I have been reading so much about shoe play and I've wondered What is the thrill? Add me to the list! I am very guilty of watching a co-worker above me in ranks playing with her heels.

    Her heels were laying under the desk I sat at one on its side, one upright and at an angle to the other. Purely helter-skelter. Very posh looking, maybe 3 inches and pointed. Across from me she was in a business phone call looking up every so often and catching my glance. Here's the thing--she has incredibly expressive brown eyes.

    She got up and was walking around wearing a different pair of heels, and maybe she had switched for a change in the pressure on her feet because she started sliding them on and off. The effect is hard to describe: she was all business in her stylish suiting pieces and black nylons but here and there she would slip a foot out. I honestly had to consciously look down at my work or I'm sure I would have been caught!

    I have always loved wearing power heels, even feeling more sensual and turned on by wearing them. This is the first time it has gone beyond that to lusting over another woman because of her heels! Given her rank, the whole power heels element was even more elevated.

    Anyone experience something like this?

    All shoes are a power statement, the most expensive piece of clothing possible. In poorer cultures the one who does the spadework (needs and) gets the boots, so the boots signify importance.

    But there's nothing sexy about male shoeplay, is there? Is it something to do with being able to show vulnerability. Male display is all about strength, but we're more subtle. Showing a bit of your weakness makes you look all the stronger. Don't know if that's true (and sorry to all the men I've just offended).

  8. I have "monoaesthesia" which sounds even more terrible! :unsure:

    I'm not sure how the product description can say "stiletto heel" for wedges!

    They're cute, but for me personally I think I prefer the styling of the higher ones with the ankle straps which I think I'd look better in with the slightly darker shade of fuschia also.

    Monoaesthesia. Does that mean everything smells to you like my old dansette record player? That smell of hot electricity and felt.

    I didn't notice the product description. I just look at the pictures and captions, like reading a Rupert book. (Worrying, as I work as a proofreader. Less worriyng than my earlier misspelling (see below)).

    I like a wedge, as I feel it can get me higher than I could without. But anything in that colour.

  9. Lovely to see you back, Sangue. I tried your link, but my browser doesn't seem to want me to see the boots page and took me to the home page. I didn't notice what was happening the first time and I thought that if you dress like that for work you must be more daring than you let on lol. I'll try later on another browser. You must let us know how you get on with the water pouring. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Megan x

  10. Actually I consider it a wonderful gift. The difference for me is that for me it is with music.

    (Sorry, folks, I couldn't work out how to multi-quote)

    With music, you're so lucky! I heard of a composer, though I can't remember which one, who as a child thought the reason they turn the lights down in a concert hall was so the audience could see the colours better.

  11. Megan!!! Omg, I have never met anyone else with this! I didn't even know I wasn't crazy until a classmate overheard me commenting on this and said it was a real thing in her Psychology book. For me, I just see colors associated with individual letters, numbers, and overall colors to words. Like a is red, c is yellow, 0 is white, 5 is light green, and Ellen is mostly purple and green (purple from the e's). Mostly when I am trying to recall something I think of the colors of the word(s) and the words themselves follow.

    I see you are into wedges, I would fall at your feet if we were wearing the same shoes! I recently discovered, upon actually finding a pair of platformed heels I like, that my issue with wedges is that with wedges and platforms your foot can't roll as far as I like to in heels where the front of the foot is closer to the ground.

    Anyways, they are very you, please buy them! And I will imagine we are walking above the water through a rainy sidewalk with our tall shoes--but in splashing reach. You in these fabulously loud shoes and me in my black platform heels.

    I get it with letters numbers and words too. I love it when the word for a colour is diferent from the colour itself. The word 'red' is blue, and the word 'blue' is chestnut brown. Sometimes it's the letters, though. 'Color' in American spelling is black, but 'colour' is like a brown beer bottle. Sometimes like your 'Ellen' there's more than one colour sort of all together. I use it when I'm proof reading, because misspelt words are often the wrong colour.

    I think I might buy them. Love the look of yours. We would cut quite a dash. Fathers, lock up your sons!

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