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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. I agree with you, at9, this isn't an English Language Forum, but it is an English language forum. As you rightly point out, even the use of capitals can alter meaning. I know that people have differing levels of English and I was careful to hope that people handle their words as carefully as they are able. It usually shows when people have been careful, even if it's not all correct. It's a good habit to think before posting. And as Dr Shoe says, titles aren't very long.

  2. Like a game in which you have to take over all the shoe shops in London?


    It was the way the clusters of pins form into blocks on the map that put me in mind of it.
  3. We are there now.

    Megan.... High Heel Risk?


    You know, like the board game Risk, but we could invent a high heel dimension. I don't know how exactly, but one of you chaps must have experience of inventing games ;-)
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