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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. My point was the different mindset. I just mean, you don't have to look drab to look like a man. And that there's nothing inherently female about high heels.

    To bump this thread I found a nice blog from a french girl living in New York.

    She seems to appreciate cute guys, even with heels on. And the number of comments is impressive.

    It should have been posted elsewhere but I can't find it (2008).

    I think the photos rather prove my point. I still wish young men wouldn't do that stubble thing though.
  2. Thank you, jerbare. I hadn't spotted it. I might update it according where I wish I was at any given moment, that way I might avoid ever achieving anything else. Ooh, if we could get enough people we could pick teams and play High Heel Risk.

  3. Hello and welcome to HHPlace BB16. Pardon my curiosity but how is it you can read English but find it difficult to write. It seems to me the two should go hand in hand..

    It is generally easier to read than to write. I can struggle through a newpaper article in Italian, but I wouldn't know where to begin writing it.

    Hello Bb16, I hope you enjoy it here.

  4. As a teacher, one hometime I stood between two fathers who'd just started trading blows. The trick is to think like Piglet. '"Just the house for Owl. Don't you think so, little Piglet?" And then Piglet did a Noble Thing, and he did it in a sort of dream, while he was thinking of all the wonderful words Pooh had hummed about him. "Yes, it's just the house for Owl," he said grandly. "And I hope he'll be very happy in it." And then he gulped twice, because he had been very happy in it himself.'

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