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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. Absolutely. Sand is a natural exfoilient for the feet. It will remove callouses from your feet that are minimal and soften those that are thicker. Who can resist a barefoot walk on the beach especially with that special person.

    Thank you. I thought I was stuck with dry heels because of my age. They crack sometimes. I don't normally do barefoot, but I do go down to the sea most days. When it warms up I'll give it a go, but only at low tide. It's all shingle otherwise - very painful.
  2. Are you convinced that worrying about your needs is the right way to go about it? I know that when I was younger I wanted him to show how interested he was in me. If I loved him I'd have hung by my heels from a top floor window if that's what he liked. But that's just me. Oh dear, I'm going to get requests now, aren't I?

  3. Hi Sharon,

    Sorry I was a bit slow in replying, but I did have a busy, though very enjoyable weekend. We have a weekend here called Jack in the Green with lots of morris dancing and pagan stuff with greenery and drums. I'm sure it sounds to you like the last thing you'd want. Anyway, I overdid it a bit and was very tired by last night. I dressed from head to toe in green, with a green dress with a laced bodice, green tights, my old green dancing clogs which look a bit like thishttp://0632694d-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/treforowenclogmaker/clog-pictures/best- clogs/Best%201%20Bar%20Celtic%20Knot%20Crimp.jpg?attachauth=ANoY7crA94QADE0McwxHBaDC37jJ3Oo8hdAySDN2S-O5IXihvwaJDSCxR7J1BEybTRWiK57TJWOTKkPinBI2gWK-HbsixOlyOqLN-9oM2o3b_PprEiK8RUzsi3QhFNzJgmkXO6ycOjKJp7FUf8F8XcWOlasDBJa9qH52mf02zqvpcqYli0qOXKyTEr0Lz6CcwdzS49Ih_Cx7mZ0PuBUgpH6t9DRNNqOkWts03nkRgd5AIH09fw9eL46Ygqscr21BHXhRbIgyBCAojsEvEvOLbHSjscED6GBbHg%3D%3D&attredirects=0 only green, and ivy twined in my hair. It rained a bit in the afternoon, but standing on a steep grass bank I had to take my clogs off as my toes were getting crushed into the front of them, even though they're quite snug fitting. My feet got really quite damp from the grass, but the sun came out by three o'clock and it warmed up then.

    It sounds like you had a lovely time on Friday. The outfit sounds wonderful, especially the hoodie top. I like hoods as there always feels something very feminine about putting a hood up. I hope your new trainers dried out okay.

    I was wearing 70 denier black opaque tights and black ballet pumps the other day when I got wet in the rain. I was completely inappropriately dressed for the weather, and yes, I was quite squelchy by the time I got home.

    Anyway, after the weekend I've left myself with a lot to catch up with, so I'd better end here and try and get some sleep. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.

    Megan xx

  4. Just over a year ago I met somebody who had just about run out of options about where to stay. Ended up in my spare room for a week or two. That break was enough for them to find their way back to some semblance of normality.

    Just over a year ago I met somebody who had just about run out of options about where to stay. Ended up in my spare room for a week or two. That break was enough for them to find their way back to some semblance of normality.

    It's only been odd nights with me, but why would anyone leave someone out in the open if they had room? OK. I understand why, but I've never had any trouble.
  5. How to say this so you can relate..

    If your children are ever across the pond, they can stay with me so long as they dont pinch my goods ;) . Is that ' Brit ' enough? :D

    They wouldn't half inch any of your clobber ;-) They've been taught to take what's offered in the spirits it's offered, leave alone what's not offered and leave something nice behind, even if only nice memories. Not rocket science, but it works.
  6. But will you invite a homeless person into your home?

    (I do know what you're trying to say BTW! LOL)

    I have done in the past. I've got children out in the world and I hope if they need it someone will. They're going to be walking around New York shouting 'I Like Kicks', aren't they?
  7. Around here I see young women all the time who can't walk properly in flat shoes much less anything with a heel. Their posture is horrendous. Another example of parents who don't care enough to correct their children's posture but simply allow them to continue with bad posture habits until it becomes permanant. Very unattractive. I remember my parents insisting on good posture when I was young and not to slouch and so on. And guess what, it worked!

    It's important for two reasons. To start with, anything wrong starts to hurt eventually. Forty or fifty years is a long time for bones and muscles etc to be holding all that weight in the wrong place. It'll be even worse in another twenty or thirty.

    Secondly, posture is an aspect of body language. Children need to be taught to think about what they want to say about themselves. When I had to teach gym or dance classes I liked to use the school video camera so the children could learn to see how they looked to others and how they could make it look better. There's no reason they'd understand it unless they were taught, and gym and dance are sadly starved of funds and time in our schools.

    (How silly I am. I spent minutes wondering where the quote button had gone before I remembered that I just logged off before changing my mind and reading the thread. Dopey me)

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