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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. For those that are into glasses, there was an identical story floating around the internet

    for awhile except the subject was glasses instead of shoes.

    It would be difficult to determine which one was robbed from the other.

    Maybe the same person wrote both.

    I always used to say to my pupils, there are no new stories, just new ways to tell old ones. e.g. The Lion King = Hamlet, Toy Story = Don Quixote

  2. Hi Sharon, Yes, I found that particular nail polish. You're right, it's lovely. But no, I haven't managed to decide to buy it yet. I'm a terrible ditherer when it comes to buying non-essentials. Today, for instance, I took a 48p packet of hot chocolate off the shelf, walked a few yards then went and put it back. Twice! I'm going to need you to push me if I'm going to buy nail polish. But I think I want to. We've had a little rain here over the last few days, but not enough during the days to make puddles, and I've had my daughter with me on and off, so I haven't had many chances. I did pop outside without my shoes to hang some washing out while the ground was wet. I was a bit worried because I left wet footprints on the steps and thought someone might notice. But nothing else, I'm afraid. It has turned a bit chilly and I've got cold feet tonight, so I'm thinking I might warm them up in a bowl of warm water before bed. I want to cut my nails too, so it would be two birds with one stone. I'll let you know. How about you? Have you had any more chance to use your pool? It's always lovely to hear from you. Looking forward to it again soon. Regards, Megan x

  3. Only if you aren't related to the mayor or any of his cronies... :unsure: But it is true we all drive in the dark wearing sunglasses.

    With a full tank of gas and a half a pack of cigarettes. 'We're musicians, ma'am. We're on a mission from God.'

  4. OMG! DEATH BEFORE DISCO!!!! :unsure::silly:

    Cargo pockets are great for putting R/T units ( wireless ) and guitar picks in. Also a bandanna for wiping off sweat ( brow cleaner of sorts ).

    VERY Practical.

    I do take my trousers in and get them tapered/hemmed as Im not into the ' bell bottom ' look. It doesnt suit me well at all.

    Oh no, I'm talking pre disco. It might have been different on your side of the pond. But then, seven years mattered in those days. Anyway, as Nick Hornby said, we never thought disco sucked. Here in Britain we love our black music, disco, reggae, and we like ska too. I still dream of someone to say to me 'I love you, yes I do/ 'cos I know that you love-a me toohttp://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=bad+manners+special+brew&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCwQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DFJHzbnwgOX4&ei=odOIT8rHLYjgtQaR-OnSCw&usg=AFQjCNHNWbWDs6a_utd_Z78U7yTG0wZo2g&cad=rja. I was eating jellied eels the last time I heard a band play that live. I've never felt more English.

    But I was thinking of how Ziggy Stardust got to street level. In Britain at least, there were men in the street in two inch platforms and four inch heels. Mainstream! I just lament the death of style, even bad style. And Gudulitooo, business, isn't that the word that's given us the drab world we live in now. I give you a new cry, 'Hats and Heels!' Take it up, men.

  5. Shafted and ilikekicks, you both completely right. What could be more stylish than the right hat? You can wear it in so many ways and say so much with it. Bring back men in hats. (As long as they remember to take them off at the dining table.) Of course, I go back just a few more years than you, ilikekicks, so I'm torn between the 80s and the 70s. In my memory at least (increasingly unreliable, I know), the glam rock look permeated a long way into the street. Patterned shirts, wide flared trousers and, of course, very high platforms, all on quite macho men. Well, young ones, anyway. It'd be nice to get that sort of style back on the street. Updated, of course.

  6. Hi Sharon, I did go into Boots to check out the nail polish you recommended. I don't usually paint my nails, not my fingernails because I bake, and not my toenails, because they never get seen. But I think I like the idea of co-ordinating my toes with the colours I'm wearing. The idea of hidden frivolity really appeals to me, so I'm thinking I might give it a go. (Rereading the last two sentences, you can see my go get 'em decisiveness just shining through lol). Just a short one as I'm a bit tired and out of sorts today. Hope to hear from you soon. Regards, Meganx

  7. From the late 80s I seemed to watch a tedious lack of flamboyance descend over the land. Now, with the exception of a few exageratedly camp performers, men seem only to wear jeans and T shirts or sportswear, or else exactly the same business suit. (Some of them believe this makes them cool. I remember when the word 'suit' was the antonym of 'cool'.) What a shame there isn't more exciting fashion and shoes designed and made exclusively for men.

  8. 'Divertido' translates as 'funny' or 'entertaining'. Sorry, my answer is so much more prosaic than Tacchi Alti's. But don't forget all our homophones: led/lead (Pb), shoot/chute, horse/hoarse, course/coarse, bawl/ball, groan/grown, moan/mown, new/knew, rain/rein/reign... Okay, enough's as good as a feast. Because of various invasions in the past we've got a language made up of a number of others, so we have words to express a remarkable range of nuances. Lots of pairs of words like 'skill' and 'craft', which meant the same in their original languages but mean something subtly different now. Bienvenidos, faithman.

  9. Hi Sharon and Sangue, Sharon, I've never known anyone who had TWO swimming pools! Are you really the Queen? LOL. Mmm, I know, I can never decide. Different likes for different reasons. Still, sometimes when I get my feet wet I wish I could go back to dry and do it again, over and over. Do you know what I mean? Sangue, I do know your dilemma. I keep my little legs as covered as I can in the (mistaken, I'm sure) hope that people will think they're longer. Something tells me if your boots come to the knee, your skirt should show your knee, but I can imagine a longer skirt working too. Of course, I'm older than you, and probably hopelessly out of touch. I'm very wary of looking like mutton dressed as lamb. Better stick with Sharon as your guru. I love the pink ones and blue ones and yellow ones. I don't really understand dollars. Are they expensive? Regards, Megan x

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