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Posts posted by SkirtDude

  1. I'm surprised it hasn't happen already.  A few years ago you would have expected it every time you saw a kid, but this new crop seems to have leaned some tolerance from their parents.  In fact, a few years ago you would have expected it from the parents.  :penitent:

    all kids' peers wear skirts nowadays, so it's not such a big deal (Yung Thug, Jayden Smith, Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa to name a few), not to mention kilts as well. And if you're looking good in your skirt, you're less likely to end up on Twitter or Instagram as the more clumsily dressed examples :nono:

    But someone as smartly dressed as Jeff will rarely have this issue :wink:

  2. They say denim is invisible! :) I've always liked that skirt on you, it really suits you. Skirts are a non event these days, it has gotten cold again here, so it looks like I too will need some thicker tights this week :nono:

    Great ensemble yet again, Jeff :)

  3. TBG, I like the first outfit with the light blue denim skirt. It really suits you. The last skirt looks a bit baggy but I can't see it that well. I think I would have gone with thick tights rather than leggings, IMHO. :wink:

  4. Love the tan skirt! You look so at ease in both outfits (though I'd struggle in those thigh high boots), and nice there was a positive comment. Tells me that really no one cares if you dress well and just go about your business. The tan skirt looks comfy, too :wink: it made me put on my one - I'm getting there with the poses and since joining a gym I'm feeling slightly more confident about my legs when I go out and about :)

    Looking forward to your next jaunt as always :)


  5. Cute skirt, Jeff! I have always feared these as I'm afraid of a wardrobe malfunction and buttons popping open showing more than I wished to :nono: This and skirts with the slit at the front rather than at the back isn't for me, but that's just a preference. Lovely top as well as the sandals ♡

  6. Jeff, I would not get too bogged down in the whys and wherefores, it could be that the state trooper liked you ♡:silly:

    Jokes aside, sadly in our culture as people of colour, and Hispanic culture, guys just don't do that sort of thing without repercussions, either being ostracized, beaten up, accused of being gay, or worse. Look at the rough time Will Smith's son Jayden is getting now since he came out saying he prefers wearing women's clothing and has been seen openly in skirts and dresses. Sadly they are scared that society is trying to weaken or emasculate black men by getting more of them to wear women's clothing... from Yung Thug to Elephant Man, they are unsettled about those they looked up to embracing a wider range of fashion options. Even Usher is getting teased for wearing a kilt when he did a gig in Scotland. I think it's good its happening and the more men are seen just going about their daily routine in skirts instead of the regular jeans, the more they will have to get used to it and realize the world isn't going to come to its end... I note from your jaunts it's only the insecure in the safety of a group or from a passing car that shout things at you or laugh.

    Your style suits you and now I understand the type of skirts you wear, having preferred the smarter 'office' type or more formal pencil skirt in the past, it seems chino or denim pencil skirts are more masculine and suit men better for day to day stuff. I'm buying more chino skirts and save the formal skirts for evenings out like if I am invited to dinner. For most house parties, I would wear a more casual skirt like a denim pencil or chino.

    I enjoy your jaunts and you never know just who else out there does and may be now adding something more suitable to their clothing range like a skirt for the first time :wink:

    Jealous also that you can get 2 hours parking for 5 bucks... in London, it's at least 5 bucks for half an hour, and the gestapo watch you by CCTV camera or chase you on a motorcycle to fine you if you exceed your time :silly:

    Perhaps you should really push the envelope and go formal like TBG or myself in a tight sexy dress :)

    Looking forward to your next jaunt :wink:


    Don't worry about the encounter with the trooper... here's a pic of my new heels (teamed with my new stretchy chino skirt and grey tights) to take your mind off things :silly:




  7. Thanks guys! I wanted to find a skirt that was a regular colour and hugged my figure, but felt the watch was a little bit out of place. Problem is with women's watches is they can be so tiny and hard to read. I know it's just a fashion accessory and I could take my iPhone out of my handbag and get the time, but a watch might as well be useful :silly: Still, fashion freedom is a learning curve :wink:

  8. The outfit looks great! I love that shade of blue. I prefer more fitting skirts as it shows off my legs and that's generally the length (or just above the knee) I wear. I have a couple of mini skirts but they are more for summer. You look fabulous. I like the way the dress clings to your bust as well. Looks better with no tights, IMHO :wink:

  9. Jeff, you inspired me to get a more stretchy type of pencil skirt, I bought some cute brown flats and asked my friend to take a picture of them with my new skirt. I think the watch is a bit bling bling but I was feeling daring :)

    Looking forward to your next jaunt :wink:


  10. Are you still snowed in? No jaunts for a while, just a little bit concerned what's up :(

    Jaunt #254A, 3/23/2015:


     As you know, I've not been out and about recently due to the extreme weather of late. Whilst waiting for the National Guard to clear the snowdrift that was as high as my

    roof, I stopped to think about how many options for clothing we have in the West compared to our sisters in the Middle East... it's amazing how the mind can run away with

    you when you are isolated with little to do! So I thought I'd really push the envelope and gauge folk's reactions with a different kind of black dress - a Burqa!

    Like most Burqa wearers, I was dressed to kill underneath, with my favourite 21 inch denim skirt, (the sexy one with the slit in the back), black tights, a snug black top and

    my Payless "Margaret" shoes. Despite bright sunshine, temperatures were only in the low to mid 40’s, yet, I still felt nice and warm thanks to the ensemble and how I put it

    together,  I wasn't the least bit chilled from the conditions. In case I was mistaken for an 'ISIS bride', I reasoned I could ditch the outfit in a dumpster and switch to my

    normal clothes if reactions were too unfavorable.


    My first stop of the day was over the bridge and into South Jersey and the Moorestown Mall area where I decided to have lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Hopping out, I entered the

    store and saw it was plenty full with diners young and old, especially young as the store had an attached play area for the kiddies, so there were a goodly number of

    youngsters about, some of whom predictably took notice of me, after placing my order, I sat at a table not far from from the counter, so people coming in got a good look at

    me in my Burqa while I ate. Out of the corner of my eye, I took notice of the influx of people, there were a couple of brief stares here and there, but nothing significant, I

    bothered no one and no one bothered me. Leaving the store, I went to Best Buy for my last stop of the day, there was a pretty good crowd there as well, but no one paid much,

    if any attention to me in the twenty plus minutes I was in the store before I checked out with a new solid state hard drive, as my current one had frozen solid in this harsh

    weather. I had to commission Kilty to post this for me and it was a pain in the ass sending it to him in a PM from my phone! I could've stayed in the area longer, but I

    needed to get over the bridge and back into town before the afternoon rush hour traffic started snarling up the roads.


    Surprisingly folk were quite tolerant, but I do prefer Western clothing to blend in with everyone else. Once again, another enjoyable outing.

    More to come.... :silly:

  11. Nice boots. It's hard to tell from the picture, but how high were the heels? And, not to worry, a new jaunt is coming!

    Oh, thanks! Bought it at Goodwill a few weeks ago!

    JeffB, the heels were 4 inch ones, so not too bad, just that i ventured out but the early spring sun was deceptive. Should have worn tights as it was still a bit on the chilly side, but a brisk walk, and snug skirt took care of that. I'll stop harassing you about the next jaunt :silly::)
  12. Hey there, not heard from you in a while, surely it's time for a new jaunt... bought some new boots to go with my black pencil skirt, but the heels take some getting used to :)

    Looking forward to your next jaunt :wink:



  13. Perhaps the black dudes liked that fabulous top! :silly: It's warming up in the UK so I am trying to get outside more myself. I even went without really thick tights today, and a black pencil skirt to the shops! I had people look at me, but I paid them no mind. It's a shame Jeff has gone to ground, his jaunts and stylish outfits used to inspire me ♡

  14. Excellent colour choices, and now you've seen that denim is invisible, time to push the envelope and try pencil skirts in other fabrics! Your look works with the black tights. Bravo! As you have seen, more people are not bothered by the manskirt as it becomes more of a viable alternative to trousers and shorts :wink:

  15. It's hard for me to comment following my last embarrassing post - sorry guys. It was a genuine mistake, not meant for public view. :nono:

    I think Jeff pulls off the look as it's a good masculine look, the same old jeans and shorts gets boring, kilts cost way too much, so something simple as a denim skirt (which is invisible to most in terms of reactions) is a good alternative. Chino Pencil skirts also look good, and naturally go well with a nice pair of heels, I think boots look the best.

    I'm sure that Jeff will show us some more fabulous ensembles in 2015 ♡

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