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Posts posted by SkirtDude

  1. 13 hours ago, JeffB said:

    Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated!

    My pleasure! Last week, I met up with a member on another Forum who is really into his heels... A bit of a change from the old skirt in the mirror look. Don't worry,  I will look for a better wig :nono::silly:



  2. I am lost for words!  Nailed it with this outfit!  Youthful, chic I love the skirt with the frayed hem ♡♡♡ frayed hem mini's are in this season, I have to go to Primark and buy one myself :cheeky: best look so far this month :) 

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  3. Loving both pics, I think the first one is my favourite.  Great contrast of colours. There is no reason why guys should wear such drab clothes and you prove that time and again ! :cheeky:

    I love the wedges in your black skirt combo ♡♡♡

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  4. What a fantastic pair of shoes! I have the same issues with my big toe, that the nail expands, I think it is because I wear thick tights and shoes which don't let my feet breathe. My chiropodist said it's similar to athletes foot, last time I had a pedicure they gave me a towel to cover my knees and mini skirt to cover my modesty which I thought was sweet. The top and necklace is cute as well. Skirt linings are nice, in summer I forego the slip as most of my pencil skirts aside from the Denims are lined. 

    I saw this at the shops and thought you would look great in either printed skirt :cheeky: Looking forward to your next jaunt :) 



  5. What a fantastic ensemble!  The turquoise really suits you ♡ people were probably staring as they were so jealous :silly:  nice skirt as well and I have to invest in some slides like that, but I fear not tanning my feet properly and having strap lines of lighter skin crisscrossing my feet :cheeky: 

    I have to see Captain America when it's released over here in the UK. You always look so composed when you model your jaunt ensembles, I am surprised that you have never been tweeted or appeared on social media,  but I guess people must really accept fashion freestyling nowadays. A picture of you whilst actually out on your jaunt at the mall would look even better and encourage more to embrace heeling and fashion freedom!

    Still, looking forward to your next jaunt :cool:

  6. I would agree with TBG that it is not exactly "cute" unless the lady in question was being facetious :silly: I think a nice ladies mac (raincoat), one of those lightweight ones would have completed the outfit for a more demure look. The denim is very casual, although double denim  (the jacket and similar denim skirt) would look good together. The skirt is very formal, IMHO. Though a similar printed pencil skirt would go with the denim top :cheeky:

  7. A great combination as always! Loving the top, skirt and slides. The bright pink is nice, I think more people are used to men wearing pink (I have quite a few pink shirts), though that shade is really outstanding.  The fact there were no reactions show what a great outfit it was :cheeky:

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  8. 19 hours ago, CPB said:

    Once again JeffB you're making waves in all the right places. I did a double take when I saw the above outfit, if I'd seen you walking down the street I'd quite possibly have walked into a lamp post. It's well put together, but too much for what I'd be comfortable wearing in public. At home maybe. But if you feel comfortable in it & wear it with a confident step & swagger, then go for it. Maybe us more conservative people need a bit of a jolt every now & then to move us out of our comfort zones.


    This is a great outfit, love the handbag, more my taste. I would've managed to avoid the lamp post if I saw you in this.

    The second outfit looks more youthful and is smart, yet doesnt draw unnecessary attention as the first would. The skirt is a decent length, goes well with his complexion and highlights those fabulous legs. I'd walk into a lamp post to avoid the first outfit :silly:

  9. On ‎29‎/‎03‎/‎2016 at 9:49 AM, JeffB said:

    Well, I simply do as best I can, and a lot of that comes from understanding where I can go to find those comfort zones and not pushing my luck further than I can, or should. Meanwhile, I was thinking about breaking out my spring and summer tops and lighter skirts today, what with April literally right around the corner, then I heard that temps for the weekend will struggle to reach 50 and will be chilly. Guess I'll leave the winter stuff out for just a little while longer.

    Just wear the summer skirts but with thicker tights :cheeky:

  10. @JeffB  I don't mean it was a worry for you but more like it doesn't bother Joe Public like years ago. It's a non event :wink: It should encourage the rest of us that fashion freedom is okay, just dress well and be confident :)

  11. I am glad to see that being skirted is less of a worry than years ago, I like the outfit, but the playful part of me would have gone for a medium denier red tights, enough to see the colour of my legs, not thick opaque ones. A nice look and the skirt looks super cute as well ♡♡♡

    I was thinking about seeing the new film, but I thanks for advice... I will wait for the DVD... :nono:

  12. Looks good as always! Why would anyone stop and stare? :wink: I am not yhe greatest fan of button front skirts,  but that one looks very smart and easy to blend into the crowd if one is as cool and collected as you :)

  13. 17 hours ago, hiheellover23 said:

    I just have a question for you all as far as your significant others' knowing about your shoe obsession or fetish.  When you all have a moment together going out in your attires, is it classified as going out as friends or in a relationship.  The reason I ask is because I ran into this issue Sunday.  We go out to eat I'm wearing heels and so is she, I try to hold the door for her but she doesn't want me to do that.  Could not take any pictures with her of her.  Basically the whole day was classified as my day and not us spending it together.  She says that when I'm wearing the outfits and shoes and stuff then we are not to be considered In a relationship.  It just kind of bugs me that I have to separate the too.  Just kind of makes me question if my wife supports my love for shoes or just tolerates it.  I just know that I think I'm going to stop sharing that side of me to her  and find some other outlet (not cheating) but i just wish I had other friends that would be as supportive.  How are things considered in your relationships.

    Sorry to hear about this, my relationship followed the same pattern of events before its eventual breakdown. My wardrobe wasn't as flamboyant as it is now, and I started off with just wearing heels with my jeans, women's jeans from time to time, or skintight mens ones other times. There were no Instagram moments, selfies or any of the like, I ended up being more like a driver or chauffeur to her, she's even sit in the back of the car as I'd drive her to dinner. I had tuned out of the whole 'look down, look up' thing people did when they saw my heels with my jeans (sometimes boots), and we had a big argument about my sartorial choices. I decided to try skirts, it seemed like a natural progression and it went with the shoes. I was nervous at first, but I decided I wouldn't hide it from her, and so I showed my partner a navy knee-length pencil skirt, with navy hose and black pumps. I just said 'this is the way I wish to dress now, I'm still the same guy you met'. First of all, it was like she tolerated my clothing choice, it would be a mixture of jeans or skirts, and gravitated more to just skirts as time went on.

    I'll cut to the chase. She had already emotionally separated from me and it was little time before she decided to replace me, I came home early from work (was let go after a new manager didn't like my choice of attire) to find her with a new man. She threw me out, and I had a breakdown. After I was out of hospital I had to rebuild my life again. So here I am, single, but free to freestyle! I think I went too far, but what's done is done.

    I don't wish you suffer the same predicament, but ask yourself is there times you could just wear regular men's shoes out to dinner? If not then it looks like a choice between the heels and her :nono: 

  14. On Monday, February 22, 2016 at 8:40 AM, JeffB said:

    Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad that my latest ensemble gave you an idea or two. Good luck!

    Hmm! Not a bad idea! I'll take that under advisement. And perhaps I'll buy some neckwear too!

    Thanks for the advice and kind words ♡♡

    I thought about other skirt styles but better the devil you know :wink:

    No jaunt this Sunday? I used to love the weekend "doubleheaders" you used to do :)

    Still, looking forward to your next jaunt :wink:




  15. A gorgeous skirt, Jeff! Very nicely coordinated outfit, I need to get a more mature look as well. Considering the weather,  I don't think it is too dressy. I do like my straight skirts  but your overall attire has got me thinking about a change of fashion to something more delicate and not so corporate. Great heels as well :wink: 

  16. Looking great as ever, Jeff! Love the cut and colour of the skirt! Is it high waisted, or are you trying to make it look a little shorter? :D Personally I wear my skirts on my hips, rather than at my tummy, I think this length suited you considering the weather. Why some girls would wear shorter and no tights baffles me if it's freezing cold :nono: I bought a new denim skirt,  black, very very snug, but looks like it will cause problems when nature calls  as it really tapers in for a pencil skirt... still, looking forward to your next jaunt ♡

  17. Pretty impressive figures, rather like yourself :P I looked at his skirt first of all and thought it was cute - I couldn't tell if it was just an A-line mini or a skater, but still it suited him, though he could choose better footwear :nono:  His website is www.theworldistoosmall.com and it has links to the rest of his looks on Instagram :wink: 


    I think I love those riding boots of yours the most in your choice of footwear, and the more fitted skirts and dresses (though that's my sartorial choice :P )

    Looking forward to the next 300 jaunts :P 

  18. I love the dress. Jeff! It seems there's a lot more people 'freestyling' out there, thanks to Instagram I came across this guy who travels the world, often skirted. I love his skater skirt, and I think I might get one next if I can break the addiction of pencil skirts (I find they fit me so well!) You could try a belt with a dress, or even a skater dress which I think would suit your figure. Look forward to your next jaunt as always :P 12301257_459979187544608_1948682888_n.jpg

  19. 4 hours ago, robbiehhw said:

    I see leggings with skirts more often now but usually on younger women. That has been the thing that has kept me from going that route, although i dunno if i am correct or not. I wear leggings with long tops mainly. For skirts i go with tights. That is what i am wearing today to work - skirt, tights and boots.

    I think this leggings and skirts look is a recent, yet lazy fad... girls don't bother with footless tights  (the kind you might wear with high heel boots), I'm always in tights if wearing a skirt,  unless its when the weather is warmer -  the only thing I think is worse is girls wearing thick tights as leggings... :P 

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