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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. Way to go Jeff! I am really digging the Johnny Cash all black thing. I have done it a few times myself. As other have said you look so natural in you attire. It really shows in your pictures. Again, well done!

  2. Mr. X - the outfit goes great with the shoes. My only concern is that the jacket sleeves are too long. Maybe the jacket is too big, but we can't see the entire jacket to tell. It should be easy to have a tailor shorten the sleeves a couple inches.



    Actually the jacket is just something I pulled out of my mom's closet on the spur of the moment. It isn't mine. I may have to get one similar now though. It really finished of the rest of the outfit which is all mine. Your right about the sleeves though. They may be a tad long.

  3. Actually, its funny that you mention that your outfit was right out of Miami Vice. I have never really thought about it, but as a child of the 80's, I think the style of those days is a major factor that led to my taste in freestyle fashion. It was a big deal to wear shoes without socks and I did for several years - sometimes even in winter, with suits, etc. I had a white cotton suit, several pair of white pants, many items in the whole range of pastels. Though I never watched Miami Vice, you couldn't avoid the fashion. Just like the platform stacked heels for guys in the 70's, the more relaxed feminine overtones of the mid 80's must of had a bigger impact on the than I thought.

    I remember thinking that heels were the next logical step because they would have looked great with almost any outfit I wore then. I bought my very first pair of heels in 1987, while I was in college, though it took me two years to get the courage to even go that far. I never wore those outside the house.

    However, you are right that Don Johnson may not have worn the heels you were wearing. Then it would have pumps, maybe white or a pastel color, and likely not sandals. Sandals didn't seem to be a big deal then. Thanks for the post, it really has me thinking.

    I totally agree. I love the 80's and I think that is wear a lot of my fashion freedom comes from too.

  4. I decided to play around tonight and see if I couldn't come up with an outfit to wear with my new red Aldo shoes. For a picture of the shoes themselves see my Aldo thread. Here is what I came up with. I like the outfit. I think it looks really sharp and it pulled together nicely. I'm not sure I would wear this outfit out and about. I could see myself wearing it to a club or something though. Let me know what you think and please be honest.


  5. I figured an update is in order. I figured I would go and see what else they had on sale at Aldo today. I decided on today because I had a day off. Plus it is the same day of the week that I went last time and I figured chances were good that the same sales girl would be working. Now mind you except for about 5 minutes in the past this would be my first outing in anything other than boots. Unlike my boot outings I was nervous as hell. I threw together an outfit in about 2 minutes. I decided I would wear one of the pairs of shoes that I purchased a week ago. Since I didn't have time to coordinate an outfit with the red pair I choose the blacks as they seem to go with almost anything and the colour is a little more discrete. I chose to pair them just with jeans. I also chose a rather loud shirt in a light blue. I figured the loudness of the shirt would keep peoples eyes away from my feet. Plus the shoes didn't make much noise and most of the heel was covered. When I got to the mall I had no trouble walking up to the doors. But I practically froze once I was inside. There was about half a dozen young women sitting on benches near the exit. So I quickly started looking at a clothes rack outside the first store and pretended to check my phone and such. Finally after a few minutes I went for it. Once I got there I was in luck. The same girl was there. As soon as I walked in she said hello and said "I see your wearing your shoes". She then asked if they were comfortable to which I replied "yes they are very comfortable". I proceeded to look around and she suggested a couple of pairs but nothing really caught my eye. The only couple of pair I liked they were out of in my size. She said they could order anything in and it would be the same price. I'm not really a fan of doing that and I let her know. It was short and sweet like maybe 10 minutes. I thanked her and said I would be back. And then I left. For a first outing I think things went quite well. And other than the sales girl nobody noticed or paid any attention from what I could tell. Maybe the shirt did it's job as I intended.....lol. Well here is a pic of what I wore. For a close up of the shoes see the beginning of this thread.


  6. I did a little shopping last week. I went to an outlet mall and found that Banana Republic was having a 50% off all women's sale items and found these jeans. They are gray, which I really loved, but BR only goes up to a women's 14, so they are a bit snug, though they do fit. Here's the best part - they were only $8! They are my first pair of BR jeans and I love them. They are fairly long, but maybe would work better for me with a lower heel. The attached picture shows me modeling them in my highest shoes - a pair of Baker's pumps with a about a 5 inch heel (including platform).

    Those actually look like they fit you quite well. And they look good on you too.

  7. Nice shoes. I agree with you: Aldo is a great store to buy high heels shoes and boots if you are a man.

    Aldo is one of my favorite store too. They are friendly and open minded. (A sale is a sale isnt-it ?)

    Looking for less expensive shoes ? Did you try Spring Shoes ? (Spring Shoes is Aldo's sister company)


    Their shoes are less expensive and sale personal are also friendly and open minded.

    Happy shopping !

    I haven't tried them. I will definitely check them out.

  8. My journey begins around 10am this morning. There is an Aldo store here in our big local mall. I was actually going to the mall to visit the Claires store and maybe buy some new earrings. The manager there was the one that pierced me and she is really cool with the whole "fashion freedom" thing. I haven't worn heels there yet but I have worn "feminine" earrings there with no problems at all. Just as many of us here are when it comes to heels I am the same way with my earrings. I peered in the store and it appeared that she wasn't there so I decided not to go in. Lucky for me the Aldo store is right across from Claires. I have walked past the Aldo store and even briefly glanced around inside in the past. But I have never done anything concrete in there, until today. Plus I find them to be a little on the expensive side for me. Now don't get me wrong, I have shopped for, and tried on heels. But it is usually in thrift stores or places where the boxes are self serve. I have never dealt with a sales associate or a place where they have to go to the back and fetch the shoes for you. I waked in and there was 2 women besides me. They were having some kind of big sale. I guess they were clearing out end of the line shoes. It's on their website too. Up to 70% off selected styles. I also noticed the sales girl. Not bad looking and I pegged her to be in her mid to late 20's. From the moment I walked in I spotted what I wanted on the table nearest the entrance. A nice pair of plain red patent stilettos with just a bit of detailing on the side. They had been $70 marked down to about $45. I was sold. The sales girl asked if I needed a hand and I said I was just looking for now. So she continued to help the other ladies. I was a little nervous as it was so I wanted to have an empty store. Finally about 5 minutes later the ladies left after making their purchase. Now I was ready. I grabbed the shoe and asked if she had it in a 9 or 9 1/2. She said they don't have half sizes and asked if I wanted a 10 as she said their shoes tend to run small. I said sure and she went to the back. I didn't even say anything else and I could tell that she knew they were for me. And just to confirm that she came back and said we don't have those in that size but we have these in a 9 and they are the same price. And she pulled out another pair of red shoes. A kind of ankle strap sandal with a peep toe. They were nice but I didn't immediately love them as I had my heart set on the other ones. Before I even started to try them on she started showing me and talking about anti slip pads for the bottom because in her words the shoes were "ankle breakers". Finally I grabbed one and proceeded to try it on and she didn't even bat an eye. My confidence was now at an all time high. As I was doing up the strap I asked her in these exact words, "So am I your first?" We were clicking like nobodies business. Just from that she said I had one guy call but he never came into the store so I guess you are my first. that was kinda cool. I got the shoes on and proceeded to the mirror. As I was checking myself out she started in with the questions. Her first question was "Do you do drag?" I replied no. I said I just like shoes. A bit more questioning and she finally realized that I was just a normal guy with a shoe fetish and she was cool with that. She said she likes shoes too and she is in heels all the time. As I was checking myself out further in the mirror she said "if I wanted I could match those up with a bag". She probably notice the camera type bag I was wearing. That one caught me off guard but I was a little intrigued at the same time. Without missing a beat she grabbed a red purse and said this one is on sale as well. This girl was good. I told her it's nice but "I don't do bags just shoes". I probably would do bags but one step at a time for me. She was treating me like any other customer and it was great. We were having so much fun I failed to realize that other people were walking in and out of the store now. But I didn't care anymore. She was giving me nothing but compliments as I looked in the mirror. I was suprised that she said the shoes ran small because these 9's weren't too bad. They were a little snug but I said for $45 I think I can work them in. Then she proceeds to tell me that they are actually $22. I said pardon. She told me that most of the clearance shoes were also another 50% off. Well considering I had planned on spending $45 for the first pair that left me money and she knew it. I proceeded to take of the first pair and asked "What else do you have that's on sale?" At this point I was like a kid in a candy store and she was "Willy Wonka". She proceeded to show me several other pairs which I turned down. Then she showed me a pair of black ankle strap sandals which caught my eye. I said "I like those" and she went to the back for the 9's. I proceeded to try those on and head to the mirror. Not only did I check myself out but I strutted around the store in these ones. I couldn't see her as I was walking but I bet she was impressed at how easily I was waking in heels. And the whole time I was receiving nothing but compliments again. She kept mentioning that both shoes looked "deadly" on me. Her phone rang or something and she headed back to her till. Plus I think she knew I was at my spending limit and didn't want to push her luck. After a few minutes of mulling it over I headed over to her and said "I'll take em!" She proceeded to ask my name and said hers as she was ringing me up. She also told me her manager is gay. I already knew that as I had seem him in there before I just didn't know that he was the manager. That is another reason I figured she was ok with just about anything and that nothing shocks her. Then she asked me if I had a girlfriend to which I said no. Living the single life then she says. I though she was practically ready to give me her number at this point. But unfortunately when I asked her status she said she has had a boyfriend for a long time and they are practically married. Based on our time together I believed her. It would have been a nice ending but even that could not bring me down at this point. So I paid my $50 and left with a big smile on both our faces. This was probably my best outing to date and I will definitely be back. She has a customer for life. Now for the pics. Pic number one is the red pair. It is called the "sebrina". Pic number 2 is the black pair. It is called the "ikeja". Both pairs have heels just a shade under 4 1/2 inches. They are both listed on their website if you want some additional info or pics. Enjoy!



  9. Well done Jeff! It looks as if you are really enjoying yourself. The fact that you can go beyond heels and make an an outfit using 2 or 3 items that would be considered "outside the norm" is quite an accomplishment. And you look so comfortable doing it too.

  10. Thanks for sharing your recent outing! I did like your outfit and think it is important to stay within a comfort zone. Basically, what you wear should look good and be a statement of who you are as well as reflect where you are going, but should also be comfortable. Many times when I have gone out recently, my goal has been to experiment with my look and try new things, so my outfits have reflected that. JeffB is also a great example. He wears skirts normally, but has a casual look for casual outings and his comfort allows it to work for him.

    If you have a desire to expand into other articles, my suggestion is to do so slowly. For example, the next time you go out you could try pumps or loafers instead of boots, but only if you wish (I know that some guys only like boots). I have discovered that fashion is an incremental process where I try a little at a time, become a bit more comfortable, then add something else to the look. Though I have gone way over the top in recent months, the look I will always prefer is jeans or trousers, a jacket, a nice shirt, and heels (of course!) Just have fun with it.

    An unrelated comment it your second picture of the FANTASTIC pumps and great legs you saw during your outing. It always makes me nuts to see a woman make an effort to look so nice and wind up with a guy in ratty jeans and shoes that should be only worn in a dirty locker room shower. I am not saying that all guys should wear heels, but come on...a little style wouldn't hurt anything.

    Thanks for the update and keep it up!

    Thanks for the positive feedback. I definitely want to expand my outfits but I just can't seem to do it. I always revert back to the boots because they end up looking the most casual on me. I am a point with the boots where they feel "normal" on me now. I don't view the boots as "female" anymore even though they are. It's not that I don't want to try pumps and such. But when I look in the mirror with pumps and such I still do not see the complete "normalcy" like I do with boots. I still view them as somewhat on the "female" side.

  11. Well another Saturday has passed. I had to go to my favorite club/bar. Not only to get some heeling in. But also to view some magnificent heels. After being on this site I spent about 2 hrs ahead of time trying on outfits for the evening. Everything from skinny jeans and pumps, to jeans and blazers, and everything in between. I was looking to try something new. I even took a cue from some others here and tried a few articles of female clothing on to try to make an outfit. No matter what though I always seem to gravitate back to my comfort zone. Which is usually just jeans with boots underneath and some kinda dress shirt. Oh well, maybe some day. I know it will happen it is just going to take some time with me. Well the evening went off without a hitch. And I must say there was plenty of eye candy for this guy. In the past I would try everything I could to hide my heels. But after my last few outings and the positive feedback I have been receiving from women, I was trying everything I could to make sure my heels would be seen. But unfortunately I got nothing. I was standing in areas of light from time to time. I was hiking up my pants just a little bit extra. And it was all for not. But I guess no comments is better than any negative ones which so far I have received none of. Anyhow, onto the pics. The first one is my outfit of choice for the evening. Darker jeans, 3 1/2" black heeled boots, and a black short sleeved half dress half casual shirt. The second picture is just some eye candy I thought I would throw in for us, enjoy.



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