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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. I watched the Sex And The City Movie yesterday and it has lots of great heels in it, but that is not the interesting part. In one scene in the movie Carrie is interviewing people in a coffee shop for a job to be her assistant. One of the applicants is an asian gentlemen and he is siting at a table talking with Carrie. He is well dressed in a suit and he has all kinds of degrees from expensive schools. Finally she ask him, "why do you think your qualified for this job?" Then he motion for her to look under the table, she does, and he is shown wearing a pair of hot pink pumps. I know they were trying to imply he was gay but still. It was quite funny and gives us just a bit more exposure nationally.

  2. On my way home from work tonight I popped into one of the local thrift shops. Every now and again you will get a great find there. And here is mine for today. They are Nine West so I am assuming they were quite pricey at one time. I ended up paying $13 for them, wow! They look practically brand new. Now I just have to find some Spring and Summer outfits to pair them with.



  3. I myself have my ears pierced twice in each ear. I love hoops as well. Currently my biggest ones that I wear publicly are 1 inch and I have no problems in doing so. In private I wear bigger sizes and I love it. I usually wear 2 inches or larger. I am not brave enough for the larger sizes in public just yet. Maybe someday.

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