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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. Damn nice pumps, Mr. X. Very stylish. But be careful, white shoes aren't supposed to be worn after Labor Day! :chuckle:

    Then when does the cycle repeat? Because technically you could say this is before "next" labour day....lol

  2. I always look forward to reading your posts and viewing your pics. Alot of what you wrote this time rang true here. My wardrobe is definitely expanding because of the freestyling. Probably not nearly as much as yours is by the sounds of it. But now when I buy new clothes I definitely think more about what else I own that I might be able to wear it with. Or what shoes I own that I might be able to pair them with. You also mentioned that you turned down some nice shoes because they were $60 even on clearance. I did the same thing at Aldo the other day. As nice as a pair of shoes they were, they were 80 some odd dollars and then 30% off. That it still pricey for me. As nice as any shoe may be I usually can't justify spending more than about $50. Especially on heels like you said. Which for me may see action once in a blue moon or sometimes not at all.

  3. I had a day off from work today. I had a few errands to run but I also needed some Mr. X time. I decided to go back to Aldo and see if my favorite salesgirl was working. I lucked out because she was. I decided to make the trek in heels.

    I was wearing a dress/casual shirt and jeans. Nothing to out of the norm for me. Heel wise I was wearing a pair of flat black pumps with a rounded toe and a 3 1/2" heel. Here is a link to them from elsewhere on the forum. my shoes

    When I walked in and she greeted me I instantly felt at ease. I headed straight to the sale stuff. I spotted a white pair that I liked right off. The she came over and proceeded to give me some suggestions of her own. She was treating me like any other customer with no reservations at all.

    I kept looking for a bit before finally bringing her one of her choices and asking for it in my size. She went to the back while I sat on a bench to wait. She came back and said I don't have those ones but I have these in your size. And she proceeded to set down 3 boxes in front of me. That was way to cool. I didn't even ask and here she was bringing me an armful of shoes to try on. As weird as it sounds at that exact moment I felt like Cinderella. And she was my prince bringing me my glass slippers.

    I wasn't too fond of most of her selections as they were mostly gladiator type sandals which I am not really fond of. I proceeded to try on the one pair that wasn't but It was a little tight and pricey.

    I told her I will take the white ones and she went to get the match from the back. I already tried on the single off the shelf so I knew they were good to go. Plus they were in my price range. When she came back I said that I would try on both at once just to be sure. I already knew I was taking them but I just wanted the experience to last a little while longer. Finally I said I'll take them and she rang me up. The final price was $29 and change. That was even a few dollars less than I was expecting. Another bonus. Finally I thanked her and left. Now on to the pic.

    The shoes are a flat white pointy toe pump and the heel measures 4 1/4 inches. According to the box they are the "Gainor" model.


  4. Here is my latest purchase. I pick these up not more than an hour ago. I was at one of the local thrift shops when I spotted these. They are a basic flat black pump. They have a 3 1/2" heel and a rounded toe in the front. They are originally nine west so they must have been pricey at one time. I picked these babies up for $15. Not bad at all.


  5. Not sure if anyone caught Jennifer Garner on the Jay Leno show this week. She looked spectacular. She had on the most beautiful pair of heels. They were gold in colour and they appeared to have a hidden platform. The heel itself look to be at least 5 inches if not more. The following is a youtube link to see them. The best views start about 1 minute in. And you can see them from the side almost the entire time. And check out the view starting at 2:20 for about 15 seconds. And if anyone has a better link feel free to post. I tried to find pics but came up fruitless.

    Jennifer Garner

  6. I got them a couple of days ago and they are so amazing! They were very cheap but that just makes me feel a lot more comfortable wearing them outside and on nights out :)

    They look just great with a black patent skirt! :)

    Very nice shoes! Can u tell us a little more about them. How much? Where there from? And so on.

  7. Way to go Jeff! Looks like you are truly "working" your outfits. Isn't it funny how our mindset changes as we get more comfortable in our outfits and shoes. You mentioned how you intentionally parked far away. Now if that had been you first outing I guarantee 100% that you would have taken the close spot. And you would have done everything in the world possible to cover up and hurry into the store as fast as humanly possible. I am by no means at you level of dress yet with the skirts and pumps. Not that I necessarily even want to venture into such territory. But the point I am making is that when I wear my boots, which is my heel of choice most of the time, I am truly comfortable in them now. I don't even give them a second thought. I am at the point where not only do I not try to cover them up but I even try to present opportunities for them to be seen. Things like standing a certain way or raising my pants just a little to expose more of the heel. It is a level of comfort that is magical to us when it is reached. And it appears that you are at that level with your skirts and pumps. Again, way to go!

  8. More great outings and pics Happy. I am in your boat lately. My outings are very limited at the moment but it's not the size of the outing that matters. It's the outings themselves that matter be them big or small. I get just as much pleasure from a 5 minute outing in heels as I do from a hours long outing in heels. As long as I am out in heels. It's not the size of the dog in the fight but rather the size of the fight in the dog.

  9. Always enjoy reading your thread and viewing the pics. None of your latest outfits really jumped out as a personal favorite for me. But I still applaud you for doing your own thing and not caring what anyone else thinks. Way to go! By the way, your jeans pic is probably the closest to my style, and the one that does it the most for me.

  10. lol since my original post back in November 2008 I have had both ears and my navel pierced. Still won't be getting a tattoo though.

    eventually I would like to do my navel. I have a few questions.

    1) did it hurt having your navel done? (scale of 1 to 10)

    2) what kind of comments have you received from others as not many guys have it done?

    3) Pics of your piercing would be nice if u have any.


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