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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. Very nice outfit Jeff. It is quite stylish. And it suits you to a tee. The blue colour of that top is great and it really suits you. And those capris look great too. Capris are hard to pull off. I have seen many a women wear them even though they shouldn't. I have tried them and they don't always look right on me either. It takes a certain body to pull them off. Apparently you have one of those bodies, well done!

  2. This morning I stopped in to the local Aldo to see what was new. I originally went in intending to look for some new high heels. Most of the sales women know me there now. I get treated great and just like any other customer. The sales women asked me if I needed a hand. I said not right now. But if something catches my eye I will let you know. She told me they had a lot of new stock which I could see on the shelves. She also mentioned how a lot of that was boots. She mentioned how she liked boots because you get a lot more use out of them as opposed to a pair of heels. I must say she had on a nice pair of grey slouchy boots herself. I have always been on the lookout for a pair of black stiletto boots. But usually the prices are quite high and more then I want to spend. I found one pair though that looked great. They were priced at $100. That is still more than I like to spend. But it seemed reasonable considering most of the other boots were closer to double that in price. I asked the sales girl for my usual size 9 or 10 to try. she said those were cute and they just got those in. She went to fetch my size. She came back and said they only had a few smaller sizes. Apparently the company likes to test the water sometimes with new product and they only send a few of the more popular sizes. I thanked her anyways. And after a few more minutes of browsing I left the store empty handed. Fast forward to later in the day. I stopped in at the local Winners store for those that live in Canada. I have purchased some shoes from there in the past. Generally I don't find much there I like for the price though. I was browsing through the shoe racks when I spotted a pair of boots. They were very similar to the ones I tried on in Aldo. I turned the boot over expecting a "sticker shock" as usual. I did get a sticker shock, $60! I had to double check make sure it wasn't a mistake which it wasn't. That is the lowest price I have ever seen on a nice pair of boots. That sold me even before I tried them on. The tag also said compare at $100 which is what the Aldo boots cost. I tried on the 9 1/2's and they fit good. But just to be sure I tried some 10's too. They both fit good but I liked the little extra room in the 10's. So I paid for them and left. And so ends my quest....lol Anyhow, here is a couple pics.



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  3. A friend of mine bought some nice new boots.

    After showing them to me she said I should buy the same because they are very comfortable.

    So we went to the store, I tried them on and did not hesitate to go ahead and buy them.

    Her's are white and mine are black :)

    Those kinda remind me of a pair of figure skates. Only with a heel instead of a blade......lol

  4. Hope you are joining us sept 10/11 in Toronto for the Heel/Boot Meet?


    I would like to do something like that in the future. But that is a definite no. But thanks for asking.

    Yo, Mr. X! Bravo on that outfit you wore! It was really sharp! Loved the wide belt, it really added some pizazz to your outfit! Great job!

    As I mentioned in my post Jeff, I did not end up wearing the belt.

    Very nice boots and outfit. I like your outfit better without the belt, but that's just me. Which do you prefer?

    I like the outfit both ways. It is definitely more plain without the belt. But maybe that is why I blend in so much when I go out. And that is probably why I don't get the reactions or comments that we sometimes want. I prefer to dress a little more "average" and not so 'outrageous."

    But I think next time I would definitely wear the belt. It seems to me from my travels that people can handle 1 item of dress that is "outside the norm." But it gets "dicey" when you have 2 or 3 in the same outfit. Plus going to clubs, like many of my outings are, definitely helps. Not only is it a little darker inside. But people are dressed up as well so you tend to see some things that are "different." Or in other words the dress code is a lot more free and relaxed and people tend to dress how they want. Also, I get to see many gorgeous women dressed in some spectacular heels that we all love.

    It kinda reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where George tries to combine sex, food, and tv. Only for me it music, high heels, and women....lol

  5. Well seeing as how I am Mr. X, and I traveled last night, I figured it was time for a post. I enjoy music. So Saturday nights I can usually be found at one of the local bar/clubs enjoying some live music. I noticed that there was a band playing that had played there before. They must have been passing through town again on there way back home. I enjoyed them the first time so I was ready for round 2. Now for the big question, What to wear? Most of the time when I go out I wear some kind of boots under pants. But tonight I really wanted to try boots over my pants. I spent a good couple of hours trying things on and researching pics on the internet for inspiration and advice. I also did not want to go too far out of my comfort zone. I finally settled on an outfit and tweaked it just a bit before I left. Now usually when I wear my boots under pants I can go out now without even thinking about it. And I have no reservations what so ever. But as soon as you "step it up" or change something in your appearance it is almost like you go back to day 1 again. I was definitely more nervous than usual. I sat in my car just a bit longer before going in. And once inside I sat at a table. It definitely took me a little while longer before I had the courage to get up and "mingle" so to speak. But once I got over the initial hurdles things were A-okay. I must say I had a good time as I always do. And the night went off without a hitch. I was actually hoping for some interaction or comments on my outfit tonight but I got nothing. The night was so dry conversation wise that the only only comment I got was from the lead singer of the band who remembered me from there last gig there. He asked how there performance was going and I gave him a thumbs up. Well that's about it lets get to some pics. Pic number 1 is the outfit as I intended to wear it. -dark skinny jeans -brown over the knee boots -grey t-shirt -brown wide belt Pic number 2 is the outfit as I actually wore it. It is the same minus the belt. I figured I was already pushing it with boots and the belt might "put it over the top" But now I am kinda regretting not wearing the belt. Oh well. There is always next time. So enjoy. And comments and suggestions are always welcome.



  6. Hey Mr. X,

    Nice choice of shoes, I like the pointy Black ones over the others. To me they look more like a classic pump. The beige one are nice as well but I like the dephillips. Do the Aldo shoes fit you? As Daniel was saying envious of the fit if they do.


    Yes I can wear most aldo shoes in either a 9 or 10. Same for boots. I too like the dephillips but I like the nude colour of the other ones. I have been looking for a nude pair for a while as I have plenty of black shoes.

  7. ItYou said "had to get a size larger than the shoes"

    So I assume you are wearing size 10 or less ?

    Lucky you !

    I usually take about 9 1/2. I find at Aldo I can fit most of their shoes in a 9. Or a 10 for there boots

  8. The store called me telling me they received the boots.

    So I went to the store and tried them right away but guess what ?

    The ankle area is narrow and they don't have any side zipper.

    I cannot insert my feet in them pass the ankle...:wave:

    This is very unfortunate because they were so nice ! (They refund me)

    Now I seriously think about ordering the "Noren" model instead...

    With the few boots I have bought or tried on there I notice they tend to run small. The pair I bought I had to get a size larger than the shoes I buy there.

  9. I give you credit, because you've at least started to make an effort in the right direction. This outfit is basic and becomes an issue of how to accessorize it to make it your own look.

    In a situation like this, google images is your best friend. I did a search for "skinny jeans, heels" and "skinny jeans, white top, heels" and found the images below. Before I put an outfit on to go out, I study different possible outfits on google images. I also make sure my textures and fabrics are current by staying up to date with style.com, vogue.com, and netaporter.

    In general, your outfit as worn in your photo will achieve two things, whether intentional or not:

    1. make your legs look longer by raising the belt really high

    2. give your body a feminine shape, but using the belt to cinch your waist and create a feminine silhouette as a result.

    Thoughts to ponder:

    1. As the belt is so high, the armpit space is going to look odd when you move around

    2. the shirt will scrunch up funny vertically along your torso (as the photo already shows) because the belt will restrict fabric movement.

    3. that type of top is best worn tucked in to dress it up.

    4. Personally, I'd nix the top in favor of a more dressed up button down shirt, as seen below. This would be a more current look, yet timeless. Women all over the place are wearing men's button downs and Nina Garcia in her Little Black Book of Fashion even recommends all women buy one as a staple. Also, you'll still achieve the same color combination. Look at Blake Lively's photo (#2), Rihanna's photo (#1), and Cameron Diaz's photo (#3). I think Cameron's outfit is a minor fail though IMHO.

    5. If you absolutely insist on wearing that top, accessorize it with something else, not that belt. Try a scarf or a necklace. And roll the sleeves up. (#5, Nicole Richie)

    6. If you insist on wearing that belt, tuck the shirt in and try the belt around the natural waist on the jeans. (#2, Blake Lively). Personally, I don't like your belt buckle though. It's tough to pull off Vanessa's Millino's look (#4)

    Good luck.

    Great pics and tips. I will definitely take them under advisement.

  10. Yes they are from ALDO. The model name is "Bullivant".

    Already enjoying them for a few hours now...:wave:

    Maybe you should go to the neareast ALDO store and try them.

    They are very good quality (They look even better in real life)

    The arch angle is perfect and you really feel the heel height.

    Thinking about it, maybe you should not go to the store after all...:)

    The problem is that most boots are expensive in my mind. I know you are paying for quality but most boots cost about triple what I am willing to spend on a pair of heels. If I could find some good boots for under $60(fat chance) I would buy them. And I would be a happy camper...lol

  11. They aren't any more "girly" than many of the heels worn by a good number of this forum's participants. Besides, as we all know, it's one's right to choose whether or not they will wear them.

    I agree. I would not wear them though as they are not my cup of tea personally.

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