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Posts posted by radiodave

  1. I've often worn clear with sandals. I haven't really tried colors in public, although I found a deep navy blue just this evening that looks like I might wear it outside. I have a few shades of reds and light pinks too.

  2. I had to go with other, for some reasons other folks have stated. I grew up admiring all the nice, stylish shoes the girls had and wondered why guys' shoes were so plain and boring. I wanted to wear what the girls wore, but those had that certain "that's not right" stigma attached, so I just kept wishing. Then I met my former wife who I confided that to, and she wasn't at all disparaging of it, in fact, she bought me my first pair. While she was indifferent to me wearing them, she accepted them for who I am, and helped me realize that everyone is unique, whether they cut their hair a certain way, wear tattoos, pierce their ears, wear pink Crocs, or what have you. She was accepting as I started to accumulate more, and even after we've split we remain friends and she asks about my shoes and what success I've had wearing them outside. One thing she left me with is realizing that everyone has to be their own person; you can't be what other people expect you to be. A lesson we both had to learn. I like the line she came up with with: "It doesn't matter what other people think of you, what's important is what you think of yourself. If you can't be yourself, then who can you be?". I'd say I wear them because I like the look, I like the feel of wearing them, and some satisfaction in realizing that there's no law saying I can't wear them and being able to wear what is thought of as taboo. They even fit me a little better than men's shoes, since I have narrow feet. They are a bit of a turn on too, although that isn't as strong as when I first started wearing them. I wouldn't say I get "feminine feelings" when I wear them, just a certain confidence that "Hey, I'm a guy who isn't afraid to break out of the pigeonhole of wearing what other people think I'm supposed to wear". Even as of late I notice other folks expressing their individuality, and realize that I'm really not that different; for other folks it might be piercings, hair colors, tattoos, or clothes, for me it just happens to be shoes.

  3. Though I have been doing a lot of shoe shopping recently, I haven't done a lot of shoe BUYING. Here are my three most recent purchases:

    Nine West "Fredita" platform sandals in brown and orange. I bought these a couple of weeks back and have been dying to take them out for a spin. I plan to wear them with long flare jeans.

    Nine West "Appleaday" loafers in black. I bought these for under the radar, but they do have a tiny heel just for fun. I wore these out already with black dress trousers.

    Bass "Norra" Mary Janes in brown. Found these on the clearance rack. Again a low heel to diversify my collection a bit more.

    Nice! Like the sandals too. :winkiss:

  4. RadioDave:-)

    Have you been out streetheeling lately since the weather is moderating?


    Dawn HH

    Dawn, I came so close on Saturday. It was sunny and 70, and I had to go work on theater lights. Needless to say, maneuvering an aluminum extension ladder and climbing it doesn't work in heels. I did go run some errands in my flats from post #62 on Friday though.

  5. Interesting question. I guess I've always been fascinated by heels, and since my ex encouraged me to explore them, I too have wondered if it's just a phase. I will say it varies. Some days I'll be itching to wear them, and other days I'll be pretty indifferent. I too have wondered if I wear heels long enough or if it becomes more mainstream so that a guy wearing heels, even the more feminine styles, is almost ordinary, then I don't know if I would still be as enthusiastic about wearing them. Could it be a phase? Maybe. I have a feeling though that it's not just a phase but something I'll probably continue to do, even if streetheeling loses its appeal.

  6. HF, you never cease to amaze with your adventures. Guess I need to get out some more, if only to keep up LOL.

    You and JeffB are the people i should look for when i need help with outings in heels

    you guys set a good example for men out there who are scared to go out in heels

    I couldn't agree more. :winkiss:

  7. Jeff, I have a couple of ankle chains I wear with shorts or jeans. They actually came with some toe rings, which I also wear. No comments, and I've seen guys wearing ankle chains. I can't speak for the skirt though, but I'm guessing if you can pull that off the ankle chain would work fine.

  8. I think they look great Dave! I like the big ones myself but have yet to muster up the courage to wear them out of the house yet.

    Thanks! Don't think I'll wear them out myself anytime soon. They don't feel all that secure anyway, since I'm not pierced.

    Nice look radiodave :-) Will you wear them outside ?

    Same with me...I just started to wear earings and small hoops but I would not have the

    courage to wear bigger hoops (larger than ½") outside the house. Maybe one day ... :winkiss:

    Well, I did try closing one of my toe rings slightly to see how a small hoop would look, and it looked OK. I could see myself wearing some smaller hoops outside, but I'd like to find some that clip first. Guess I could always go ask the folks at Claire's to see if they have anything like that.

  9. Well, curiosity finally got the better of me. I found myself walking past the jewelry section of Wal Mart, and found a cheap pair of hoops with a spring clip attachment. No, I haven't pierced, but they clip on reasonably well. I actually kind of like them myself, though they might be a little big on me.


  10. I like sandals too, and women's sandals tend to fit me much better. Not to mention that guy's sandals are boring. I have a pair of Steve Madden "Quesst" wedges I've worn outside, and I just picked up a pair of Steve Madden "Sohoe" sandals. I've worn sandals with toe rings, but can't say I've had colored toenails outside. Maybe that's something to try this season...



  11. Nice pictures HF! Sorry I've been out of the loop for a while. I must say, the sandals and skirt are a big jump, but you pull them off well. Makes me a little jealous! Nice legs! Maybe when it warms up a little more I'll be making some more outings again. Anyway, keep it up! ;-)

  12. It seems I have been way behind on outings. Strange, I guess I just haven't been as enthusiastic about it. Not very warm out either, and the snow doesn't help much. Saturday I wore my lowest heels - okay, even that's a bit of stretch because they are pretty flat. They are pretty comfortable though, and it's not often you see guys wearing them. Between the coffee shop and the pet store, nothing untoward and no long stares. This evening I wore my chunkier heels to go grocery shopping and to go by the bookstore. Since they are kinda loud, no disguising these. As usual, no bad reactions. I had been toying with wearing some stilettos, but it's a little different when you go to the grocery store where you might run into neighbors or folks you work with.



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