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Posts posted by radiodave

  1. Men's shoes ARE boring. Interesting article though, thanks Steve. Petitemale: Size 7.5? Wow! I think there are women who would be envious having that size. I'll bet you don't have trouble finding ones that fit. I thought I was fortunate to usually take a 9!

  2. Back in the saddle again...

    This evening I wore my beige Dockers, my brown Two Lips "Vantage" boots, lavender and white shirt, and my leather jacket. First order of business was grocery shopping, pretty uneventful. After putting the groceries away I had to make more errands, so I headed down to the Home Depot to pick up mouse traps. I heard something scratching or gnawing in the air ducts this morning, and it wasn't the cats. Got a few looks, and smile from a couple of guys. These boots make a pretty noticeable noise, so they aren't easy to miss.

    After Home Depot went over to Bed, Bath and Beyond for a refill for my electric razor. One of those self-cleaning Braun units, and the solution was running low. Despite having to walk back and forth a few times after finding out they keep it locked in the display case, just a few looks.

    Headed over to the mall to see what Macy's and Aldo had. Aldo had some nice ones, so I tried on their "Degreenia" pumps http://www.aldoshoes.com/us/women/shoes/platform-pumps/81550185-degreenia/96. The two ladies were quite helpful, and gave favorable comments on them. While I was mulling over those, I spotted some pumps that were slightly lower than others I have, the style is "Guiel" http://www.aldoshoes.com/us/trends/galactic/women/81676431-guiel/97. I ended up getting both of them, and again the ladies were most helpful.

    Heading back through Macy's, I spotted some boots I liked, but the price tag was a little high. Apparently I'm becoming a regular there, two of the sales ladies recognized me, and the one who saw me looking at the boots remembered my shoe size. I tried them on but they were a little out of my price range. Not too much else really caught my eye, so I headed out, but stopped by the Lenscrafters to get my eyeglasses adjusted.

    Headed home, but stopped by Starbucks on the way. Got a look from a couple seated near the counter, and a smile from the lady. Really Starbucks? You raised your prices? :wave: A $3.85 grande mocha is now $4.05? Glad I didn't go for a venti.

    Got home, and completely forgot that I needed new furnace filters. I think it's been a while since I changed them. Back to the Home Depot, and on the way out I caught up with a couple guys who set off the theft alarm. I just had two filters, but it went off again as I walked through, so I turned around to see what was up, and the guys said it was still something in their cart, so I headed on out.



  3. Probably the best and most surprising reaction was wearing a pair of BCBGirls ankle strap pumps to the mall, and while I got a few looks and smiles, one guy at a cell phone kiosk hollered "Nice shoes!", and when I stopped to thank him, he smiled and said "Those shoes rock!" If he was being sarcastic, he was certainly hiding it well, but hey, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was being sincere.

  4. Ditto on what HappyinHeels says. Interestingly, I once joked with a Baker's associate that I'll bet they don't get many guys, but she said they do get a few guys from time to time. I've found they usually run true to size, but for that particular style I don't know.

  5. I haven't posted much lately, but this whole shebang left me thinking. We actually got back together, and I donated a bunch of shoes to charity. We stuck it out for a little while but still more red flags came up, and finally I got fed up with her level of immaturity and called it quits. Then her really immature side came out. Well, I don't regret making the concerted effort, but I sure don't regret calling it quits. At least with my ex-wife we remained friends and still stay in touch, but this girl made it necessary to block her phone number, block her on FB (including her mom!), and add her e-mail to the spam filters. The sticky part I'm thinking about is the lust for shoes won't change. Strangely, I don't miss the ones I gave away. I think I much prefer seeing women in them though. I guess I still wish that we could wear whatever the heck we want, and either have folks be completely indifferent to it, or (fingers crossed) think it's cool. The pitfall is not everyone is cool with it, or, if women think it's cool, they may not be so accepting if it's their BF who wants to wear them. The other day I went to see a theater production where there were lots of ladies wearing lovely heels, and thought how much I would love to be able to do the same - but I was there on a second date with someone and realized she might not be cool with that at all. The sticky balance I haven't figured out yet is do you a) say "to heck with what other people think, I'm going to wear what I like", or :) try not to make people think you've got some loose screws because you happen to think women's shoes are way more cool than guys' shoes. I'm sure I speak for a bunch of us that I wish I could wave a magic wand and be able to to wear whatever nice shoes I like whenever I please.

  6. Right on, Roni. Thanks for sharing. I'm not too bent out of shape, she was already raising some red flags of her own, so I figured it's time to put out my potential red flag. Turned out it was a major one for her, but like my ex-wife says, you gotta be your own person. If people can't accept you for being you, then you don't need them. In her case, if she's too ignorant to realize that wearing shoes, albeit unusual ones, doesn't mean you want to go shack up with another guy or get a sex change, then that's her problem. My ex accepted it, so I know they exist, even if they are a little harder to find.

  7. Sounds like good outings, thanks for sharing them. I have been to the dentist wearing strappy heeled sandals with no word from the doctor or the hygienist. I figured I might as well make the best of an otherwise dull and unpleasant experience and wear comfortable shoes. Never have figured out why people assume you are gay just because you wear heels. As if most, if not all, gay men wear women's clothing (NOT!).

  8. Let's see, I do community theater, which involves lighting and sound design, stage managing, set construction and acting. I make my own beer, I collect and restore antique radios, I am a ham (amateur) radio operator, I'm learning guitar, and I've dabbled in piano and viola. Some friends got me turned on to karaoke, which led to a singing part in a play not long ago. I like to draw, build model airplanes, bike, and occasionally play duff (some call it golf, but then I would be a golfer, not a duffer :)).

  9. No tattoos, and I don't see that happening. I had both of my ears pierced about a month and a half ago, and very happy with them. I have some small hoops, a small pair of CZ studs, a medium sized pair of square CZ studs, and I just picked up a set of barbells. Been pretty happy with all of them, and responses have all been positive. My friends have given good replies, and think they look cool on me. Folks at work have either been indifferent, or if they notice they approve.:)

  10. You might be surprised, I've asked a few sales folks, and they get plenty of guys trying them on. Just act natural, and if you project some confidence, they won't bug you. If they don't catch on right away that they are for you, just politely say they are for you, and chances are good they'll just be caught a little off guard and act no different than if you were trying on guys' shoes. I would almost guarantee that they won't be rude because 1. Aldo shoes are not cheap and they are making a commission, 2. They would probably like it if you came back and gave them more commission, and 3. They don't want to get fired for making ANY customer uncomfortable.

  11. My congrats too Chris :). Yes, there are women who accept it and even encourage it, but finding them is the tricky part. With this last one there was no way, no how about it after I told her. Guess there's no easy way about it other than just say "By the way, I wear women's shoes, including heels, and I wear them in public sometimes since I like the look". Too bad a high percentage of them will immediately think "Queer! Gay! Scary!" Oh to find someone who says "Way cool! We'll have to go shoe shopping together!".

  12. Thanks all, and Max said it best. She was raising a few other red flags too, so it was not the end of the world. I agree with you Max, if she judges me by the shoes I wear, then she had the issue. Too bad, she seemed open minded on other things that folks have strong opinions on, and even thought my new earrings looked cool. Even when I let on that it was recently that I pierced my ears, she was impressed that I wasn't afraid to "buck conventional thinking". Oh well, try, try again.

  13. Agreed, and I'm not ashamed of it, nor does it make me think I'm what she now thinks I am. Sad that I upset her, but I wish her well. On the other hand, learned a few things about her in the meantime that may have been problematic later on. Still, any guy here who chooses to hide it from their wives/girlfriends/boyfriends or what have you, I can only say that you have to choose your path wisely. Better to get the big secrets out in the open early, because you can either end in a crash now, or end in a major disaster later.

  14. Been away a while, and had to share the reason why guys and heels is still very much a misunderstood and not readily accepted thing. My girlfriend of 3 weeks and I were moving along rapidly (she may even be reading this now), and in the midst of sharing our "unknowns", had to let the cat out of the bag. Never was a better example of YOU HAVE TO LET YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHERS KNOW! It can't end well if you don't, and it may not end well if you do. My case was the latter, and was not the desirable outcome.

  15. At the grocery store checkout this evening. A twenty-something girl with her boyfriend gets behind me. Skinny as a rail, wearing a tank top, capri pants, and black stiletto pumps. :sad: OK, the look seemed odd, but the pumps were nice... :) Until I saw her walking on the way out of the store. Not only were her shoes at least one size too big and she kept walking out of them, but she kept leaning heavily inward to the point where it looked like she had never learned to walk in them. I had to not laugh, because not only did she look silly walking in them, but I knew I could teach her to walk in them! :P

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