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Posts posted by radiodave

  1. I went for my follow up visit at Piercing Pagoda, and they said my ears had healed nicely and I could change them. I bought a couple pairs, since they were having a buy one get one half off sale. I got some reasonably sized hoops, and wore them all day today. Not the slightest bit uncomfortable, and having been out for breakfast, to the auto parts store, Home Depot, the mall, and Macy's to get some new shirts, not one person gave me any odd looks. And yes, my hair grows fast so I'm getting a haircut tomorrow.


  2. It's been nearly 3 weeks, and no regrets at all. I don't even have the sensation that I'm wearing them unless I touch my ears. A few of my colleagues gave favorable comments, the rest just act like nothing's different. My friends thought they looked cool, my sister can't wait to see them, and even my ex-wife thought they looked nice. In fact, she was asking me how it felt getting them, since she doesn't have pierced ears. It almost sounded like she wanted to but was afraid it would be painful, so I thought it was ironic she would be asking me.

  3. I did it! I had a long weekend, and after looking at the number of guys I see every day wearing earrings, I finally went to Pagoda and had both ears pierced with small round studs. Liking the look already. Some good friends invited me to dinner Sunday, so I'll find out soon enough if they really think it looks bad. At least once I wait I can try the hoops I bought the right way, or get some small hoops to put in. :smile:

  4. Nice story, 5inchforme. I usually have women helping more than guys, and there's only one lady who gave me a look of "oh no, he's not really going to try those on, is he?", but other than that look she was helpful and asked if they fit all right when I tried them on. Most women are very helpful, and even comment when they think they look good on me. Recently I was in Aldo and the lady there saw me looking around and nonchalantly asked if there was anything I'd like to try. Guys are usually pretty indifferent to it, and rarely they'll be stifling a grin. One guy decided to ask if I did "shows" when I was paying. I said no, since the community theater shows I work in don't involve wearing heels, but then he started naming several nightclubs that had "shows". Couldn't tell if he was trying to be amusing or if he did those "shows" himself, but I didn't see where he was going with it. Maybe he assumed I was a drag queen.

  5. Well said, Pussyinboots. Kikepa, I too could be considered average in most ways. I'm an engineer, I'm also learning guitar, I'm a big fan of the Beatles, I like camping, model airplanes, bicycling, theater, and movies. Yet I've met folks who will ask me if I saw some TV show like American Idol (as if EVERYONE watches American Idol), and if I say I don't watch American Idol, those folks look like I just grew a third eye. You can't please them all. We all have our own quirks that make us unique, and that's what makes us individuals. True, wearing heels might be a more unusual quirk, but in the end, they are just shoes and they don't change who you are. Sure, there will be the ignorant masses who can't get past that and think it's too weird, but there are others who may be intrigued by a guy who's not afraid to be himself and be different. A very good friend of mine helped me realize that you have to be your own person. She was cool with me wearing heels, and admired my courage for wearing them. She also pointed out that you don't need folks around who bring you down or keep you from being yourself. So while your "friends" may have been nice, if they couldn't accept you for who you are, then you have to ask yourself if they really were your true friends.

  6. Bought these from Aldo yesterday. (Again, I could not resist :smile:)

    I imagine wearing them with skinny jeans...

    Now I can't wait for summer to come !

    Those are nice, I've been looking at them myself. I think they'd look great with jeans. :) Aldo is definitely a place I could spend too much! :silly:

  7. Regen, I think your story is very much like many of our own stories, including mine. I grew up admiring all the nice shoes that girls at school wore. My mom didn't wear them much, but my older sister and her friend had some nice ones. I hated that women could wear whatever cute shoes they felt like, but boys had comparatively ugly shoes. I would wear sandals that often came from the ladies' side of the store, but they were usually average shoes that wouldn't be that much different from the ones guys wear. It wasn't until I met my ex-wife when I was nearly 30 that I finally let someone else know that I wondered what it was like to wear high heels. She didn't mind at all, and bought me my first pair. Now I have about 60 pairs last I counted, and although we split for other reasons, she thought it was cool that I was brave enough to buy them and be myself by wearing what I wanted to wear. She's a little jealous that I walk in heels better than she does, and she even commented that since I'm thin as a rail, they don't look that unusual on me. It was not long after she got me my first pair that I found hhplace, and showed it to her. She was surprised there were other guys who wear them publicly, and thought it was neat that I found some "kindred spirits".

  8. I must say, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of piercing my ears. My brother in law has both ears pierced, and wears small hoops. The more I see guys wearing hoops or studs it seems more and more commonplace, and I like the look. The other day I went as far as (don't laugh) gluing two air rifle BBs to my lobes to appear as small round studs. Not a bad look, actually. I'm in a stage production right now so I would have to wait until it's over so my character doesn't have them. Our assistant director has his ears pierced and maybe that's what really got me thinking about it again. Now I guess the only unknowns are what family, friends, and colleagues will think. :blinkbigeyes: Strangely, I guess I'm not as concerned about future girlfriends. Maybe if future girlfriend is cool with pierced ears there's a better chance she'd be cool with all those unusual shoes in my closet. :pulsingheart:

  9. This is a problem I am familiar with. Sprinkle a little baking soda in each shoe and the odor will dissapear. I hope this helps.

    I second that. I had to wear some flat sandals with cushioned insoles for a stage production, and even in the short time on stage they suddenly started smelling pretty nasty. I sprinkled some baking soda in them when I got home, and for the rest of the performances they were fine.

  10. I just ordered these, Aldo's "Summar". I saw these in the store, but were sold out except for the size 6 display model. They finally came down to $35, and couldn't resist, although I thought it was sneaky that right after I ordered the price went up to $50 again. Supposedly they'll be here tomorrow!


  11. I saw these at Macy's the other day, and liked them a lot. The style is Jessica Simpson "Nolita". I like the fit of that brand, they tend to fit well. The sales folks didn't mind a bit, and the cute girl helping me commented how cute they were. The guy assisting her seemed to give approving looks too. :cry1:


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