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Posts posted by radiodave

  1. .Now the USA can become a third world country with wide spread corruption like some of the others. I for one will not accept the new goverment. I have always had the US flag displayed in my yard. no more. I am one American that is no longer proud of this country. I'm not wanting to start anything with anyone. This is just the way I feel.

    Care to enlighten us on what your problem is or how you arrived at that spectacular conclusion? Surely Mr. Obama can't get much worse than Mr. Bush. Sure, he's a little different from the last 43 presidents (he is #44, right?), but maybe change is good. Change is inevitable. It's too bad folks have to be so negative because they didn't get their way. Sounds like the ones who will help make it a third world country will be the ones who... Well, you said it yourself. Or, you could be positive, make lemonade out of your lemons, and do what you can to make your world a better place (hint: if you keep thinking we'll be a third world country, then maybe that's how you'll see it). Divided we fail!

    Seriously though, what is so wrong? Even if McCain got elected, I'd still be optimistic that he can do better than Bush, even though I may not like all of his ideas or his running mate (at least she's cute). And I'd still fly my flag, and be glad that I don't live in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, or any number of places that aren't so great. There are things I don't like about Obama either, but I guess we'll just have to see how he does. Personally, I think he'll do all right. Maybe not up there with FDR, JFK, or Mr. Lincoln, but who knows?

  2. I have a pretty eclectic taste in music. Depends on the day, and pretty varied. Just a few that come to mind: The Beatles (probably my all-time favorite) Led Zeppelin U2 The Cars Bad Company Badfinger Foreigner Genesis The Mamas and The Papas Eric Burdon and The Animals Robbie Williams Missing Persons ELO A few confessions: ABBA Milli Vanilli (okay, I can still find videos on Youtube, they aren't that bad!) Herman's Hermits But for some more unusual ones: Benny Goodman Glenn Miller Duke Ellington The Squirrel Nut Zippers (Bet you never heard of them...:winkiss: I thought my sisters were on crack when they told me the name of this group!) Fats Waller Rossini Beethoven Mozart

  3. Interesting experience yesterday; I was wearing my Steve Madden cork wedge sandals around the house, and I happened to be squatting next to my office door petting the cat when I realized somebody was about to knock on the front door - and they could see me. I was a little caught off guard because I didn't know who it was and wasn't expecting anyone, but I answered the door, shoes in full view. It was a couple of Obama supporters asking if I was going to vote, but they were both somewhat goth in their appearance. Maybe goth isn't quite the right description, but the guy had one of those huge earrings that makes a large hole through the ear, had the side of his head shaved, and was wearing a brightly colored outfit. His female friend was similarly dressed. Then it dawned on me that there should be no trouble here. They were very pleasant to talk to, but I realized that we were very much the same. Expressing our own style, despite being a little out of the norm. I think the lady glanced at my shoes, but that was it. Darn, I was actually hoping she might comment.

  4. I would be interested in this as well! I am on the other side of Pennsylvania, but would love to see the K of P mall, and what better way to do it than with friends in heels!

    My folks live near the K of P mall, so I'm familiar with it. If I wasn't already planning to make a trip out there over turkey day, I'd probably join you guys. Meeting JeffB and Rxrenesis would be a pleasure.

  5. Radiodave, I am so glad that you are posting an adventure! As I said at the heel meet, I enjoy your thread and have missed reading it. You are a true inspiration to me and I am so glad you are sharing a cool experience.

    Your story about shopping at Macy's in heels reminded me of doing the same thing many years back. It is a fun thing to do- buying men's clothes while wearing heels. I will say that your shoes were much nicer than the kitten heel sling backs I wore shopping at Macy's.

    Also, I LOVE the Mary Janes in your second picture! They are classy and vork very well with the trouser socks. Excellent choice and great style.

    Thanks HF! Shucks, I'm flattered that I've been an inspiration to you. Here I thought it was the other way around, but thanks for the kind words. Guess I'll have to revive this thread and keep up with it.:winkiss:

  6. Welome heeldancer, you are not alone. As others have said, you're hardly strangejust because of what shoes you wear. My ex-wife was the first I confided my desire to, and she was fine with me exploring it. Of course now she might think I have too many shoes (never!! :winkiss: ), but she agreed that they are part of who I am. I'm sure many others here will say they are part of who they are, and denying it is just trying to fool yourself. Doesn't make us strange, gay, or socially unacceptable any more than folks who wear goth clothes, pierce everything including their ears, or wear hair colors that are not normally found in nature.

  7. Last I looked at a package of stockings, they do give adequate sizing charts. You might look at www.comfilon.com too, they have stockings for men that are a little more "anatomically correct". I can understand if that's a little less convenient for you to order online, and the ones for women would work fine too. The other thing I do is wear women's trouser socks if I'm planning to try them on, since they are thin and look completely normal on a guy (the black ones at least).

  8. I'll have to confess, I can understand why women have to have umpteen pairs of black shoes. In our case, that's what seems to be less "out of place". That said though, I have a pair of red canvas espadrilles I wore out once for the heck of it, and while there was nothing subtle about them, hardly any reaction. See my "Adventures of Radiodave" thread; I think I have a picture of them in there. I'd like to wear more colors other than black, brown, or gray more often though.

  9. I guess it has been a while since I had any adventures, as Happyfeat pointed out at the Ohio Heel Meet. And since Happyfeat didn't hold back on some nice pumps, it's only fitting that my latest adventure involves a pair. I figured also since I had been out at the heel meet with my stiletto boots, there shouldn't be much trouble repeating the experience. At the heel meet, I had spotted a pair in DSW and recognized it as one that I had seen up at another DSW here, but not in my size. Coincidentally, a DSW coupon showed up in the mail. Yeah, I know I said I should cut back, but sometimes opportunity knocks. I trucked back down that way, wearing my black low heeled clogs. Sure enough, they had my size, and they fit fine. As usual, nobody seemed to overly concerned about it. These were a pair of Guess mary-jane stilettoes, but they aren't like the many one color shoes I have. These actually have a bit of a two-tone effect going on, with fake croc print for the lower part, and a suede-like upper part with "G" embossed on them. Not the most obscure shoes, but very comfortable, I'm starting to like how Guess shoes fit. Well, I had planned on changing into them and just going back home, but thanks to some traffic and poor planning, I ended up having to go into the mall parking lot to try to turn around. Macy's.... Say, I could use another pair of dress pants for work, but I already changed into my new shoes. Well why not?? What's the worst that will happen? So in I went! :winkiss: I think two people noticed. Perhaps more, but they were the only ones I could spot looking. One guy was having a conversation, and the eyes seemed fixated on my peds, but he didn't miss a beat talking to the other person. A girl at the register was in the middle of a lengthy exhange with two guys and (presumably) her mom. She glanced, but also didn't miss a beat talking to the salesman. I waited for the salesman to finish on the other side of the counter, and at one point one of the guys wandered around toward my side, and while he would have had a good look, he didn't appear to be fixated on them. While I was waiting, another salesman showed up and offered to take me at another register, so as I walked off the carpet and onto the linoleum, I'm sure the other party at the counter was alerted to my noise. The new salesman didn't even seem to notice. Perhaps he got a glance as he showed up at the first register, but he didn't seem to pay any attention to it. On the way out, there were two elderly ladies around the cosmetics counter, and one was seated. Surely the seated one will hear me walking up, but maybe the one talking to the saleslady will take notice too. I don't think either one did! Ah well, home again, and the new shoes are fitting fine. Sorry the picture of me standing didn't come out very well.




  10. All good advice. Sure, I have days where I'm not feeling up to it, so it comes and goes. There are shoes I have that I'd like to wear outside, but I don't simply because a woman wearing them would attract loads of attention. So, I tend to look at what I'm about to wear outside and ask "would a woman wear these?". Mostly the negativity is in your head though. You'll get looks and double takes, but rarely does anyone give you grief about it. About the worst reaction I've ever had was the teenage girl in the mall trying to cover her smile and pretending she wasn't looking my way. So I stared right back, smiled, and she eventually lost interest.

  11. At the mall yesterday, I noticed several ladies with lovely high heels, some approaching some dizzying heights, and yet they walked with agility through the mall. At the heel meet Saturday, I wore my 4" boots, and after some walking through the mall, I'll have to say that while I liked wearing them and found that walking that much didn't bother me, I'd have to think about how often I would wear them for the heck of it. If I was going to do lots of walking, heels probably wouldn't be my first choice, and I'm somewhat thankful I didn't wear something much higher on Saturday. So, this bids a question for the guys: If guys wearing heels was completely accepted, and it was perfectly normal for guys to be in heels, no matter how feminine they looked, would you still wear them for the heck of it? I'm still in the "novelty" phase, where I'm getting to wear heels because I think they look cool and they were always considered "taboo". But, if I had been a teenager and started wearing heels about the same time women start wearing them, I don't think I'd be as "wowed" by them now, so I wonder if I would have as big a collection as I do now. Edit: I added the latter 3 options for additional curiosity, so multiple choices are allowed.

  12. Thanks to so many gay stereotypes being thrown around, there are narrow-minded folks who automatically assume any guy doing something un-masculine must be gay. Phooey on them. It doesn't matter what other people think. If they want to show off their level of ignorance, good for them. Heck, I think if a woman I was interested in asked me if I was gay based on what shoes I wear, she'd better have some REALLY good other qualities for me to stay interested. On the other hand, there are women who would rather have a masculine man, so don't be surprised if wearing heels turns some women off, because it will. Nothing you can do about that. Would the playing field be a bit wider if you didn't wear heels? Certainly! Good for your girlfriend for setting her friends straight. Sounds like she's cool with your heels, and she sounds like a keeper from that standpoint.

  13. Sorry to hear the bad news, Bern. :winkiss: My thoughts are with you and your friends, I'm sorry to hear of their loss. I'm sure there will be another meet, and we'll meet then. Don't worry, I'm bringing my camera, and I'm sure Johnie will bring his.

  14. Score! I think I lucked out on this pair. Yesterday, I went to lunch at Chipotle, and saw a lady wearing these cute ankle strap pumps. Not very high, but they were nice. Since the heels weren't very thin, I figured they might make good streetheeling shoes. If it wasn't for the fact I was with my coworkers and she was with her boyfriend, I might have inquired where she got them. Yeah, I know, "thou shalt not covet". :winkiss: I had an errand to run today, which took me by the upscale mall where I figured at least one of the stores might have something similar. No joy at Baker's, Saks, or Bebe, but for yucks, I strolled into Nordstrom. There they were! The very same ones! Yes, I had told myself that I should cut back, but when they had my size in stock, the saleslady was very helpful, and didn't bat an eye when I said they were for me, I couldn't resist. Besides, they were on sale! OK, now I'm really cutting back. Wore them all afternoon around the house, and they are quite comfortable. These were worth it though.


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