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Posts posted by radiodave

  1. Great experience ThighBootGuy, and sounds like you found a nice guitar. I think Guitar Center is one place I could, no I do, spend too much. I picked up a real Fender Stratocaster last year to complement my Kramer XL-3 that my ex-wife gave me. I also had the Kramer fixed up, set up and leveled so it sounds more like it should. People who aren't musical can't figure out why I have two electric guitars. They don't believe me when I say they each have a unique sound :smile:.

  2. Well, I wouldn't cast them off, I think they can be kind of cute on the right shoe. Strangely enough though, having tried a pair I found there was something peculiar about the balance of them and found I had to work harder to keep from wobbling than my 3-4" heels.

  3. Slightly off topic, but I thought I'd pass it along. One thing I just learned: Beware of cheap earrings. I had some CZ studs that I bought, and I think I paid $5 for a set in different sizes and colors. I don't remember if they had stainless studs, but I noticed they were starting to leave dark marks around my ear. When I took a closer look, they had some ugly green tarnish around the mount that was rubbing off, and they looked nasty despite cleaning them regularly with alcohol. I have another pair that I paid considerably more for with gold studs and clasps, and they aren't leaving those marks or turning funny colors.

  4. Thank all for the input, I'm leaning toward the thicker heeled boots. The Aldo boots are nice, but I could see how that might be a little excessive. Maybe for a mall trip but maybe not at a function like that. Mike, I'd love to meet up with you and Steve, maybe for lunch or something. I can't stay too long because of another commitment that evening, but we'll work something out.

  5. I'm heading down to the statehouse this coming weekend to receive a certificate (professional engineer) at a ceremony. Dress is listed as "business/business casual". I've been streetheeling down that way before, but not for a ceremony like this. I figure the worst they can do is not let me in, but if I brought the drab shoes I suppose I could change if it came to that. I was thinking black dress pants, dark blue dress shirt, and tie. These are my picks for shoes (black tights for the open ones): Dress flats Nine West flat boots Bakers' "Shayln" wedge pumps Aldo "Gardino" stiletto boots with pointed toe thicker heeled boots with round toe So, any thoughts? I'm leaning toward either the wedge pumps or the stiletto boots, but thought I'd ask.


  6. Welcome! Many of us would love to wear our heels out and not be judged or looked at in a weird way. Heck, there are plenty of ones I have that I'd love to wear in public, but I don't for the same reason. Here's what I have learned from advice here and from what I've experienced. You have to realize that even a woman wearing 5 inch heels WILL get noticed. Now if you're a guy, you'll get the same amount of attention, but once people notice, then the double takes will start. So, you have to be prepared for that. If you act like something is wrong, other people will tune in to that and reinforce that. If you go into it with the attitude that "Hey, I'm wearing what I want to wear, and I don't care what anyone else thinks", then you'll project that confidence and folks probably won't give you grief about it. As for the judging, well, you don't really have control over that. I think there was a thread here at one point talking about women being judged for wearing really high heels, so yes, people will make their own opinions. For me, I'm not really too concerned with what some stranger thinks, but for friends, neighbors, and folks I see every day, it weighs a little more on my mind. Mickey's advice is similar to what others will say. Start off with low heels, wear them incognito to begin with, slowly raise the bar and gain confidence. I usually ask myself "Can I imagine how a woman wearing these would look?". If you ask yourself that and think "This might look silly on a woman", then you'll look just as silly, and probably more so. Hope this helps! :silly:

  7. That's painful to read, not just because of what I think I managed to decipher from all that. Sorry to hear your wife is giving you grief about your shoes and started calling you a freak. Maybe that's similar to what I went through with my last girlfriend; her true colors showed at the end. Hopefully things will resolve themselves in a good way; my ex-wife always said "everything happens for a reason". Fingers crossed for you though, good luck.

  8. The logic sounds nice, but unfortunately, popular opinion isn't based on logic. Lots of stereotypes exist that make people assume someone is "gay". I'm half tempted to ask one of these people what their definition of "gay" is when they throw it out. How many do you think would be able to answer that? I get the feeling that in this day and age, any guy showing any signs of being un-manly is automatically labeled with the g-word. You could go on reasoning that if a woman calls a man gay because he likes high heels, then she must be a lesbian because she wears pants, doesn't like to wear skirts, heels, or jewelry, but will it work? Probably not. Even if you point out that 100 years ago women wearing pants was considered queer, it just seems to go right over their heads. I also just think that humans don't deal well with things that are different and are quick to judge people who look different. I know a guy who has multiple piercings, tatoos, has long hair, and probably looks like he belongs in a heavy metal band, but once you speak to him you would probably be surprised to find out that he's a manager at the county department of environmental services, and he's actually very soft-spoken. You wouldn't guess it from looking at him though. I think it will just take time to change popular opinion. Don't forget that way back when there was this crazy guy named Galileo who though the earth revolved around the sun and had facts to back him up, but boy, that idea sure didn't go over very well at the time. I mean, everybody knew that the sun revolves around the earth and how dare he think otherwise.

  9. I finally got brave enough to buy some CBR hoops, 18 gauge. Getting them in was a little tricky, but they fit well enough. I've been wearing them for about a week now, and haven't taken them out once. The girl at Piercing Pagoda thought they looked cool, and I haven't had any strange looks at work. I thought sleeping with them might be tricky, but compared to some of my other earrings, there's really nothing to snag on. I guess if anyone else is considering piercing their ears, I'd say go for it. I have no regrets :silly:.

  10. I've got one. I hate it when I have to hire technicians to repair something that I can't fix myself, and they either don't know what they are doing, or they just want to get your money. I just avoided spending thousands of dollars to replace something that one technician deemed "worn out". He didn't do much diagnosis to arrive at that conclusion, but he did some minor repairs which didn't fix the problem I reported. I got a second opinion thankfully, and the second guy took many measurements to determine that it was working fine, the problem was something that needed an adjustment, which he did. He went on to say it was far from being worn out and there's no indication that it needs to be replaced soon. What irks me is what if I wasn't an engineer and took the first guy's words without question?

  11. I was really wanting to wear my heels this evening. Had some black pumps picked out, my tights on, and I was going to see a musical. Figured odds are slim I'd run into folks I know, but I chickened out and wore my boring work shoes. In hindsight, the only ones who might have been uncomfortable were two guys I was sitting right next to. I got there early, and found myself smack in the middle of the row, right next to two guys who were already there. No doubt they would have heard heels clicking down the aisle and been just a little curious. But, sitting with a few hundred folks, I don't think too many other folks would have noticed. Still thinking I should have just done it. Darn. :) Maybe I'll just have to get out more and see more plays flying solo.

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