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Posts posted by radiodave

  1. I'll say that my folks raised me to get the door for a lady, to walk on the street side of a sidewalk (shielding the lady from a splash or accident), to help a lady with her coat, and so on. I was pleasantly surprised a while back when I saw a younger couple (teenage I'm guessing) walking back to their car, and the guy opened the passenger door for his lady, even though they weren't on any kind of formal date. I thought his folks raised him well if he did that all the time. I think I surprised my ex-wife the first time I did that for her.

  2. My ex-wife gave me the electric guitar I had started to learn guitar on for my birthday. It was hers, but I had mentioned I'd be interested in buying it from her if she would consider it. Instead, she surprised me by giving it to me. I had it repaired since it was missing a bushing on a tuner, the tone switch was flaky, and it had a couple of frets that buzzed. While it was in the shop I got a good deal on a Fender Vibro Champ amplifier, which is all-tube. Other than some minor electronic repair, the amp was in great shape. Sounds terrific with the electric guitar. I also got a magnetic pickup for my acoustic guitar, and that sounds great through the amp, especially with a little vibrato effect added in. Last night I pulled out my viola since I hadn't played it in a while, and found I can still play "Silent Night" on it. Funny how some things just stick with you even when you haven't done them in a while

  3. Sorry to disappoint, but there's no magnification or atmospheric effect going on. It's an illusion. We perceive it as bigger, and it's all psychological. Don't believe me? Use your finger, index card, or something you can sight the moon with to figure the diameter. Then compare it when it's up high or down low. Same size, trust me! There's plenty of info on the "moon illusion". Here's one good article I found.


  4. http://www.aldoshoes.com/us/women/sandals/city-fashion/68620767-wurzburg

    I just ordered these from Aldo. I asked the lady in the store if they had a size 9, but she came back empty handed. So I asked if she maybe had an 8, to which she said the one from the display was an 8. She didn't have to guess who they were for, and asked if I needed a foot sock to try them on. She commented they looked nice, but we agreed the 8 was a bit on the small side. She said I could order them there and have them sent to my house, and found out 9 was available for order. As she was doing the order, she admitted she was jealous that I could find shoes so easily; she wore a 10! But she thought they looked nice, and hoped I enjoy them.

  5. I agree with Histiletto, thanks go to the mods for keeping things clean. They work hard, and we appreciate it. I'm sure they get tired of this question. I'm guilty too of asking the question about whether girls should post in the guys' forum, and after several posts, I'll have agree, let's give the girls their own space, and if they want to post here, let them. Once or twice I've read a thread, overlooked which forum it was in, and almost submitted before I said "doh!". So, in defense of guys who have probably made the same mistake, I don't think all the guys' posts in the girls' forum are guys who can't control themselves, they may just have been interested in a topic, wanted to add their $.02, and didn't notice which forum it was in. I'm sure if I did, I would edit my post to apologize, delete whatever I wrote, and ask them to delete it. Now I just be sure to read carefully what forum it's in. I'll agree with Tech (Richie?); don't post if you're a guy, you know you shouldn't be there, and you're well aware of which forum it's in.

  6. I came across this thread on another forum I'm on, not really heel related. It is strangely relevant to what several guys here have to deal with, and it has to do with how to tell women about something unusual that we do. When I first read this, I had to laugh, because I thought it paled in comparison to things I would have to tell a woman, but after reading all 17 pages, this guy is being quite serious. I share in his interest too, but I never even considered it an issue. I thought that bid the question though, how many women really have an issue with it? Certainly if a woman thought being a ham radio operator was too weird, I'd probably drop her like a bad habit and relish in the thought of knowing if that turned her off, then men in heels would probably not have been well received.

    I'm not posting the link to give the guy some privacy.

    I've started dating a very nice woman and I have not yet revealed to her that I am a ham radio operator. I keep a low profile as far as amateur radio goes, only my family and a few close friends know I'm a ham.

    Anyway, this woman is pretty and sweet and I really like her. I want her to view me as a normal, well adjusted man worthy of her investing herself emotionally. I'm afraid that if see sees radios and antennas she'll realize that I'm a ham and she'll drop me like a hot potato and move on to the next eligible bachelor...

    I've have not yet slept with her and I think that before things become sexual, I should tell her I'm a ham, that would probably be the honorable and moral thing to do. On the other hand, if I keep it a secret until we are well into a serious relationship and someday she finds out I'm a ham, she may feel that I have deceived her.

    Sometimes late at night, when I'm alone, I like to sit in the dark and talk to men on the radio. Everybody on this forum does the same thing, but to people outside of our hobby, this sounds very peculiar. I want to have a normal, nice relationship with a woman but a part of me still likes to exchange signal reports with other men on 40 meters.

    Anyway, I've come out to my friends and family about being a ham but am very worried about how a normal woman is going to react. I know I can't keep it a secret forever, some day she will discover my proclivities. Maybe some day she will come home early and catch me on 20 meters and her perception of me will be altered irrevocably.

    So, my question is, how do you guys handle this? Do you tell the woman right away or do you wait until well into the relationship before you spring it on her?

    After several replies ranging from "don't worry about it" to "Are you joking?", he followed up:

    You make it sound so easy. Actually, I equate it with being caught wearing her bra and panties. The humiliation factor would be enormous. I want her to see me as a manly man, someone strong she can rely on. I'm really conflicted.

  7. Today was a good day. I got my annual performance review from my boss, which I was a little nervous about this year since we'd had some epic disagreements with him this year (other folks have too, so I'm not alone), but it was better than I expected. Since I was feeling somewhat relieved by that, and I had to run an errand to replace my jump drive, which apparently has a flaky USB connection, I thought I would enjoy myself this evening. Since Monday's outing wasn't much to write about, I surpassed myself today. Today was a VERY good outing! :) I was wearing my favorite sweater (black and white with bands of red, blue, and green in it), but in trying to decide what heels to wear, decided to push the envelope a bit. As if heels weren't enough :w00t2: . So, I wore my women's dress pants which seemed to go well with my BCBGirls ankle strap pumps (the ones in my avatar). Only trouble is, no pockets! For the first time, I used the handbag I had picked up some time ago. First stop was Officemax, to find a new jump drive. No disguising the noisy heels here. A couple folks at the checkout looked up, but nothing else. Had to wander around looking for electronics, but an employee came up and asked if he could help. I told him what I was looking for, and he guided me over to them, pointing out a 2GB one on sale for $9.99. Sold! I thanked him for his help, and he wished a good evening. At the checkout, I had to remind myself that I don't have my wallet in my pants. One lady ahead of me glanced at the shoes, but seemed pretty nonchalant about it. A guy came in from the front door and got right in line behind me. The lady at the register was pleasant, and hardly seemed the slightest bit concerned about a guy with loud shoes and a handbag. I thanked her, and back to my car I went (oh yeah, the keys are in the handbag...;-) ). I went over to the mall to go into Macy's, because I wanted to find a pair of boot cut jeans. Yep, the ones from that section where not many guys roam. I had wondered if I might need to ask someone for some help, but there were plenty of racks of jeans on sale. Size 2 long, that should work since the pants I'm wearing are size 3 and slightly large on me. The ladies browsing didn't seem to mind, and a couple glanced at the shoes. I figured I'll head over to the men's section to avoid any conflicts in the changing rooms. I'm starting to like the sound of my shoes. It makes people look! Heh, I see why Johnieheel likes them loud! At the men's section, the cashier noticed on the way in, and made a brief smile when she saw the shoes. The jeans fit just perfectly! And boy, long is right! They worked with what I had on, but they'll be dragging with anything flat. Quite comfortable too. I caught up with the same cashier, and had to wait a moment for her to finish helping the gentleman with his suit and answering a question for a lady. She had me come up to the counter, and by my reckoning, not one person seems the slightest bit perturbed by my somewhat unusual choice of noisy (yet surprisingly easy and comfortable to walk in) footwear. She complimented me on my sweater, and I thanked her for that. I made a swing through the shoe section (hey, I can't go there without looking at least), and several ladies looked and smiled. One lady couldn't stop looking, so I just looked back and smiled each time. I made my way down the rest of the mall, and stopped in Aldo's. A few pairs caught my eye, and the saleslady quickly came up and asked if I was looking for anything in particular. Of course some folks looked, but certainly nobody made any faces. Not much really called out to me, though there were some nice ones. Leaving Aldo's, I was in the mood for a coffee. So I kept going, past all the kiosks. Then things got interesting! As I was walking past one of the cell phone kiosks, I heard a guy say "Nice shoes!" as I walked past. Wow! a compliment from a complete stranger! A guy even! Now that's a first for me! :lmao: So I turned around, smiled and he repeated "Nice shoes man! Those rock!". So I thanked him for the compliment, and asked, "So, you really think those are cool?" "Yeah! Those look awesome!". I thanked him again, and continued on. He certainly made my day! :clap: There are couple of small kiosks around the Starbuck's counter, and as I walked by, the cute girl working one smiled. The guy working the other kiosk just kept looking even after I got my coffee. I sat down at one of the tables to finish my coffee, and nobody seemed to mind. The kiosk guy kept glancing, so I just kept looking back and smiling. Eventually, a guy had a seat not 10 feet away who would have had full view of my shoes. Nothing. Nada. Zip. I don't even think he looked once. On the way back out, I realized that while I had passed several teenage girls, many of them had looked, but I may as well have been wearing my work shoes. No giggles, no "Ew!" expressions, and nothing untoward. Another detour through Macy's, and while plenty of folks looked, the response was usually a smile. All in all, it was a very pleasant evening. Nobody made even the slightest negative response, plenty of folks noticed, and for the most part, responses were good.



  8. Exactly. How could I have worn a pair of stiletto mary janes to Macy's? I wore them because I like them, and I don't waste time acting like "I hope nobody sees me". What if people see me? Of course they will see; I'm now standing 6'4". But I've found that other than some looks and maybe a double take, nothing bad happens. I'm sure folks might think all kinds of things about it, but it doesn't matter what some strangers think. What matters is what you think of yourself.

  9. Shoot, it's been over a month since I've been heeling. Not much of an adventure this time, but I wore my new low-heeled shoes I got at DSW when I went grocery shopping, along with my beige Dockers (funny how those appear so often in my outings), and a maroon dress shirt. A little noisy, but about the only reaction I had was a guy who seemed to be hanging around the dairy section who kept looking my way. I'd look at him, he'd look away. That's about it, and I really can't tell if he was looking at the shoes. I did get a brief smile from a lady walking down one of the aisles after she made a quick look down, so I can say I had a good reaction. She smiled again when we passed again in the next aisle. On the way out, no reaction at all, even when walking past the Salvation Army bell ringer (it is that time of year again... No loose change on me this time though :w00t2: ).


  10. Must be having a distracting moment... Has anyone noticed how so many women's shoes brands have men's names? Just a sample: Steve Madden Gianni Bini Jimmy Choo Manolo Blahnik (yep, he's a guy, and he even wears what he designs) Michael Kors Ralph Lauren OK, back to your regularly scheduled programming.... :w00t2:

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