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Posts posted by vector

  1. I think part of the problem may be that the shoes may fit fine at the time of purchase, but be stretched as you wear them. That may necessitate purchasing shows that may be a bit tight so they fit after stretching from wearing. Or buying the heel pads to give a snugger fit.

  2. I would suggest Payless. You could go into the store and purchase whatever style/size you want. If you don't try it on in the store, you could do so in your car or home and exchange it later for a larger or smaller size. Also, you could time it so that fewer shoppers are around. And you'll find that most store clerks don't even bat an eye, especially if they're on commission. Mail order is fine, but them you have to contend with shipping if you have to send it back. I would recommend that only when you not only know your size but also how different shoes fit.

  3. Question: Why do you have to tell them? Why do you have to wear heels around them? Will they be open minded enough to accept it or will you get continual grief? Not questions that you need to answer to me, but to yourself. Best of luck to you.

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