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Posts posted by vector

  1. Wwwweeeeelllllll, So if they are an, "...instrument of auto-eroticism, a fetishistic means of generating sexual excitement and pleasure, blah blah, blah..." So what???? Life is too short! Live it up and enjoy!! Aren't they "pleasurable" for women also?? We all do many different things for pleasure. I'm sure your GF does some things also. Just my two cents!

  2. Shoeiee, If you want to advance into management AND KEEP THE JOB, heels are out!!! Unless you own the company, heels are not part of the corporate structure- even the women who advance wear low heels. The rule I've always heard is to dress like your manager's manager. And as you've pointed out, there are written and unwritten rules and I don't think a male wearing heels will fit- I could be wrong, but really don't think so. Outside of work, happy heeling (and slipping!)

  3. Well folks, please remember that New York is a big state, and not all of it is buried under 10 ft (3 m) of snow. My area (western NY) got "only" 2 ft of snow! I hear NY got lots of ice, not much snow in the last storm. Fortunately we're coming out of the deep freez into a thaw where 25 F (-4 C) feels like spring!! The temperature went up to about 45 F today (8 C)!!! How do you say that, "Hallejuah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  4. Hey, the "red accent" heel boots are awsome. You're not bad looking either. Re: pumps, you may want to try these ideas. First, stuff the toes with lambswool. That will help take up some of the space when your foot slides forward. Second, some heel pads/grips. Last a cushion insole will take up some space. Hopefully these will help make those pumps fit better.

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