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Status Updates posted by Blacksheep

  1. finaly I have my devious scream 01 heels, they are so awesome, too high to walk in  but stil really beautiful shoes. 6 3/4" heel



  2. hi cat, love your pics and love seeing other men out enjoying heels. heels were made for walking


  3. Hi Tina,So awesome to have a woman sharing the pleasure of wearing heels with men and enjoying seing men enjoy heels. very refreshing and thank you for all the kind comments you have been making 

  4. new heels. 6 3/4" heel height. impossible to walk in but stil so awesome



    1. Pierre1961


      Not surprised you can't walk. But can you drive ? 


  5. Badger101 is another guy in Auckland, do a member search and im sure you will find hime his name is Roy. go to flickr and search for Blacksheep557 to find some of my pics, ask to be a friend. the heels I really love for around home is a pair of 5" heels with a low 1/2" platform, they have 4 1/2" elevation, not so great for long walks compared to my ankle boots which I can comfortably do 6 Kilometers with no sore calf muscles. It take a while to build uo the calf muscles so try walking about 2K a time, say once a week, then go to daily and you will be surprised how your legs tone up. best of luck

  6. Hi , where in NZ are you from I too am a kiwi and love to wear heels too

  7. hi and welcome to hhplace. I am male (59) in the south island and wear mainly heeled boots when out in public, but at home I love stillettos and all around 4" elevation, some with a small platform which gives better support to the ball of the foot. please add me to your friends list

  8. Hi Craig, Just to say thank you for yoiur time today. I just relised that I didn't put my shoes on for you to see. maybe we should get together again some time and get out for that coffee. you have awesome legs and heels and so lovely to see cedric

  9. Hi from the south island. I am a guy who wears heels too. the main ones I wear publicly in chch are heeled hiker boots with a 4" heel. please add me to your friends list

  10. Hi geo, where are you from? I can't seem to find much information about yourself or what you like to wear Have a merry christmas

  11. hi storm claw, love the pic in your avatar, I too am from NZ in the souh island another kiwi on here is Heel-lover in chch who wear 6" stillettos and skirt suit. are you on flickr? greta for picture sharing. if so then you can find my pics of my heels.

  12. hi strom, just noticed you are on line. have you been wearing your heels out much? I went for a thre k walk yesterday in chch, my ankle boots are so comfortable i could walk all day in them. let me know how u doin blacksheep

  13. Hi, Check out Number 1 shoes. most of their shoes are around $30.00 with some as much as $60.00. they have a wide selection of shoes and boots. heel hieght up to 6" with platform. they have 13 stors in Auckland and have a website http://www.numberoneshoes.co.nz/products/womens-shoes/heels?p=4

  14. Hi, Just thought i would add you to my friends list if that is ok with you. Do you ever make it down to Christchurch?

  15. Hi, I didnt relize hat I wasnt on your friends list. give your email address to if you wish

  16. Hi, Thank you for wishing to add me to your network. I am from New Zealand and love to wear heels. Mine are 4". I would dearly love to have 4.5 or 5" heels. Also so nice to see a woman who enjoys men in heels, Does your hubby wear heels for you? Your colection looks so nice

  17. Hi, another kiwi here, what part of nz are you. Number 1 shoes has a great variety, I preferr ankle hiking boots, 'theta' boots. Great for training in by having a solid heel, just get out and do the kilometers, and all your worries will be over. Let me know where u are from Blacksheep

  18. hi, check out some of the sizes of heels in Number one warehouse sale, some up to size 11 womens nz size. I bought my new boots with a 4" heel and are a size 10, normaly they dont sell much bigger than size 9

  19. hi, i am from the south island and love wearing heels, normally with 4" elevation. i do all my public heeling wearing boots, either calf lenth or hiker boots, i have worn out two sets of heel plates on the hiker boots already. please add me to your friends list

  20. Hi, thanks for the update. Been doing a lot of walking in Hagley park, sometiimes 4 k at a time. lots of runners and walkers in the park so they go fast. never even get a glance most times. I wear my shorter trouser length now so the whole heel of my heeled hiking boots can be seen easliy. it takes courage but a lot of fun I also like to wear a pair of 1/2" hoop gold earrings which I feel sort of finishes off the 'look' take care , nice hearing from you

  21. i amy01, nice to see you are still active on here. what part of nz are you? please add me as friend

  22. I forgot to mention, the usual stock size at Number 1 shoes is size 10 us. i have seen some larger sizes but not often. Have you bought any new heels lately? cheers blacksheep

  23. I love the look of your boots, i have one pair of calf length boots with a 4" heel and a pair of ankle boouts with a 4" heel. I have almost worn out two sets of heel plates already. I walk around chch with trousers over boots showing just a little heel.

  24. im in the south Island sorry about the delay to get back , i havent been on here for a wee while

  25. Please add me to your friends list. I am in the sty island and often in Christchurch. I'm a guy, but love wearing heels

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