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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2023 in all areas

  1. So I came across this on Instagram and went straight to watching the video…a little bit. I haven’t watched it fully but thought of you all when I saw snippets of it. I’ve been following Mark Bryan for YEARS, when he was just recording his struts at a train stop on IG. It’s crazy to see how far he’s gotten at this point. I believe he was also a part of the forum at a point?
    1 point
  2. Well, I am glad I watched this video in its entirety. I feel Mark's explanations were valid, and he seemed honestly upset that he may have offended one group or another. Mark is a great example of just what most of us are striving for, just to be a man in heels and some other traditionally feminine gear. Personally, I feel that some of these groups are a bit too sensitive and have unfair expectations about how they should be addressed and treated by society. Please don't misunderstand, I want everyone to be "their happiest self" for sure, in whatever form/identity that may be. But, expecting the rest of the world to understand just what identity they are striving for along with addressing them in a very specific way, is unrealistic and perhaps just a bit self centered. OK, I expect to get some criticism saying things like this, especially being a gay guy... PS: I too, would love to hear Mark's explanation about shedding his clothing.... Not afraid to admit I'm envious though, but he has obviously worked hard to have those nice toned legs, and should absolutely show them off.
    1 point
  3. Location, loction, location. I see a 3 piece suit about once a week. I was struck by the lack of body hair on Mark, but why he strip is questionable. Maybe to show no bra etc.
    1 point
  4. Agreed, the topic and discussion was very good. Yah, haven't seen a 3 piece in years.
    1 point
  5. The whole disrobing thing was just really weird. Other than that, the interview was OK. Does anybody even wear a three piece suit anymore?
    1 point
  6. Nice link. He and I have the same taste in heels. I can't understand the need to undress during the interview no matter how the topic moved about. The two interviewers, especially the person on right of the screen look rough and doubt either one has ever donned a nice pair of heels. His point is fashion should not be gender based and those 2 are as much proof as him and us.
    1 point
  7. These by Asos, went for a size bigger and they're fine on x
    1 point
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