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  1. This is so true! I remember the first few times I wore heels in public. I was so focused on what people might say, or what types of looks I might get, that by the end of it, I was like “wow, no one really even looked, or seemed to care at all, one way or the other”. Psychologically, I think I prepared myself too much, for negative reactions, ridicule, or even dirty looks, and when none of that happened, I realized that the whole event really wasn’t as big of a deal to everyone else, as it may have been to me. It honestly felt like all of the mental preparation and courage I summoned leading up to my finally walking in public wearing heels, was a gigantic nothing burger! In a strange way, It was sort of a let-down, almost making me feel like all of the excitement I had been building up in my own head, along with the thought that others would be ready to laugh, ridicule, point, or whatever, gave the whole thing much more importance than it actually deserved. What I got from my first experiences wearing heels in public, is that most people either, don’t care, or are not paying attention (mainly because they are probably too wrapped up in their own routines and their own distractions). I truly believe more guys would venture out in heels, if they realized that 99.8 of the “barriers” and negative reactions they expect and prepare for, or that they imagine that actually prevents them from experiencing and exploring wearing heels in public, basically come mainly from their own thoughts, and not the public/society itself. As far as reactions go, over decades of wearing heels in public, I’ve gotten maybe three or four dirty looks, maybe double that amount of looks of confusion or “double takes” (like when someone sees something, looks away, then quickly looks back, as if to say, “did I really just see what I thought I saw?), and I should add that many of those were woman, who followed it up with a kind smile! As far as comments, I’ve gotten literally dozens, from males and females alike, mostly all positive! Definitely nothing that would have ever kept me from going back out in heels again, that’s for sure. Bottom line is that most people could care less, and the ones that may notice, are mostly kindhearted people, and not as judgmental as one may think.
    3 points
  2. I did actually wear stilettos in public just yesterday, to my kid's jazz band concert. And even then, I seem to have attracted very little notice, despite there being hundreds of people there. And yet, at the same time, I was a unicorn. I was not the only one I saw who was wearing heels, but I was the only one in high stilettos. It hasn't always been this way. I've certainly been challenged and even heckled in the past.
    1 point
  3. Today I wore my Nine West suede knee highs boots with pointy toes to work. One of the administrators ask me about how to buy boots. She has seen some 'but they were expensive". Yeah good suede boots cost money. This is the third time she has ask about shopping, I think she wants to go shoe (boot) shopping with me....LOL
    1 point
  4. It's been a while since this thread has been active, but I've got a post for it. I will say that this is only my first failure of 2025, but I'm kind of bummed about it. I bought these Steve Madden Klory pumps about 2 1/2 years ago, and was thrilled that I had finally found the perfect pair of beige/nude colored shoes. Sometime within the last couple of months, the heel on the right shoe has ceased to be vertical. Not only does this offend my visual sensibilities, they don't walk quite right anymore. I have no idea what really caused this, but I'm guessing it's a bent shank. In any case, I have to bin them. I probably won't replace them, even though I've found an identical pair, because I already have several pair that are so close in color and style that I feel silly spending money and space on something that I absolutely don't need. For comparison, I've also included a picture which illustrates why I feel silly replacing them. The middle shoe is the one from the pair I've had to toss. The only on the right is actually the one I wear the most. The one on the left is new, a different brand, and is unvetted as of yet. I might do a separate post on that pair in the future. For those interested in such things, the heel heights are 4 1/2", 4 5/8", and 4 3/4", right to left of course.
    1 point
  5. Hi! “been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it’s good to be back home” The Beatles once sang. My sentiments exactly! Thought I would pop in and say hello with some pics of me in my black Jessica Simpson 4 inch heels, and also some of my open toe open back platforms.
    1 point
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