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  1. Past hour
  2. I found this link to a video about how to make your own sharp heels. They will also make a pair for you, for a modest fee.
  3. Today
  4. Boy o boy, those boots are amazing. You really look great in those killer booties and perfect jeans....
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9ydbt4t9rrw25z2yoilk4/2024-05-23-15.53.21.jpg?rlkey=9bxtw0fte0pno0bah3f13euxb&dl=0 Recently got some So Kate 120mm booties. I’m a bit out of practice for heels this height, but I plan to wear them out for dinner for our tenth anniversary in September, so I’m getting lots of practice.
  6. I like the pink and burgundy combo - very nice
  7. That's a brilliant movie! The scene where Miss Vito qualifies herself as an expert is priceless
  8. Those boots look great, and you look great in them for sure. So envious of your abilities...
  9. Love showing my ignorance. I had never even heard the words "voire dire" until I watched one of my favorite movies: "My cousin Vinny"! The prosecutor questioned "Miss Vito's' general automotive knowledge, so he wanted to "voire dire" her. Love that movie, and Miss Vito had some great heels and booties also!
  10. I reported for jury duty wearing 100mm ankle boots once. Only comments was from the officer at the security checkpoint.
  11. He's got an actual shop: https://maps.app.goo.gl/i2cKJV8A45JYkK339 It's less than five miles from my house.
  12. Morning, if I remember my history right, when Little Shoe Box closed, one employee, Ilia, took over and re started production of the shoes and boots they were well known for. It took me a while to finally try their products, but I am glad I did. The knee high boots seem to be a better quality than the pair I got back in 2001. If anyone is considering ordering from them, go for it! https://i.ibb.co/djM96M4/IMG-0144.jpg
  13. One of life's mysteries I guess.
  14. Oddly enough, I wore pumps over the weekend, and I have several pair in this general style. All of them are between 4 1/2 and 4 3/4 inches. This particular pair, which are Steve Madden Daisie, are quite comfortable. I had them on for about five hours, much of that standing, and never regretted it. In fact, I did not feel anything but good vibes. To go along with the main subject, however, I can't just slip these things on or off. It's a bit of a production. The good thing about this is no unintended shoe loss. I still do not understand how some people manage to slip right into their pumps and still walk around normally.
  15. This week's Church outfit. It was a special week at our church. We had a special service to commemorate the 175th anniversary of our existence. It was a nice service, and many people from the days of yore travelled a long way to attend this service, some of them pastors from my youth. What I did not enjoy about the service was the music, which was contemporary Christian Pop, and the apparent contemporary band dress code, which was a red t-shirt proclaiming the 175th anniversary of the church. I don't normally play with them, but their guitarist was out of town. There's nothing wrong with a red t-shirt, but I looked much nicer than the rest of the band, if I may say so. I did don a red t-shirt after church to do a little bit of grocery shopping, this one featuring our arch rival college. I think I know how I came to have this t-shirt, but it's a long story, and nobody cares anyway.
  16. Yesterday
  17. Very nice boots indeed!!!!
  18. Yes no one outside the two people directly involved can know what the score is, and even then each of them will have their own sincerely held opinion.
  19. Yes, Brock is divorced from him wife back in Australia with a couple of kids. I think he is estranged from his kids, and has been ridiculed for being behind in child care payments. Brock claims he is all caught up now, but his kids still don't want to communicate with him. Far be it from me to judge...
  20. Those boots are amazing, love everything about them for sure. Love the color, the heels, the nice fit and the great jeans. I'm so envious. What brand are they?
  21. Ah, the old shorts and high heels question! Once upon a time it was a question that wasn't even asked. Yes, Daisy Duke was on the TV every single week in shorts and heels, but nobody outside of a club, or maybe a car show, dressed like that in real life. Then suddenly it was ok, and even I can do it. For me personally, if I'm going to wear shorts, I'm going to wear sandals. Though I've modeled them before, I would never wear an enclosed shoe with shorts, unless I'm playing tennis. If I'm actually working outside, I'm covered head to toe (for sun protection), so it's not about the heat, it's about the style. I do usually wear open toe mules with shorts, and they do tend to have a wooden heel. But not always. I don't often wear stilettos with shorts, and I'm not 100% sure why. Perhaps stilettos with shorts still have that "clubby" look about them that I don't necessarily want to wear out and about under normal circumstances. Wedges also seem to work very well with shorts. For some reason, wedges seem to take the edge off the look. Oddly enough, I do not have all that many pictures of me in shorts, probably because I've been doing this church outfit of the week things for some time, and I still will not wear shorts to church. Even though many people do this nowadays, it just seems wrong to me. Especially when I'm on the livestream camera that gets saved forever and ever. So I'll find some quick examples. I don't do long shorts, because they simply do not look good on me. I don't have a lot of real estate to waste covering it up.
  22. I don’t find shorts any cooler in summer than loose trousers made if lightweight material - and I’ve lived most of my life in Australia where we certainly get hot summers
  23. I have several pairs of wedge heel sandals that I wear with my shorts. Also have a pair of Jessica Simson high heel sandals that are just right for summer wear with jeans or dressier trousers. More for summer wear at a night time dining experience than on the boardwalk or beach.
  24. Those are on the longer side for me. I will be in 85-95 F (30-35 C) temps, so short shorts keep me a little cooler. I still use speedos in my pool and tan my full legs.
  25. I occasionally get those walk out pumps or wear them to that point. These many of my pumps have a Mary Jane Strap or an ankle strap. With these features there are no issues. Also, good pumps will narrow above the heel cap, gripping my ankle. This is also a reason I don't care for platforms. All platforms have less flex and all platforms will dislodge more easily.
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