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  3. There’s not one man on the planet that can find fault with any decision that you have made concerning your life or the way you live. The decision you have made are the right ones for you. There isn’t any sane individual that I am aware of that consciously makes any decisions that negatively impacts their lives. If you are happy with your lifestyle and life situation, then I say “good on you!.” Because 97% of the people alive are not satisfied with their life, lifestyle or status in society. It’s only through hindsight that any one can say “gosh, had I only turned right instead of left I would have been so much better off. The most important consideration on your part is that you are satisfied, happy and content with where you are at. I say Congratulations. “Keep on keeping on.” Because you are one of the few.
  4. Red pumps would cap off that outfit really well. Look good buddy.
  5. Once again, we have this week's church outfit. I went back to pink again, though I no longer technically have any pink shoes. I tossed my last pair because one of the straps was broken, and it was starting to suffer from the whole chemical peel thing on the inside, which, due to the design of the shoe, was visible while wearing. I had essentially two choices, unless I went with black or something. I had some pink-ish stiletto mules, which I should really find an occasion to wear, but they were far too orange for this outfit. That left me with my Söfft cork sandals in fuchsia patent, so that's what I went with. One of the advantages to wearing the Söfft shoes is that they are effectively 3 1/2" heels. I've been wearing higher heels quite a bit lately, so these are super easy to move in, and I needed all of my wits about me, as it was my first time leading the music by myself, without benefit of a piano player. It went fine. I wouldn't necessarily want to do that every week, but it was ok for a Sunday or two now and then. For some reason, these appear quite a bit more bright red than they are in real life. Even if they were red, I don't think they look too bad. Maybe I ought to try actual red shoes with a future pink outfit.
  6. I’m no fan of President Biden or ex-President Trump either, but I do think that classing either with Vladimir Putin is a bit rich. As far as I know neither of the two American presidents have murdered any of their many critics, at home or abroad, or routinely taken foreigners hostage for use as political pawns or invaded a neighbouring country in an all out land-grab war that had cost many thousands of lives. Although born in the US I have lived virtually all of my adult life in other countries. I have never been involved with any ex-pat associations but have always lived as a local, amongst locals, and without reference to America in any way. Perhaps that’s why I have no sentiment for the place, although I had a very agreeable childhood there
  7. It was a was couple of minutes past 9:30 Am when Mark Clift parked his car in his reserved spot beside the building where the Parsons Studio and Fashion Design Agency was located. It was a Saturday morning and ordinarily Saturday would be his day off. But last night he told an old friend that he would be willing to help her produce a special Fashion Show for a very exclusive audience. Mark was employed by the Parsons Studio as a fashion show “Facilitator,” a kind of director that sets the rhythm, coordinates events, and controls the appearances of models on their runway walks. A highly skilled and well paying position that requires extensive knowledge of the fashion industry as well as an understanding of unhibited designer’s and models’s personalities, ambition, characteristics and habits. Mark’s current employer has a personnel policy of only hiring women to work as facilitators. When Mark’s original employer retired and sold his company to his current employer, one of the conditions for the sale was that the new company would hire Mark to continue working in his current position. The new manager, explaining his company’s policy, would only agree to keeping Mark on if he would dress as a woman while working. Mark, after a lot of thought and recognizing it was a very well paying position, agreed. That was over three years ago and today Mark can pass as one of the best looking women in the close to 30 crowd. Marks old friend was Mrs. Jane Davis Kelly, a world renowned Fashion Writer, featured models and one of the most Beautiful Women in the World. They have been friends for several years. Jane, in her college days, worked with Parsons studios as a freelance model when she and Mark had become friends. Today’s special show was organized to introduce a new designer that shows a lot of promise and to unveil a new gown especially created by a famous French designer exclusively for sale in a chain of women’s clothing stores. The company that Jane Kelly is associated with has agreed to manage the production, distribution and sale, including publicity, for this gown. Jane has the assignment for publicity. Mark picked up his girlfriend on the way. Sandy Brewer was at dinner last night with Mark when Jane related the circumstances surrounding this special show. When Mark offered to help produce it, Sandy, being a part time model, agreed to help. Mark noticed that there were quite a few cars in the lot. He remarked to Sandy, as they walked to the door, “there are a lot of people here for a Saturday. I even see the bosses car over there.” They entered the building and after exchanging a morning greeting with the receptionist, Sandy asked where everyone was. The receptionist pointings to the exhibition hall replied “in there having coffee and pastries.” Jane Kelly, standing by the door was the first to see them. She excused herself from the conversation she was having with one of her magazine’s editors, and said “Why Mark, I didn’t recognize you wearing blue jeans an a sports shirt, but then I noticed your high heels and thought it must be you.” She said as she hugged him. Then, turning to Sandy greeting her with a big hug, saying “ I’m so glad you came because I hope you will agree to play a major part in this show today”. Turning back to Mark, she motioned both of them to follow her into a consulting room where she reviewed her plans for the show. An attendant brought in some coffee and pastries as she explained that the show would open with reviewing a new designer’s, Miss Charlotte Shaw’s, collection. After her presentation, they planned an intermission and a light lunch and then they would introduce the new gown that was to be sold in the chain stores. Mark was a seasoned producer. He had everything he needed to put on a first class show immediately at his fingertips. He asked Jane if his sound and lighting technicians were here? Jane said that they were in the dressing room with Jamie and the models that were going to wear Miss. Shaw’s clothes. They were discussing procedures and the order in which they would appear. Heading toward the dressing room with Sandy in tow, Mark mentally reviewed how he was going to organize what he felt would be a short, simple production. First: Order of events. The primary purpose of this show was the introduction of the new gown. So, as a lead in, the first attraction will be the introduction of the promising new designer, Miss. Charlotte Shaw, followed by the showing of her collection. After a light lunch, the main attraction: The unveiling of the new gown modeled by Miss Jamie Donavan and Miss. Sandra Brewer. After the introduction ceremony was finished, the guests will be afforded an opportunity to discuss their impressions of and inspect the gowns and interview the participants. A closing “thank you for your interest and participation in our program” remarks, followed by a cocktail celebration for a short period. Jane, after explaining to the audience that the show would begin in about 30 minutes or as quickly as Mark could get it together, headed to the dressing room and explained to Sandy that she wanted Sandy to model a second almost identical gown made from a different fabric and color to show it’s versatility and how attractive it would be in alternative fabrics and colors. Jane also told Sandy that she hoped that she could demonstrate to the chain store executives that she was an excellent alternative choice to having Jamie as the main representative of their campaign to promote their new gown. The target buyers of our advertising campaign are the “All American,” wholesome, genuine girl next door type, Sandy’s appearance exuded those characteristics. And her beautiful farm girl looks were perfect for attracting targeted buyers. The main reason that another primary figure is necessary is because Jamie just isn’t a available. Her contractual obligation to NASA have National Security implications that the United States government would not let her ignore. Sandy was so stunned by what Jane was telling her that she was speechless. Mark was thrilled at hearing that Sandy was going to get her shot at becoming a feature model. His professional instinct always thought that she had all of the attributes of becoming one. Mark, hugging Jane with thanks, looking at his watch said that he had to get moving and if he was going to be the Master of Ceremonies, he had to chang into a dress. He couldn’t be the Master of ceremonies wearing blue jeans and a sports shirt. The program would began with Mark announcing, after welcoming remarks and introduction of all of the notable personalities, that the purpose for this show was to reveal a new semi formal gown designed specifically for the younger age female retail market and the introduction of Miss. Charlotte Shaw, the promising new designer whose collection to was to be viewed for the very first time. And so the Show began. With a pre recorded musical fanfare, a professional radio type announcer started describing the first dress of Miss Shaw’s collection. Light classical music began playing softly in the background, Mark, stepping from behind the podium started walking down the runway, performing a standard clothing “show off“ routine that designers like to use because they feel it reveals all of their creations best features. The dress Mark was wearing was absolutely beautiful. A white polished cotton, slightly off shoulder, semi formal gown, perfect for summer evening wear, shoes were matching open back silk slippers reminiscent of the 1930’s, accented by a black pearl necklace and matching earrings. The audience gasped and shouts and applause of approval. Nothing like starting off with the best. But, that was not the case. Things got better. Earlier, when Mark walked into the dressing room to change his clothes, one of the models was holding a dress that she was about to put on. Mark playful said, if that will fit me, let me wear it. The model held up to his body and told him that it would fit him perfectly. Since he was already wearing high heels and female underwear beneath his street clothes, he went into the wardrobe room, selected a bra and a slip and changed into the new dress. his heels didn’t match go with the dress. Fortunately, Miss. Shaw had brought along a pair of matching slippers with open backs that fit perfectly. Jane, sleeing what Mark was doing, grabbed a makeup kit and, after Mark finished changing, sat him before a mirror, quickly and expertly made up his face, then, standing in front and inspecting him closely, she told him how elegant he looked and he should make a good impression walk on the runway. Mark completed his runway appearance And returned to the podium. The show continued. Miss. Shaw chose to show twenty new dresses. Their were four freelance models and Sandy. She got to show 5 of the dresses with loud approval. After the runway performances were finished, Sandy and the other four models lined up on the runway before the audience and were introduced by Mark with appreciation and thanked to loud applause. During the intermission luncheon, Jane took the time to talk individually with and express her gratitude to each model. Their part of the show was a outstanding. Miss. Shaw’s creations were fantastic and the audience appreciation and recognition of genuine talent was amazing. When she finished, Jane took Sandy to get ready for the introduction of the new gown. Jamie was already dressed and busy applying her makeup. Jane took the new gown and gave it to Sandy. Sandy looking it over carefully, noticing how lovely it was, exclaiming “WOW,”. This gown is gorgeous! Then, going behind a dressing partition, she began to get ready. Both Jamie and Sandy were all dressed, made up and ready to do the model “show walk”. Jane, carefully looking them over with her critical professional eye was satisfied. Standing up in front of her were two of the most gorgeous young ladies in the entire city, not to mention that this agency ever had to walk through their front door Jamie wearing a black semi formal gown with a short white pearl necklace and black patent pumps with 4 inche high heels. Sandy wearing the same gown only in red. She was wearing a similar white pearl necklace with red patent pumps with 4 inche heels. Both wearing earrings that matched their necklaces. Their finger nails polished with red polish. Their face with just a hint of makeup and a thin layer of lipstick. Just enough to accentuate their feminine features. OK kiddies. Time to get serious and sell an idea, with that, Jane went and signaled Mark to start the program. Mark got everyone’s attention and when they were all seated, he announced that the next part of this show is beginning and will be short and exciting. He signaled the sound man and the program began. No big musical fanfare. Just light classic music softly playing in the background as the announcer described the gowns and both Jamie and Sandy walked out onto the runway. As Sandy and Jamie got ready to make their way onto the runway, Sandy whispered to Jamie that Jami should step out first and she would follow one step behind her, that way it would look like they came out at the same time. She also told Jamie that when they approached the pivot point that Jamie should complete her turn before Sandy starts her turn, and then they would walk back up to the center of the runway and stand together in front of the company executives. Jamie agreed. The curtain parted and the girls stepped out and began their way down the runway. A huge gasp from the audience as these two indescribably beautiful women, wearing absolutely gorgeous gowns, walked slowly and femininely down the walkway toward the point where they would pause, then slowly turn and begin walking back up towards the starting point. When they reached the halfway point they stopped and stood directly in front on the chain store and Jane’s company executives who were totally stunned. They stood there, mouth open in awe. The Dead silent crowd erupted, cheering and shouting, clapping their hands sore. Jamie and Sandy made their way down the stairs onto the floor where they were joined by Jane, who wrapped her arms around both of them and congratulated them for their stunning performance. Unknown to anyone in the agency, one of the models working with Miss. Shaw’s part of the program, called a friend of hers who was a reporter at a local TV Channel and told her all about the exclusive fashion show that was being staged by the world famous fashion model and noted fashion reporter and author, Mrs. Jane. Davis Kelly for an audience of the country’s biggest fashion executives in the North America. The reporter, recognizing the event was newsworthy and enormously important to the fashion community, rounded up a news crew and raced to the agency.They got there just as the program began and managed to record the entire show without any one present even knowing they were there. Jane’s intention of having a private show for the executives of her company and those of the chain store corporation, were blown out of the water. Although she had expected the executives of the companies involved to leak what was going on to their families and friends, she was not prepared for the large number of people of influence and importance to her industry that were in the audience. Her simple ceremony to unveil a new gown to a chain store of retail outlets and preview a previously unknown designer’s work, has grown to be a full blown major fashion event. Jane walked back to the chair she selected because it gave her the best view of the runway, sat down and sighed deeply. She looked up and saw the swarm of people heading towards her. Corporates Execs, Company Execs. Fashion industry executives and reporters, fashion industry and local media. she hurriedly looked around but there was no place to hide. She got up and walked toward the crowd and when she met them she asked the executives to meet her in the company cafeteria and give her a few minutes with the press. They deserve their time. I owe them because I am one of them. I’ll met you in a few minutes. With that, the executives and fashion industry big wigs headed for the cafeteria and Jane let the reporters surround her. Before they could even ask questions, She stopped them and asked to give her their impressions of the show. If compliments were gold, Jane would have enough to payoff the national debt. Compliments from these hard hearted reporters were direct from the heart. So effusive, she was becoming embarrassed. She silenced them with one gesture told them that she was ready to answer their questions. But the interview had to be orderly. She was in serious business negotiations and didn’t have the time to answer the same question twice. So, one at a time. Questions were predictable. What is going on? Who is involved? Why did she feel that she needed a special show? and more than once, Who are those gorgeous models? Jane related the circumstances, leading to the show which answered majority of their curiosity except for identifying the models. She identified all of them but Mark and Jamie, except for saying that neither one of them was a professional model and didn’t want to be outed. One of the reporters asked if it was true that one was her husband’s cousin? Jane answered that was true. But refused to go beyond that. The cafeteria was full. Jane walked in and shook her head. Wondering, she said to herself in a soft voice “Where did it ago wrong?” She took a closer look at those in the room. They could be sorted into three or four different groups. Chain store execs. Her company execs. Fashion industry big wigs. Show workers like herself, Make Jamie, Sandy, etc. If she took them in order, she would begin with the industry people first. Then her company people and the chain stores people. And the rest of us. Parsons’ people, Shaw models, Charlotte’s people. Jane,Jamie, Mark and Sandy. She started with the Fashion people. They were all standing together in a group. Jane approached them and thanked for coming. She said she was curious why they attended such a low level event. The Chairman answered that he had read her article on Charlotte Shaw, heard that you were going to give her a preview show and that you were also going to unveil a new gown for the retail market. You, whether you know it or not, are a real force in this industry. Our curiosity was aroused so we decided to attend your presentation and learn more about what’s going on. Jain related that is simple. A corporation of retail women’s clothing chain stores had a gown exclusively designed for them by a well known French fashion designer, that they are interested in selling in their chain stores. Today we introduced the gown at the show. Charlotte Shaw’s designs were a lead in to the introduction of the gown, the chairman asked Jane to please visit him at his office tomorrow before she leaves town. With that he expressed his admiration for the show, thanking her for her time and, along with the others in his group, left the building. Jane turned her attention to the crew from the chain stores and her company. They were a bunch of happy campers. Each organization got more than they bargained for. Everyone was happy. The chain store Corporation was elated with the gowns. They were excited about the prospect of making them in more than one color and from more than one fabric. They were excited about how much press coverage the show produced and were thrilled at the publicity their chain stores were going to get. And, they were so impressed with Sandy, they agreed to use her as their primary model representative for their advertising campaign. They asked Jane to tell her that they were going to make an offer for her services in the next couple of days. Jane,laughing, said that she was Sandy agent so they were going to have to negotiate with her on Sandy’s behalf. “Not to change the subject,” the Chairman of the chain store cooperation said, “But while we were waiting for you to join us we discussed Charlotte Shaw’s”’collection that she presented today. During the lunch intermission, the three of us went into the dressing room and took a close look at her dresses, talked to the models and with Miss. Shaw. Our Director of marketing got so excited after personally examining her gowns. He has come up with an idea. He thinks that we should take her entire line. Produce it in the same manner that we are producing the new gown. He even went so far as naming the new collection as Our CHARSHAW collection. He think, and I agree, her clothes are beautiful, well constructed and her semi formal offerings will be highly competitive with the gown we introduced today.” He went on, including Jane’s company’s executives in his remarks. He raised the possibility of Jane monitoring the new line, should they go with it, and he also raised the possibility of Jane’s company performing a similar contract to produce the new line.“That’s a lot to think about”, Jane said, thinking that she already has a lot on her schedule. Jamie, Sandy, Mark and Charlotte came into the room. Every one was dressed casually. The girls wearing flats and the boys still in high heels. Jamie said that she was tired and ready to go. Jane said that “It was time to pour water on the fire and call in the hounds. That’s South Carolina talk saying that it’s time to pack up and go home.” The executives of both company’s expressed their appreciation to them for the wonderful job they all did today. It was a thrilling, outstanding presentation that everyone Thoroughly enjoyed. First rate, couldn’t have been better. with that, the men left to return to wherever they came from, leaving the five of them Alone. Looking at her watch, Sandy was surprised to see that it was close to 6:00 P.M. “I’m hungry“, Sandy said. Jane suggested that they all go t Frank and Jonnie’s and get a really good meal. They deserve it. I
  8. You know, there are not many countries belonging to the United Nations that I haven’t visited or lived in. And I have met expats in almost all of them. Most country’s have organized American Expat groups that associate with each other to stay current with events occurring in the US. Most of the people I met represent American companies. Some emigrated for one reason or another. That being said, observing from the outside, most countries have more in common than most people think. The three things are: 1. A roof over their head. 2. Food on the table. 3. clothes on their back. And, the 4th item is: a better life for their children, Although some are working so hard to get the first three, they have little time for children. I do not begrudge anyone for their reasons for leaving or wanting to stay anywhere. I sincerely hope that everyone, everywhere achieves, finds or accomplishes what ever they, seek or dream of for a better life. As for me, personally, I have more resources than I can ever use and more money than I can ever spend. So, I guess, even at my age, I should hastily flee because I am downtrodden? No thanks. Right now, I’m trying to sort out which person that is running a country has done more to harm their homeland. The head of Russia or President Biden. I guess its a toss up.
  9. Yesterday
  10. Last week
  11. Family leaves Texas to live in Russia. Has to learn to use cryptocurrency to get money from the $USD into the $RUB (LMAO). They see themselves as "moral refugees" from the US (escaping the gay political agenda). The list of families leaving the US for Russia is growing and growing.
  12. Yes you carry off shorts well. No question about it.
  13. Over in the "For Everybody" section, we got off on a tangent about whether I'm too old to wear shorts. And my friend from university told me that I personally can pull it off, but not everyone can, including her. After some input here, I finally decided, "Fine, I'm going to quit worrying about it." About a week and a half ago, we changed directly from rain to heat. Because of my work schedule and responsibilities, I have been unable to take advantage of the situation until this weekend, at which time I pulled all the stops out. Whatever it is I'm doing, I guess I need to keep doing that. Within the last two days, I have received a number of unsolicited compliments, all by women, about my legs. Here is my outfit, which is obviously nothing special, just a t-shirt and shorts.
  14. Luck or bad luck! Just remember, we are all at the mercy or the “crooked dealer!
  15. For me, life is like a game of poker, unlike chess where all outcomes are predictable; almost all decisions involve risk management, from small bets to all-in moments. I take responsibility for the outcomes--even if sometimes luck or even bad luck plays a role in the outcome.
  16. And I thought that I was through buying clothes. I already have a closet full, but , yesterday In bought a pair navy blue of men’s shorts and a white cotton golf shirt with navy blue flex that will match perfectly with my white and navy blue 5” ankle strap sandals. And I thought that I was too old to think about coordinating my outfits.
  17. I guess the old saying “you take your choice and pay the price” is applicable here. Everyone’s situation is different. KH, your father had his choice and, for some reason, he chose to endure an unfavorable situation. You make decisions based upon “your” evaluation of many different aspects that are factual today. And fitting your decision into the situation that exists today might be the best choice. However, given the confusing circumstances that are occurring in today’s world, the decision you choose today might not be the one you would choose tomorrow. You might be one of those fleeing Egypt heading for the promised land or a simple man seeking a place with highly favorable tax policies, in the secular world, decisions changing conditions are made by men who make them in a heart beat without notice.
  18. You are quite right, I would never wear heels that low! Although I absolutely would wear that wristwatch.
  19. Neighbor to the east, you know what the weather has been like lately, and it doesn't show any sign of letting up. You won't catch me wearing enclosed shoes (outside of the workplace and when safety requires it) until September. As I said before, I have never used nail polish or varnish of any sort, ever. I also do my own pedicures ever since my favorite nail tech left the biz. No one else is touching my feet. One trick I have discovered is to rub just a tiny amount of petroleum jelly on your toenails before heading out. It gives them a little bit of shine without the hassle of painting them. Also, have you tried a buffing block? That will give your nails shine that will last quite a long time, especially on your toenails.
  20. I used to be self conscious about a lot of things. Going to the toilet is not one of them. Though I do suffer from "shy bladder," which makes things difficult sometimes.
  21. I seriously doubt you would ever find a wireman wearing plimsolls. Wholly unsuitable for the job. 😜
  22. One could say the same about the leadership in the US towards killing innocent people. I'm aware of Russia's politics. As long as a person stays out of politics, all is good. Hard to believe for people who haven't spent substantial time in the country. Cool! I didn't know you had raised kids in AU and England. Curious how your boating life is coming along!
  23. I guess they’re out there. Funnily enough he was the only one I saw wearing heels - the wiremen seemed to be universally in white or cream plimsolls. Odd for Leeds
  24. The other day in central London (Jermyn Street, the traditional home of high class men's tailoring) I saw an older man (he might have been younger than me!) probably in his 60s or maybe even 70s, smartly dressed with a pair of short western style booties. Maybe 3" heel.
  25. Passing through Leeds train station this morning and spotted a guy in heels! Genuine heels too. Black patent ankle boots with chunky 4” heels. They formed part of an odd ensemble that included a long faux fur coat (taupe-coloured) and loose fitting striped trousers (black and gold) Odd though it was nobody paid him the least notice
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