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Outing w/ Radiodave and Johnieheel


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It was great!:o For the first time in both our lives, we got to share our passion for footwear with one of the same. Dave in sandals, me in MJ's. Radiodave, myself, Ruthheel, and Teri, Ruth's friend met up at Bob Evans for lunch in Canton Oh today. We all wore heels. It was so much fun. It was a normal lunch during the afternoon church crowd and very busy. I never noticed a single strange look, remark or any of the above. After lunch it we all piled into Daves car and headed out to Marshals at the strip to check it out. Once again, noneventful except for our own personal enjoyment of admiring all the heels on display. Wife bought a sexy pair of gold wedge sandals and off to DSW. We were there for about 45 min. to an hour trying on heels and taking pics with my digital until one of there workers told us we weren't allowed to take pics. She was very kind about it. Teri and Radiodave each found a pair there. Got some smiles from other women that new we were having a lot of fun but no sarcasm. Just a fun event all and all at DSW. Then off to the mall. Sat and had a cold drink at DQ and off for a little more shopping. I found a pair of MJ's in Hot Topics but they were out of my size. The guy called around and found me a pair at another store where I can go pick them up tomorrow morning.:-? Did a little more shopping at Aldo's and Macy's and at that time the stores were all closing so off we went back to my car to end a very, very fun and exciting day with a very cool guy in heels. My personal thanks to Richie and all the others who keep this site going and making it possible for us to make new friends on line and in person all over the world. And a special thanks to you Radiodave for joining my wife, her friend, and I for a really great time. God Bless you all. Johnie and Ruthheel.






real men wear heels

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Most impressive! Most impressive indeed! Sounds like all of you had a great time. Fantastic!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Guest Loveshiheels

Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. What type and height of heels were you lot wearing. Just so that I get some idea what type of heel to wear when going out.

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Ah yes, the heel meet bug bites another. The forum is amazing in a 1 dimensional sense, but real life meets transcend a 3 dimensional reality that words have a hard time doing justice to--especially when there are 30 other guys.

all you freshly enthusiastic heelers! As the song says, "Come out of the cupboard, all you boys and girls." Stay tuned for updates on The World Heel Meet 2009

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. What type and height of heels were you lot wearing. Just so that I get some idea what type of heel to wear when going out.

Simple, just wear what you want.

real men wear heels

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