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Expanding My Horizons


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This might well sound like high treason, but I recently ordered a pair of low heeled women's shoes from Maryland Square:

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For reasons I can't quite explain, these two inch heeled leather slip-ons really appealed to me, simplistic, yet stylish, I liked these shoes from jump street and decided that I just had to have a pair. My reasoning for this being that as I'm slowly closing in on my goal of wearing a skirt in public, I figured that shoes like these would work well in a casual public environment. Like I said, buying low heeled shoes might be seen as treason, or, I'm expanding my horizons to take in all heel heights, the important thing is that I'm still wearing women's shoes, something I'll always love doing.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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This might well sound like high treason, but I recently ordered a pair of low heeled women's shoes from Maryland Square:

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For reasons I can't quite explain, these two inch heeled leather slip-ons really appealed to me, simplistic, yet stylish, I liked these shoes from jump street and decided that I just had to have a pair. My reasoning for this being that as I'm slowly closing in on my goal of wearing a skirt in public, I figured that shoes like these would work well in a casual public environment. Like I said, buying low heeled shoes might be seen as treason, or, I'm expanding my horizons to take in all heel heights, the important thing is that I'm still wearing women's shoes, something I'll always love doing.

I have some very much like them that I got from Payless a couple of years ago. They are extremely comfortable and you can feel the lift of the heel. I would wear mine out if the heels weren't so loud. I've thought about taking them to the shop and having the caps put on them.

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I'm along with Amanda, your horizon wasn't very far from the men's line. They may have labelled it women's wear, but they look like regular penny loafer styling to me that men have worn since I can remember, because they are comfy and they slip on. Girls wore them also for the same reasons. Come to think of it, the penny loafer were the unisex shoes of the 50's. As crotchboot-m sez, if you like them and etc.

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I'm along with Amanda, your horizon wasn't very far from the men's line. They may have labelled it women's wear, but they look like regular penny loafer styling to me that men have worn since I can remember, because they are comfy and they slip on. Girls wore them also for the same reasons. Come to think of it, the penny loafer were the unisex shoes of the 50's. As crotchboot-m sez, if you like them and etc.

I usually look to the stars when expanding my horizons :thumbsup:

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I'm along with Amanda, your horizon wasn't very far from the men's line. They may have labelled it women's wear, but they look like regular penny loafer styling to me that men have worn since I can remember, because they are comfy and they slip on. Girls wore them also for the same reasons. Come to think of it, the penny loafer were the unisex shoes of the 50's. As crotchboot-m sez, if you like them and etc.

Perhaps you're right, but I began with shoes just like those when I first started wearing women's footwear several years ago. So perhaps I've kinda done a 180 and returned to my roots.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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So if I lie down on the ground and look up I am expanding my horizons as you walk up in your heels?

I suppose so, if I caught a heel in all that wool and pulled it off your eyes.


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I enjoy the comfort of heels (really, not self hype) and i enjoy being different from the crowd. I know my personal boundaries, a bit loud, but not skirts or lipstick for example. To me its part of personal style as against mainsream clone fashion. But it is always co-orinated as a look, not just a man in heels. I like the edginess of it all....

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  • 2 weeks later...

JeffB... Those are nice looking loafers and they look comfortable, too. If I were to wear a pair like those to work, no one would probably even notice or say anything. Congratulations on your find and purchase.

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