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Walking in pointy toed heels


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Has anyone tried walking in those extremely pointy toed heels that are fashionable nowadays? I just can't figure out how you can walk with that much shoe out in front of you. I keep thinking of walking in clown shoes or swim fins.

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No, it is not nearly so bad as whynotheels would have us believe. Pointy toe phobia is mostly a mental block, not unlike the sensations of the first public outing in high heels. The seemingly very long toe projection of a pair of pointy toed heels is really much less than we might imagine, maybe an extra inch or so. The clown shoe or swim fin effect is all in our fertile imaginations. Pointy toed shoes do have a markedly different appearance, than their round or square toed relations, but that is the idea-- to present a variation on the standard toe design. I am not making this up. I have several pairs of pointy toed shoes and boots, and I wear them with some regularity. Cars do not drive over them, nor do elevator doors close on them. Pointed toes are merely one stylistic alternative for footwear, and I enjoy them for public wearing. The only thing about them that I might like to change, would be to have safety shoe style steel toe guards, both for protection of my toes, and as foot mounted weapons. "Surrender or die, Scumbag. I am wearing lethal shoes!"

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Don't they aleady do that with the Pleaser "Heat" boots & pumps? Steel heels and around the toes, so they not only show that your points are out there, but harder to kill! *wicked grin* I thought about trying some myself, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I just have the one pair from Payless - about a 2" heel and nice pointy toe - pretty cool for a deep red boot.

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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It may be a self-perception and my perception doesn't let me give the extra long pointy toed heels a favorable review most of the time, especially on high heeled court shoes. The needle nose may be all right on some flat to medium heeled shoes, the well known cowboy boots, and etc., however, to extend a shoe's appearance when the purpose of wearing high heels is to shorten aesthetic look of the feet, the lengthy pointed toes are defeating that purpose.

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i dont have a prob walking in long toed shoes; however i agree they can look a bit silly, not my preference, i prefer more compact pointy shoes. The thing is, i need a size bigger in pointy shoes, and even tho ive got size 6 feet normally i do a 7 in pointy, so they can look big (according to me, maybe its a women's outlook ! ). Ive got all toe shapes to make a variety and real pointy are the minority (but i'm wearing some now ironically !). Oh well , keep em high, thats the main thing...

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I'm not a big fan of the real long, pointy toe pump. I've never worn a pair so I can't comment on how they feel. I've seen some women wearing the Rosa heels. They look OK and they seem to have no problem walking in them. They look a little out of proportion to me. Just my opinion.

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I tried a pair of shoes with the really long pointy toes, and found that the toe would catch now and then on things like the edges of slightly uneven floor tiles. I foound I had to learn to lift my feet a little more with each step to avoid tripping.

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Himark is correct. Pointed toed shoes will trip you up if you aren't paying attention. As he says, the toes do catch on rugs, uneven flooring and other things. And, while lifting your feet higher when taking a step is a cure, you must really concentrate because walking in this manner isn't normally the way you walk and people quickly "forget" and revert to their usual manner.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Doesn't really make a difference to me. When you think about it, we are always in different kinds of shoes - sneakers, flats, flip flops, wedges, heels, pointy toe, mules. You have to walk a little different in all of those. So pointy toes are just a different way. I've never had a problem with them.

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