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Tomorrow People were Heelers


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It ran from 1973 to 1979 and I think was repeated on Nickelodeon during the 80's. They also made 3 seasons with a new cast on Nickelodeon in the 90's though I never saw any of those. It was about a small group of telepathic teenagers and young adults who could teleport themsleves, transfer thoughts, and move objects(PK), if anyone wonders what is going on. PS. The story in question alleges that Hitler was a shape shifting alien who had been kept alive since the second world war by cryogenics and he had emplanted genes in the young population to obey him when he was unfrozen. It's pretty far fetched stuff

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PS. The story in question alleges that Hitler was a shape shifting alien who had been kept alive since the second world war by cryogenics and he had emplanted genes in the young population to obey him when he was unfrozen. It's pretty far fetched stuff

Right... kinda Lovecraftian, isn't it? "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh..."

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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I'm not familiar with the show at all, but the boots he wore in the pic were similar to the ones that I wore back in the early seventies. No one even batted an eye back then!! Ah the good old days!

If the shoe fits-buy it!!!!!!

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