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Finally! - A street heeling experience!


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I had to let you all know that I finally got myself to go out in heels today! -albeit some low ones, but everyone has to start somewhere!

I had to post some letters before work this morning. It was early so I thought "why not give it a go"! I slipped on my black, 2.5inch, round-toed Mary-Janes and stepped out!


I live in a block of flats, so it was very unnerving walking down all the steps to the front door in case I met someone I knew. It was early still so I thought the chances were slim.

Opposite the front door is a building site. there were a few workers around but far enough away to not cause any trouble. As I started walking, a builder walked round the corner and set off in the same direction! I hung back a little to give him some distance. I was scared he'd turn around to the sound of my 'click-clack' but he didn't!

I continued my walk to the post office. To get there I had to go to the end of my street, round the corner and half way down the next, so it was not an insignificant distance. Several cars passed me on the way, but I got no trouble. I calmly posted my letters and turned back.

As I got to my car, a builder walked past on the opposite side of the road and another pulled up in a van next to me. I thought my shoes were making a hell of a racket, but surprisingly neither reacted or even seem to notice! I got to my car and drove off.

It was such an good feeling, finally being out wearing high heels down a public street. My heart was racing the whole time, but my feet felt amazing! I'm very grateful for the encouragement I've had from people on this forum, and from now I will look out for more opportunities to go out in heels more often. I hope that, as my confidence rises, I will progress to wearing some of my higher ones! I'll keep you all posted!

There's nothing like a good bit of Toe Cleavage!

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There is really nothing to fear. 99.9% of the time, no one will notice. Most people that do notice usually just give a little wierd look, shrug their shoulders and move on. Kinda like an "OH WELL". At least thats the experience's I have had. Just be yourself, walk with confidience like it's totaly normal and keep in mind, REAL MEN WEAR HEELS. Forget about the shoes when you go out and think about where your going and what your doing. Keep your mind on other things and not what your wearing. Don't let life pass you by without being yourself.It's no crime to wear what you want. Remember, it's the other person with issues, not you.

real men wear heels

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Hi, Congratulations, and thank you for posting your story. It sounds similar to some of my experiences; I still check out of the window to see how much there is going on in the street. I live on a really busy inner-ring road, so it's always busy. Your shoes sound similar to some of my my MJs. I have two pairs of Pleaser Mary Janes, with 3 inch block heels, in black patent and red patent. When worn with my grey bootflare jeans the red ones look really good. The more you do it, the more you'll want to. I regularly wear 3 inch heel boots for work these days, and all I get are compliments! All best wishes, Tosca

Still rainin' still dreamin'

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congrats on your street heeling, sounds like you had a blast. Keep us informed when you do it again. BTW the shoes you wore look great too.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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DDWW - congratulations on finally getting out there. It really isn't that hard at all. What part of the UK do you live?

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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Hi all, When it does get daunting, or you find yourself feeling nervous and apprehensive, just imagine there's a bunch of us right there with ya! All best wishes, Tosca

Still rainin' still dreamin'

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How the the folks over there across the pond put it? "Good Show."

The first step really is the hardest one. I'm sure that you were the only one that heard your heels.

Thanks for sharing the adventure with us and let us know how things continue.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Congrats DDWW on making the first and hardest step. As a new street heeler myself, I completely identify with the feelings you had the first time out. I thought that every click of my heels activated the super hearing of EVERYONE around me and that they focused on finding the origin of the sound. As you go out more, you find out that no one gives a rats a** about it. Even if they did, 99.9 percent of people won't dare criticize a complete stranger outside. They might think you have "issues" and no one wants to mess with a guy with issues. It could be dangerous for them :-) The bottom line is, no one will say anything to your face because people in general do not look for trouble.

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