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Finally went out in out in public


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I finally had the nerve to go out in public.

I kinda planned it, I had a trip to DC, work related, so I ordered some shoes online and had them delivered to the hotel. As soon as I got them I put them on and went outside. Since no one knows me here it is easier.

But Still I wore an style very easy to hide and that doesn't draw any attention.


I was able to walk the first time for about 15 minutes then it started to hurt, I ordered a tad too big. I ordered them 8.5. So i put little cotton balls so my foot wouldn't move around and it was better this time I managed about 20 minutes. and not a second look.

It was great and I know the pain will subside with practice

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congratulations. cool you did it, no matter it was away from home, anyhow the people from the hotel could add stress to the moment, because in a certain way, they are the ones who could identify you.

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heelguybo Congratulations on your first outing. I can imagine going from the conservative atmosphere of Bolivia to Washington D.C. must feel like. Glad you enjoyed yourself. :smile:

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Congrats to you! The very first time out in public is often the hardest, but once you get that initial outing under your belt, it'll get easier from there.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Heelguybo -

I agree with all of the above and another Welcome to the forum.

I am concerned that your having pain. Other than using some muscles you don’t normally use, wearing heels shouldn’t hurt. A good fit will make going out a lot more fun.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I know its already summer, but I love that pleather long trench coat you have newfieguy-can you tell me where you got it? (yeah, I'd love one for myself) thanks! (oh btw, LOVE all your boots & those knee-high "old school" sneakers too!!)

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Thank you all guys fir the support I ahve been out in heels almost everyday, even if it was just to go out and smoke. But I haven't got the nerve yet to go out in shiny black or white pumps, or pointy boots or sandals either with a 4" or 5" stiletto heel. Maybe some time. Here in DC girls don't wear heels, I see very few on the streets wearing heels, and most of those are 3" or under. Even in stores most heels are 3" or under trying to build up the nerve to go to an store and buy a pair of pumps but I haven't seen anything I like yet.

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Good going heelguybo. I have found that if the shoe fits properly and is really comfy, after a while, you don't know your even wearing heels cause nobody really notices or cares. It gets easier every time. BTW, I have bought a lot of shoes from electrique boutique and I think they are great to deal with and have a very wide variety at low prices.

real men wear heels

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