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Eddie Izzard has wrecked my love life!

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Hello, i have a small problem. I am a Chiropodist and love all things footie! Last year i asked my husband if he'd be willing to wear some thigh high shiny boots and after a while he said yes! We get up to all sorts and though he has never crossed dressed and never will he said he'd be willing to entertain me in some kinky boots. We were watching Eddie on one of our comedy dvd's when i said that'll be you soon and he just completely backed out! Talk about tetchy! He will not even discuss it now and i am very pee'd off because i do plenty of role play for him even though some of it is downright silly! Have any of you got round this? I don't want to force him but i was really looking forward to it.;)


sorry to hear that, curlergirl. perhaps some members of this board (on your side of the pond) would help fulfill that visual fantasy.

or maybe you can just tell him they would ;)

society has decided that men will be confined to

certain items of clothing, and certain modes of


until we rebel PERSONALLY against this, we are diminished!


Hi, Curlergirl -- It sounds as though you "pushed the envelope" a little too far, a little too hard and a little too fast. You scared him. It is the "flip side" of the same issues so many of we male heelers face getting our wives and girlfriends to feel comfortable with our footwear preferences. In your post it sounds as though he did enjoy wearing the boots for you, is that true? If so, deep down he may actually be a bit of a heeler too. I think you want to back off for a while. Be gentle and patient and give him time to sort things out. Make sure that he knows the "that'll be you" comment was offered in jest. It might take a while, it might take some gentle comments but you can probably get him back into those boots -- and maybe more. Just be patient. You're a girl, you can get what you want!

Have a happy time!


Doesn't he realise how lucky he is?! I wish my wife was like you! Seriously though, all you have to do is to leave the boots lying around and he could well put them on to "treat" you...

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

  curlergirl said:

Hello, i have a small problem.

I am a Chiropodist and love all things footie!

Last year i asked my husband if he'd be willing to wear some thigh high shiny boots and after a while he said yes!

We get up to all sorts and though he has never crossed dressed and never will he said he'd be willing to entertain me in some kinky boots.

We were watching Eddie on one of our comedy dvd's when i said that'll be you soon and he just completely backed out!

Talk about tetchy!

He will not even discuss it now and i am very pee'd off because i do plenty of role play for him even though some of it is downright silly!

Have any of you got round this?

I don't want to force him but i was really looking forward to it.:o

Oh!! you poor thing!!, it must be as bad as him loosing his erection in the middle of sex!! :smile: kj

Give him some time and then ask him to wear the boots, at the same time wear a pair your self and tell him how disappointed you were when he backed out. Yeah know do the things that women are good at, make him feel a little guilty, get him a little honey........;)

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


You know, I sometimes see people and for a split second go "OMG look at that..." and then go "wait a minute, how is that different than what I do?". Maybe he just never put 2 and 2 together. Try from the beginning again and take it slow. Try not to compare him to anyone else. Hopefully he will come around!


Hi Curlergirl, I can help you out, i'll do role play, i'll swap with him!! Wish my other half was as open as you about things ,I'd be at it like a shot Hope things work out for you, try him again, he'll give in eventually.


Sounds like he may have got scared because he began to question his manhood and the Eddie Izzard comment pushed him over the edge. Like others have said, back off for a bit and then start again slowly. If that fails then maybe, just maybe, he doesn't enjoy wearing heels like some of us do. How about introducing him to this forum at some point? Us guys can reassure him that he's... - not turning gay - not going to become a woman - more of a man than a lot of guys would be regarding heel wearing.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005


Hello Curlergirl, and welcome to the forum.;):o I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. Some guys just can't be pushed too hard, and I think that may be what you're experiencing. Back off the heels thing, warm-up to your man and let him know you love him, and gently - ever so gently - lead him back to it later on. If he's really spooked, it might take 6 months to a year.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels


Thanks for all the advice. It's not a massive problem it just made me cross when he refused to even talk about it. We do try lots of things and he is very broad minded so i don't understand the sudden change of mind. I already have some lovely knee boots. They don't have massive heels but they do make me feel a bit special, lol! Anyway, we had words this morning about a completely unrelated matter and he went to work with a face on so for now i'm leaving out the subject!


I'm single..lol.. j/k:evil1: <made me do it... I hope he does come around...Best wishes..;)

Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


Hi Curlergirl I think it was probably the fact that the only Eddie Izzard DVDs I've seen where he's worn heels are the ones where he's looked most TV, perhaps he thought you meant for him to go further than the boots? There's really no way to make him wear them if he really doesn't want to, but it seems a bit unfair if you're doing role play for him and he won't reciprocate. Give and take and all that. It's probably a given that any of the members here would like their wives / GFs to make a similar request, but a lot of guys are very insecure about their sexuality / masculinity and it might well just be something he's not comfortable with. Really all you can do is take it slowly and hope to persuade him. Unless you want to try bribery and turn down a fantasy of his or two... ;) Chris


It's a shame, you would think it would have the opposite reaction. I freakin love Izzard & I appreciate your mindset & need... Unfortunately the solution may may require you to be less assertive. Maybe you should just put it into words. I would suggest leaving a small note with a gift (box of cigars/box of chocolates) & the boots. Say something like : Honey, I just want to explore areas of sexual fantasy and not be tied down by preconceived notions. I think it would really turn me & if you dressed like woman/ wear heels... Meet me in the bedroom for a surprise. Love you. Bet you he'd fall for it. Good luck !


this topic got me thinking. my lady wasn't into heels when i met her.. now.. she sports heels more than ever. she, on several occassions, mentioned that if tried and did heels.. she'd do more heeling. i've tried heels to encourage her. 5 inch being the tallest i've done. i get nothign out of it. she looked thrilled. honestly.. i hope she forgets the idea of me heeling more to encourage her. i wish she'd do more heels. but the thought of bieng in heels myself.. not working for me. many things i want her to do in heels for me.. she's always mentioned that if i am willing to do it in heels.. she'd do more of it. so.. i can feel your man's anxiety. i'm not looking forward to parading in heels (really does nothing for me at all.. other than question my manhood).. i'm being super frank.. more than I try to be online.... the questioning of the manhood is not that i'm doubting i'm a man.. but more that i'm wondering how seriously is she taking me as a man. will she see me less strong for doing it. this fear for me comes from other guys who have cross dressed for their girlfriends and then to have the gal loose respect and eventually leave them on the grounds they weren't man enough to resist cross dressing.. or for looking too good as a girll.... or variations thereof. so.. it's a bridge i've yet to cross. i love seeing my girl in heels. she's so natural at it. but seems if i'm going to see her in heels more.. i've got to done on a pair for her viewing pleasure (in the house that is). i'm still not ready.. nor enthused. so.. if this helps you understand his view.. glad to have opened up this much on the forum. RPM

  RPMindy said:

the questioning of the manhood is not that i'm doubting i'm a man.. but more that i'm wondering how seriously is she taking me as a man. will she see me less strong for doing it. this fear for me comes from other guys who have cross dressed for their girlfriends and then to have the gal loose respect and eventually leave them on the grounds they weren't man enough to resist cross dressing.. or for looking too good as a girll.... or variations thereof.

That's a stupid reason for leaving someone IMO. "Man enough to resist crossdressing" - is that some sort of measure of manhood? I'd go the complete opposite and say that's it more manly (brave) to be experimental. Show's you've got balls. If she think's you're less strong for doing it, why the hell does she ask you in the first place? Some sort of test is it? I don't think I'd want to date a woman who measure's my manhood on my ability to resist crossdressing.

I'd go along with the fact that he's probably, as people do in these situations, measuring himself up to his peers. Conformity strikes again.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

  HeelD said:

That's a stupid reason for leaving someone IMO. "Man enough to resist crossdressing" - is that some sort of measure of manhood? I'd go the complete opposite and say that's it more manly (brave) to be experimental. Show's you've got balls. If she think's you're less strong for doing it, why the hell does she ask you in the first place? Some sort of test is it? I don't think I'd want to date a woman who measure's my manhood on my ability to resist crossdressing...

Well, my experience has been that women come in all different shapes and sizes and mindsets. The most passionate lover I ever had couldn't stand me wearing earrings (and that was back when I wore my hair down to my collar). Yet, I've received many compliments from different women on my shoes and earrings. So I'd say it's a very individual thing. You really need to find out what works for you and your partner and travel that path. But my advice is: If you're forced to choose between passion versus fashion - go for the passion. :o;)

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels


You know how it is that some guys fancy girls with athletic bodies and other guys like curvy girls? Some guys like girls to dress like whores and others prefer girls who dress classy? Well it's the same the other way round too. Some ladies like their men to be "in tune with their feminine side" and some girls like their guys to be totally macho...

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


I quite agree with you on this, guy n heels! I'd say that the lady in question (stupid one @ that) is nothing more than a bonafide IDIOT!! why, I'd be laughing @ her (if I heard her say that either to me or to someone else close by) "resist crossdressing"!!?? of all the nutcase ideas that you might EVER hear from someone else!


It's only cloths for gosh sakes. Why does there have to be a gender on everything and mostly aimed at men! Kinda like food. You don't know if you like it until you have tasted it no matter what it looks like. Open your mind and enjoy life and don't resist any oportunity to please your partner. Relax and enjoy life in every way you can as long as its not hurting anyone else and who knows, you might like it.

real men wear heels

  • 3 weeks later...
  johnieheel said:

It's only cloths for gosh sakes. Why does there have to be a gender on everything and mostly aimed at men! Kinda like food. You don't know if you like it until you have tasted it no matter what it looks like. Open your mind and enjoy life and don't resist any oportunity to please your partner. Relax and enjoy life in every way you can as long as its not hurting anyone else and who knows, you might like it.

An excellent point, Johnieheel!;)

I am reminded of a scene in a John Wayne movie (I forget which one) where he sits down to a breakfast meal someone has just fixed for him. When he notices some strange looking meat on the plate he asks, "And just what kind of meat is this your serving me?"

To which the gal that prepared it replies, "Those are lambchops."

At this Wayne goes into a tirade, "Whadda ya mean, serving me lambchops? I never eat lambchops! I don't like lambchops!"

After this outburst the woman asks him, "Have you ever eaten lambchops?" To which Wayne responds, "No! I never eat lambchops! I don't even like lambchops." :o

I suppose there are still some people around who are so narrow-minded that they can see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels


well if ure round london i'd be pleased 4 u to be my chiropodist!! Let me know (not pervy answer). I like Eddie Izzards humour to listen to but i find his total look weird, in that his clothing sense just misses the point. I'm not a tv but my soulmate calls me a pimp in that i'm on the edge clothes wise, thats how i like it (is he/ isnt he). But she likes taking pics of my skinny legs and heels and I'm happy for her to do so. Just try the boots or shoes for now, tight stretchy jeans would be nice too, a skirt is much later (after cutoffs or long shorts). Try getting him in yr underwear!! Good luck!!


In defence of Eddie Izzard, his clothing sense is that he wears what he wants to, when he wants to. He's not trying to conform to an established look, he's doing his own thing and I for one respect him for it. Which point is it that you think he's missing? Chris

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