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Painting The Ceiling!


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Hi Guys! Just recently bought a pair of 6" leather thigh high boots (actually they're about 5 3/4" (US size 12, UK size 10)), so reasonably steep. This weekend I had to re-stucco (artex translation for all you English) my living room ceiling. My ex-wife took both kids for the weekend so I had the house to myself. Well, I thought what a perfect oppotunity to break in my new boots. With the 6" heels strapped to my feet, there was no need for a step ladder. I did the whole ceiling in easy arms length reach! I got a few splashes of stucco on my new boots but it's easily cleand off after with warm water. Because I was so concentrated on the job in hand, I didn't really notice the discomfort. I went so long wearing the boots whilst doing the work, that when I'd finished, I decided to try to break my own record for uninterrupted time in high heels. (Previously I'd gone 3 1/2 hours in a pair of 6" courts). I first strapped my new boots at 2:00 PM this afternoon, and it's now 10:30 at night while I'm writing this e-mail. That's 8 1/2 hours in heels higher than 5 1/2 inches! My feet are now killing me but I'm going to go to bed with them on and see if I can sleep 'till morning. Let me know about your high heel marathons! No easy "low heelers" please. Hard high heelers 5" plus! Regards, Drumitt

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I think my longest sessions wearing thigh boots with 5” stilettos have been some of my museum trips and there on the order of 4 hrs. Which included a walk around two parks. There were also several trips where I wore my boots to dinner then a movie which included driving to the area, walking from the parking lot (several blocks) and around the downtown area. My longest was an all day trip where I took a bus into Washington DC and went museuming. You may not want to count that one because the heels were 4”.:o I understand wanting to protect your boots while painting but ... thigh boots should be worn over jeans not under.:smile: Enjoy your boots.;)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I've done that! ;) I was getting my old place ready to go on the market and decided it was easier to trim the upper edges of the walls when wearing my ballet boots then dragging a seperate ladder around with me.

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I spent a couple hours yesterday in my 5+" thigh boots, but wasnt able to do a marathon session.

(formerly known as "JimC")

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Sounds like a real time-saver! You waste a lot of time positioning the ladder, then climbing up and down. And when you're on the ladder your feet are basically trapped -- if you can't reach something you have to go back down, re-position the ladder and go back up.

Have a happy time!

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I think my longest sessions wearing thigh boots with 5” stilettos have been some of my museum trips and there on the order of 4 hrs. Which included a walk around two parks. There were also several trips where I wore my boots to dinner then a movie which included driving to the area, walking from the parking lot (several blocks) and around the downtown area.

My longest was an all day trip where I took a bus into Washington DC and went museuming. You may not want to count that one because the heels were 4”.:o

I understand wanting to protect your boots while painting but ... thigh boots should be worn over jeans not under.:smile:

Enjoy your boots.;)

Point taken, and yes usually I like to see the full length of my boots outside my pants.

However, this was a work day! Sometimes you must sacrifice the look to get the job done!!!

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My avatar boots have heels a gnat's under 4.5", and I couple of times when I've been out in them it's ended up being about eight hours. My feet were killing me when I got home. I know you said 5"+, but my feet are 2.5 sizes smaller than yours! ;) Chris

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My avatar boots have heels a gnat's under 4.5", and I couple of times when I've been out in them it's ended up being about eight hours. My feet were killing me when I got home.

I know you said 5"+, but my feet are 2.5 sizes smaller than yours! ;)


What's your shoe size? :o

Why should girls have all the fun? :P

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My avatar boots have heels a gnat's under 4.5", and I couple of times when I've been out in them it's ended up being about eight hours. My feet were killing me when I got home.

I know you said 5"+, but my feet are 2.5 sizes smaller than yours! ;)



Shoe size does make such a difference. It's a shame we can't talk in "angle" or "steepness". That would be comparing apples to apples even if sizes were different.

With 6" heels and no platform that's about my limit to walk with straight(ish)knees. I know if I had smaller feet I'd be lucky if I made 5".

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