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Hair style versus high heels


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If there is one fashion guys are least into are shoes, from my view. Teens are more into fashion than are adults. It seems many teen males get very excited over how their hair looks. More than a fair share of male teens will color their hair purple or whatever color, or give it some wild haircut. Many teens like wearing fashionable jeans. I've heard on a number occasions about where men and teens like to wear tattoos, do tongue piercing and facial uplifting and using botox. But when it comes to men's shoes, nothing's new about it. Men don't talk about shoes, or at least none outside this forum. It's not even an occasional hobby with men to wear high heels. And though I'm a guy and I feel tempted to wear high heels on occasion, a kind of a fetish with me, I can't fight against the one-way current on the common custom of how guys wear shoes. I can never wear high heels as a regular fashion.

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If there is one fashion guys are least into are shoes, from my view. Teens are more into fashion than are adults. It seems many teen males get very excited over how their hair looks. More than a fair share of male teens will color their hair purple or whatever color, or give it some wild haircut. Many teens like wearing fashionable jeans. I've heard on a number occasions about where men and teens do tongue piercing and facial uplifting and using botox. But when it comes to men's shoes, nothing's new about it. Men don't talk about shoes, or at least none outside this forum. It's not even an occasional hobby with men to wear high heels. Even hardened criminals know better than to wear high heels. And though I'm a guy and I feel tempted to wear high heels on occasion, a kind of a fetish with me, I can't fight against the one-way current on the common custom of how guys wear shoes. I can never wear high heels as a regular fashion.[/q]

Hmmh, I don't understand your problem. Do you like wearing high heels or not? I'm wearing them as regular fashion. At least I'm not a hard criminal - what a nonsense!

micha (*wearing hip jeans, piercings, tattoos and naturally stiletto boots*)

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Teens into fashion trends is not a new phenomenon. I clearly remember greased back hair, bell bottoms, Nero shirts, ... (a long list of things that are out then in then out of fashion again). Adults also are not immune to fashion trends and there is no denying that the pressure to conform can be very strong. But change does happen. Remember when a guy couldn’t wear an earring or a gold chain? There are others on this forum that can trace the evolution of man’s footwear almost back to cave dwellers and I will let one of them do that. There are many different styles of men’s footwear today (cowboy boots, running shoes, dress shoes, work shoes/boots, ...) and although it may not be the main topic of discussion, men are aware of shoe fashion and the variety of shoes available in the men’s shoe rack. For me, I have always liked the style of women’s boots but didn’t have the nerve, confidence, whatever , to wear them in public. After a while it dawned on me that I really was missing out on something that I liked and it was because I was bowing to the pressure of fashion. It wasn’t fashionable for a guy to wear good looking boots. Once I realized what a silly excuse that was for not doing something I really wanted to do, the excuse went out the proverbial window and I started wearing what I enjoyed. Thigh boots with stiletto heels came a while later but the same thinking applied. The message is that what you can/can’t wear is determined by you. If you want to wear what is in fashion, wear it. If you want to wear what is not in fashion, wear it. That really is what fashion freestyling is all about. It really is a head game where you are the only player and it is a game you can’t lose unless you talk yourself out of wearing something you want to wear.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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If there is one fashion guys are least into are shoes, from my view. Teens are more into fashion than are adults. It seems many teen males get very excited over how their hair looks. More than a fair share of male teens will color their hair purple or whatever color, or give it some wild haircut. Many teens like wearing fashionable jeans. I've heard on a number occasions about where men and teens do tongue piercing and facial uplifting and using botox. But when it comes to men's shoes, nothing's new about it. Men don't talk about shoes, or at least none outside this forum. It's not even an occasional hobby with men to wear high heels. Even hardened criminals know better than to wear high heels. And though I'm a guy and I feel tempted to wear high heels on occasion, a kind of a fetish with me, I can't fight against the one-way current on the common custom of how guys wear shoes. I can never wear high heels as a regular fashion.

Male teens dying their hair??!! Why would you singly point out a male teen??! My GF akatexasbumpkin use to dye her hair with cool aid, like green, pink, bright red, OY!! good thing I did not know her then. :rofl:

Also one thing about teen Vs adults, they are not afraid of change, also much more flexible in open thinking, exploring the world around them, it's all new, unlike us old farts of the every day mill grind.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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Teenagers don't have the same hang-ups or responsibilities as adults- they don't have to worry about holding down a job etc.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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  • 11 months later...

lets try again... i cant agree more, the choice in mens shoes is pathetic. Luckily I take a womens size 6 so i've got a choice of anything - not quite, a lot of mens start at size 7 anyway. My soulmate is happy for me to wear heels as she is near my height and she likes to wear 4 -5" heels so i need to keep up with her... Go out in 3 -4" heels regularly, slim not clumpy but not stilettos, i leave that to her!

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Look in the women's fashion magazines - you will see everything - suits and ties and fedoras, flimsy dresses, all imaginable styles of shoes. Some may laugh, but no one seems to object. Male clothing can vary from low, dragging jeans and T shirts to nice suits, but do you think you will see a man in a dress or heels as often as a woman in a man's suit? No! Very rarely - a couple of times a year, probably, will you see a man in heels in a fashion mag, and then mostly for the shock value. Men can now have earrings and long hair, but not a dress or heels. Are women not to be taken seriously, so they can do anything and it doesn't matter? Are men so insecure of their "masculinity" that they can't dress un-macho? Do men still want to be cavemen and hit those silly females with a club? We he-men don't have time for that silliness? Get real! This situation reminds me of a cartoon I once saw: A man holding out his necktie, saying "If men really run the world, how did we rope ourselves into these things?" If men really run the world, then we can do whatever we want, and don't tell us otherwise.

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