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Hi everyone, I've lurked for a while but finally decided to register. It's great to see other guys interested in wearing heels. Like a few others here, I'm mostly interested in shoes that blur gender lines without crossing over into looking like too much of a novelty. In other words, I never want to look like my shoes are wearing me. :lol: So personally, I'm less interested in stillettos, pumps, etc. (shoes that might make people say, "Golly, those shoes are a bit much" even when women are wearing them) and more interested in things you see most women wearing day-to-day. To be clear, though, please know that I will fearlessly fight to the death for your right to wear red 5" pumps with your Dockers. :wink: I'm happy to see people expressing themselves however they like. And not that I haven't met guys who could pull off pumps beautifully, but personally I don't have the persona for them. And not that I haven't worn such things around the house for fun. :oops: I'm partial to women's sandals and flip-flops, clogs, and more ordinary-looking heeled sandals, shoes and boots. During the summer I usually have my toes painted a conservative, neutral color or done in a French manicure. Sadly I have big feet (45 or 46 euro) so most of what I find in my size is either fetish wear or horribly unfashionable. It's a real treat when I find something I like in my size. If my avatar shows up you'll see the wildest thing I've ever worn out -- I adore those boots! (Not for summer, though.) I've gone shopping in them a couple of times (in another town, not far from here, but where I'm not likely to run into clients, co-workers, etc.) Those are a bit wilder than what I'll typically wear around my wife, friends, to work, etc., but they're great boots. The heel isn't too thin and they're very comfy and easy to walk in. My wife is fine with all this in general but will get a bit freaked out if I push it too far. This is more out of concern that I'll look silly or get made fun of. She's a real fashion queen and she's much more worried about whether I'll look bad than whether I'm breaking some gender taboo. So I only reveal what I think she'll be comfortable with. (In this sense, the limit is of her creation, not mine.) Ok, I've rattled on enough. It's nice to be here! -Adorn

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Hi, Adorn,

Nice to have another member of the club, especially one with an enthusiastic wife. Thanks for the comment about defending to the death the right of a guy to wear what he wants, even if, by your standards, it's outrageous.

If you do want some nice heels in size 47Eu (not the usual red plastic 6" spikes fetish stuff) then look at my perennial favourites, www.fuss-schuhe.de


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welcome adorn nice to another member who has great taste in boots(like your avatar) glad to hear u have a partner who accepts u in heels, makes life that bit easier. i look forward to reading your postings in the future. later nhoj62

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Check out the shoes at www.shoexpress.com They seem to have a good selection of more "ordinary" women's shoes in large sizes and not so many of the fetish styles. It's a good place to shop and the sales help is very accommodating to (and comfortable with) men.

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Welcome, adorn. Your tastes parellel mine, almost exactly. I haven't worn a pair of men's shoes in over 5 years. Even my trainers (tennis shoes) are women's brands. I guess my J-Lo boots (and a couple of pairs of bandoling blade heeled calf high boots) are the most daring styles I have worn to malls in our area. I usually wear black or brown "penny loafer" styles with 3" or 4" thick heels -- which go 98% unnoticed. My wife, like yours, is totally supportive of my heel wearing -- except, like yours, she does insist that I keep my more "girly" shoes for wearing at home. She also doesn't like the fact that I might be embarrassed if I wore my 5" sandals or pumps to Wal-Mart or Lowe's. Anyway, glad to have you here. And, I am looking forward to reading your comment.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Welcome adorn. :wink: I'm more into general high street women's shoes like you (I love girls flat ballerina pumps), that includes a love for heeled sandals (not brave enough to wear these out yet), flip-flops, pumps (courts) and heeled boots (whether that's blocked, stilletto, pointy, rounded or somewhere inbetween!). I guess it helps I'm a slender size 8 (plus medium build) and I can buy my shoes pretty much off the shelf in any shoe store. Plus I have a very supportive girlfriend to try on shoes with! :oops: It's great to know that there are many guys out there just like me who love good ladies shoes! :lol:

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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Like a few others here, I'm mostly interested in shoes that blur gender lines without crossing over into looking like too much of a novelty. In other words, I never want to look like my shoes are wearing me. :wink: So personally, I'm less interested in stillettos, pumps, etc. (shoes that might make people say, "Golly, those shoes are a bit much" even when women are wearing them) and more interested in things you see most women wearing day-to-day.

Welcome adorn!

Wow, if I wore on my feet what women are wearing here, I'd be stuck in sneakers, flip-flops or Uggs (for colder weather).

I to gravitate towards mainstream shoe designs, but usually with a pointed toe and stiletto heel. As the rest of my clothing is distictly male at best I can only blur the gender lines. Trust me, it takes the whole package to cross the gender line. Shoes by themselves just don't seem to do it.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Hey adorn, welcome to... here. You'll find that you're in good company here. I like the same types of styles that you do. The shoes in my avatar are the lone exception, but I no longer have those (gift to a friend). I, like you, also struggle with larger sizes.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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Wow, thanks for the warm welcome and all the helpful links.

Bubba, you mentioned penny loafer styles -- I bought a pair of these, which are fun:


The heels are fairly hard and make a clack-clack-clack sound on hard floors, though -- I find that noise is often more important than looks when it comes to determining how much attention shoes will attract. Of course that sound is part of what makes heels so much fun. I do have one or two other pairs of similar shoes with more rubbery heels, and as you have said, I find that they hardly attract any attention at all (provided one knows how to walk in them).

Shafted -- about the gender line: I wasn't referring to actually being read as a woman, if that's what you meant. (If so, agreed -- I have yet to be called "ma'am" just because of my shoes.)

I can easily pass as a female, so long as we're talking about a female sasquatch.

I have a real interest in gender, btw -- it's something I've done a lot of reading and thinking about, so it'll be fun to talk about that when the subject comes up.


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