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Went out for the first time


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Hi i went out for the first time in heels at 3 am this morning there is a school at the back of my house which is always dark at night so i put my thigh high 5" boots in a bag with my hobble dress and went too the school took me a long time too change my imagination was running wild when i finally builr up the nerve too change i decided too leave my bag there and walk round the school not very easy in a hobble dress and heels in the dark i can tell u as i was half way round i heard voices it was a bunch of neds passing through the school i was terrified lucky enough i was near the bins running would have been impossible i hid behind the bins until they had passed but i have too admit for my first time out it will prob be my last took hours too calm down after any 1 else been caught and what was the reaction may help me try again bye

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Intresting man? Is that all you can say highheellover? Kerm 191, I think there are a few things that interested me, first of all for your first time out, you were taking some massive risks, I dont know what part of the UK you live in but being found wearing that outfit around a school could have got you into a lot of trouble. The second thing is that it was very cold last night and whilst you may have felt warm when you thought you were getting found out, you could have made yourself ill. thirdly, I would go some place safer next time so that you can wear your hobble dress without having to run away. I hope you have more fun like this, but be more careful, we dont want you being arrested for creeping around schools. Nigel

The angels have the phonebox.

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Kern191 -

For going out the first time, you sure picked a hard way to do it. I understand the rush that outing must have given you but I wouldn’t recommend it again.

Nigel’s point about hanging around a school is a good one. I assume there weren’t any kid around but people are very protective about schools.

The image you want to present is up to you. However, what you wear in public should allow you to function in public. I often wear thigh boots with heels and I can go almost anywhere while wearing them. I’m not really into skirts (just didn’t enjoy the image) but a normal skirt/dress still allows you to function in public. A hobble dress is designed to prevent you from moving and somehow doesn’t seem appropriate for venturing out in public especially if you are not 100% confident presenting yourself.

Try something easier the next time to build your confidence. Thigh boots over jeans (my image) might be a good starting point. If that works, maybe boots and a skirt could be next. If you are still confident, go for the hobble dress.

For most, confidence building takes a little time and is based on experience. Don’t be too put off by your first adventure, learn from it.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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its a good story. brought back a lot of memories of my first few times out wearing heels. i never went out wearing a hobble skirt but i can relate to the heels. my advice, if you really want to wear the heels and the hobble skirt and not get caught, is to get in the car and take a drive out to some deserted road way out in the boon docks. that way you can really get out and walk on the smooth pavement and get the hang of it. if someone comes along, you'll see their lights and know its time to get back and into your car. its kooky but it worked well for me. one this is for certain though, you have to get back out there and enjoy those heels.

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I've done skirts and heels at times before, but never a hobble dress. If you want something that'll give you the chance to enjoy the heels and still have some movement, then definitely something different to wear with them is in order. Thighbootguy has a really good point about possibly wearing them over jeans, as sometimes you can even do the black on black thing (or same color over same color), and look really sharp! Great story, and I wish you well in the future outings. I'd also keep away from the schools though....perhaps as has been said...somewhere a bit more secluded so you can strut your stuff with an easy mind. :-)

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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I agree that going out at that time of night can be a little unnerving. First of all, the prevailing sense of thought is that "anyone that is roaming around at that time of morning is either in trouble or is up to no good. Imagine a police patrol that happned upon you while you were hiding behind the "dust bin?" Now, think of how embarrasing it would have been trying to convince the officers that you were just exercising your right to appear in public dress as you wish. While the explanation might sound plausable, I'm sure they would transport you to another location to check your story further. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Kerm191:-) What Nigel, Thighbootguy and the others say rings very true and a lot of good advice has been said here. Learn by your first outing, make adjustments on your succeeding trips out, but by all means, don't give up. This is an activty that must be honed to perfection. We all have made mistakes and we all have learned by them. Now it is your turn. Enjoy! Cheers--- Dawn HH

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