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Maybe this belongs in the TV forum? :-?

TBS in the USA has a new "reality" series starting Oct. 19th titled "He's a Lady." Teaser says 11 men attempt to become the perfect lady, and features a couple of comments and pictures about high heels. Their poll says high heels would be the hardest clothing to find in men's sizes. Little do they know what the truth is, and what are men's sizes, anyway other than just a convention of measurement?

See the website at:


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Let's face it - most men have body styles that simply don't do justice to the more feminine clothing: http://tbs.com/TBS/Images/Dynamic/i11/hal_behind_640x480_100520041106.jpg

I wonder why the producers didn't take a more realistic approach, such as getting the contestants to wear as many different traditionally female items of clothing (skirt, heels, dress, etc.) while still appearing quite presentable as a male in public?

That would have been interesting, at least. Seeing my guys trying to squirm in a halter dress and strappy sandals isn't very interesting at all.

Again, why is the media preoccupied with dressing as one sex or the other? Most women don't dress in frilly clothing all the time, and most men don't dress in a welder's getup! Most of them wear clothes that are fairly unisex! (jeans, polo shirts, jackets, etc.).

This would have been far more interesting if they'd showed a man dressed in a jeans jacket and black denim skirt with block-heeled boots walking through his favorite hangouts without any of his friends either noticing or caring about what he was wearing - and his shocked reaction thereof, along with his friends' candid comments.

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There's little sarcastic, looking like a fool, type humor in your scenario, GBJ. Can't have males dressed in female clothing look fashionable, comfortable or mainstream because it just doesn't mirror present social attitudes. Besides, if they did what you suggest, I imagin heaps of criticism would be forthcoming from the "bean counters" because they would all forecast that the bottom line would be "red."

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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There's little sarcastic, looking like a fool, type humor in your scenario, GBJ. Can't have males dressed in female clothing look fashionable, comfortable or mainstream because it just doesn't mirror present social attitudes. Besides, if they did what you suggest, I imagin heaps of criticism would be forthcoming from the "bean counters" because they would all forecast that the bottom line would be "red."

Not at all, Bubba, you're forgetting literally thousands of my previous posts! My problem with Hollywood and others is that they're all attuned to a stringent dichotomy, that it's either one or the other, without realizing that while the human psyche peaks around "male" and "female," those are only statistical norms, and the truth is that while most males fall somewhere around "male" and most females fall somewhere around "female," a large percentage of males and females (perhaps 30% of each) cross the male-female psyche line and fall on the other side of the fence, in direct contractiction to the typical Hollywood/media stereotypes.

It's those stereotypes that have made skirt/heel-wearing by males taboo.

When it comes to exercising fashion freedom, I could care less whether something comforms to "present social attitudes."

But when it comes to advancing the fashion freedom rights, how far we cross the line has a great deal to do with what society will reasonably come to accept as normal, and how fast that will change over time.

Too much, too soon results in a backlash. Always has, always will - that's simply human nature, and is the entire emphasis behind my "keep it subdued" campaign. "Obvious" males strutting around in tight pink miniskirts and platforms might be one's personal expression of choice, but they do little (and often damage) to the cause of being able to wear "whatever, whenever" in the long run.

Put simply, "a little restraint now goes a long way towards advancing our cause, while a little impatience goes a long way towards retarding it."

This saying has been true of all causes since the dawn of man, as it's firmly rooted in the psyche of human nature itself. Ignore it and you're doomed to repeat it. Adhere to it, and you'll make more progress, faster, than anyone else.

Simple Anthropology 101, Bubba.

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I'm all for people wearing clothes that suit them. After all, a 20 stone woman with flabby upper arms, heaving breasts is unlikely to look good in a halter neck top and spindly stiletto sandals. So why dress a 20 stone man with a neck like a tree trunk and hairs sprouting all over his shoulders the same way? I think the idea is just sensationalist TV to get a few cheap laughs. I agree, if they keep putting trash like this out, it doesn't do those who cross fashion boundaries in a sensible way, any favours. Simple anthropology...

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The upside to the show is that it exposes the masses to this in a fun way. The more exposure the better. Look what Queer Eye for the Straight Guy did. It raised the awareness of gays and changed many people's views of gays. I think it can be easier to accept if something is done in a fun way. People's natural defenses go up when it's shoved in their face to accept it.

Yes, it's beautiful isn't it?

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you're singing out of the wrong song book, GBJ. Your scenario is rational. The program, the way it is presented, isn't supposed to convince the general public that men should be allowed fashion freedom to wear what ever they like without fear of ridicule. It's supposed to make fools out of those seeking the brass ring at the end of the series. And, those fools, even though they will collect the winning lottery ticket, won't even care that they have been used or made to look foolish, yet alone strike a blow for fashion freedom. If you're so sure you've got the answer, by all means send a letter to the producers and convince them of your view. Here, especially to me, GBJ, you're preaching to the converted. My point is really that as much as you would like to turn this comical exercise into a serious discussion of the issue of men wearing women's clothing, it ain't gonna happen.....because, it don't sell soap let alone larger size shoes and garmets!!!!

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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you're singing out of the wrong song book, GBJ. Your scenario is rational. The program, the way it is presented, isn't supposed to convince the general public that men should be allowed fashion freedom to wear what ever they like without fear of ridicule. It's supposed to make fools out of those seeking the brass ring at the end of the series. And, those fools, even though they will collect the winning lottery ticket, won't even care that they have been used or made to look foolish, yet alone strike a blow for fashion freedom.

If you're so sure you've got the answer, by all means send a letter to the producers and convince them of your view. Here, especially to me, GBJ, you're preaching to the converted. My point is really that as much as you would like to turn this comical exercise into a serious discussion of the issue of men wearing women's clothing, it ain't gonna happen.....because, it don't sell soap let alone larger size shoes and garmets!!!!

First paragraph: Yeah, I know - they're in it for the money, not the fashion freedoms, and presenting something that blends in doesn't sell because it's not outrageous enough.

Second paragraph: No letter required, as it wouldn't sell soap.

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I must say that the picture Gene Bujold put up the link to makes the guys look OK from the back, except that they all look like they are scratching their rears like a bunch of slobs. Maybe the panties don't fit? If it wasn't for that it would be hard to tell them from a group of women.

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whynotheels wrote:

In my little fantasy world that would then lead to the de-gendering of skirts and heels and everyone would be able to wear whatever they like.

Yeah, your fantasy world would be wonderful. But, ya'gotta admit that it sure is convenient to be able to tell the someone's sex without having to peek! :-?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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There was a show in the UK a couple of years back that was pretty good. They got four guys and fours girls to live as the opposite sex for a few weeks, 24/7. They were found jobs etc. and the idea was that they would pass and get an insight into what it was like to be the opposite sex. They did learn a lot about the differences in behaviour between the genders, and their attitudes to each other. All the clothing etc was provided, and experts worked with each group to help them find which clothes would work etc. and to teach the guys how to do makeup properly. As you'd expect the guys only wore low to medium heels, but one did buy himself a couple of higher pairs! Unfortunately I can't remember the title. Chris

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I watched about 10 minutes of the show, found it exceedingly boooooooooring and went back to watching the baseball game.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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There was a show in the UK a couple of years back that was pretty good. They got four guys and fours girls to live as the opposite sex for a few weeks, 24/7. They were found jobs etc. and the idea was that they would pass and get an insight into what it was like to be the opposite sex.

They did learn a lot about the differences in behaviour between the genders, and their attitudes to each other. All the clothing etc was provided, and experts worked with each group to help them find which clothes would work etc. and to teach the guys how to do makeup properly. As you'd expect the guys only wore low to medium heels, but one did buy himself a couple of higher pairs!

Unfortunately I can't remember the title.


Chris and others:

The programme was shown on Channel Four and called "Boy meets Girl"

Heres a link to the programme website:


Channel Five have just started another series where celebrities swap gender. Its on Friday night.


Do your own thing. Don't be a victim of conformity.


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That was an interesting series calv (boy meets girl) and brought up some interesting points. The Gender Swap programs have also been interesting (2 so far) but the choice of celebrities to do the swapping has been kind of strange, obviously done just to increase the difficulty factor. Also did anyone see the "Transgender Teenagers" program in the UK ?

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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Gender swap... :sleeping: Like Bubba said, Boring! For staters, it's been done to death. For another, few can pull it off. How's this for an idea: "Fashion Makeover - The Women Redress the Men, and the Men Redress the Women" In short, anything goes, with only one rule: 1. The most out of the ordinary, yet tasteful, design wins.

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That was an interesting series calv (boy meets girl) and brought up some interesting points.

The Gender Swap programs have also been interesting (2 so far) but the choice of celebrities to do the swapping has been kind of strange, obviously done just to increase the difficulty factor.

Also did anyone see the "Transgender Teenagers" program in the UK ?

Chris, you didn't miss much ..... just the usual Channel 4 trying to use purient curiosity to sell something that was pretty third-rate.


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I've actually have been watching He's a Lady with some regularity. I still think it could be better done, but never the less still amusing. The most amusing is the biggest blockiest one, which I think his name is Dave. I feel sorry for him as he's just too blocky, but seems to be having the most fun trying to pull it off even though he knows he looks the least ladylike. The other one Albert, he looks like a women. I suspect he's already a cross dresser, so he knows how to put it together. Last week's was funny as Federique came to visit and all the guys where acting like a bunch of little girls trying to show off their shoe collection to her. The guys almost appear catty now with each other as they are now playing the game and competing against each other instead of comforting one another trying to be a women.

Yes, it's beautiful isn't it?

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