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fashionspot.com's response to men in heels.


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I posted another topic of men in heels at a "new" fashion site that we haven't invaded yet. This time, I included a picture of myself from the neck down in a black shirt, indigo rinse jeans, and pointy toed stilleto boots. This is an exact example of how I present myself in heels in public when I go out on the weekends. During the day, I replace the stilletos with blades for faster walking.

The name of the forum in The Fashion Spot.com

Goto The Finishing Touches in "shoes, shoes, shoes." The name of the thread is "opinions on this look" (I have a cable modem and it took a while for this link to load, so it might be easier to just load the url directly

The responses actually seem pretty positive. A couple of positives were from guys for whom whose favor I'm indifferent to. Women also seem supportive. Most negative comments were hedged. The general consensus seems tolerant.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Overall these seem to be much less pretentious replies than what you saw on the other boards. The replies are probably a reptty good reflections of how most people would think about it: Some don't care it. Some think it looks good, and some just don't like the idea of a guy in heels. You show the look that I was going to sport on our outing in Santa Barbara in a couple of weeks.

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in a way I find it funny that a forum which mumbers like their Prada's and Manolo Blanic's shoes(sp) talk about ballet boots like they are the next fashion accesory! :D. JimC where's that link to the chat about the "ballet boots" later, TXT-1

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it's under the thread "fetish heels vs fashion heels" I just posted the german news story about ballet heels "being the next big fashion thing in england".. heh.. it's a fun vid, in german but english subtitles.. includes people in a mall trying out ballet heels. Gotta run Jim (btw, posting under rockpup on that board)

(formerly known as "JimC")

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I posted another topic of men in heels at a "new" fashion site that we haven't invaded yet. This time, I included a picture of myself from the neck down in a black shirt, indigo rinse jeans, and pointy toed stilleto boots. This is an exact example of how I present myself in heels in public when I go out on the weekends. During the day, I replace the stilletos with blades for faster walking.

The name of the forum in The Fashion Spot.com

Goto The Finishing Touches in "shoes, shoes, shoes." The name of the thread is "opinions on this look" (I have a cable modem and it took a while for this link to load, so it might be easier to just load the url directly

The responses actually seem pretty positive. A couple of positives were from guys for whom whose favor I'm indifferent to. Women also seem supportive. Most negative comments were hedged. The general consensus seems tolerant.

Dear kneehighs, you are not alone :D

Thats my favourite style too, you are looking great! I have a similar pair of pointy beige suede leather boots. Here a picture

Posted Image

Don't be too disappointed because of some critical opinions in this forum (not suitable for guys) and don't worry about it. Why shouldn't guys wear actual female fashion (see my motto below)?

nice greetings


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Hey Micha! I like to ask people what they think because it's fun for me. Fun--that's my prime motivating factor. I love to hear what people have to say and I will always wear heels independent of other people's reactions (good or bad). I really don't get attached to the outcome of their opinion good or bad, so I ask people's opinions because it's fun for me. There are other more honorable reasons to boot: it adds exposure for our cause, and it creates freestyle fashion awareness, it creates new threads for google searches to pull up, it tells other guys like us that they are not alone, it creates community strength, etc. etc. Nice looking heels btw: what kind of pants would you pair those with?

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Reviving this old thread as Kneehights and other regulars have been keeping an eye and posting on www.fashionspot.com under shoes, shoes, shoes and Heels For Men. The thread has been going on now for some time and it refuses to lie down and die (much to the chagrin of some of their members I guess)

So posting under my other pseudonym - HFMROK or Heels For Men Rule OK, I posted the picture of Rick Owens that Kneehighs kindly reminded me of the other day. Its got it all going again, so slide over there and have a read.


Click the Fashion Spot - Fashion Industry Forums- Heels for Men

Edited 'cos I can't spell and didn't click the handy spell checking button.

Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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I did, Thighboots2, and added my own two cents, er, shoes.

I also went through the Shoes, Shoes, Shoes threads, found two others discussing heels for men, and two others specifically on men's footwear, also posting a couple of conservative heel pics, such as this one I posted in the thread on men's boot fashion:

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In case no one else knows it, you now have to be a registered board member in order to even read it, let alone post.

I was just over there, I could read but not post.

Considering that the people on that site are use to being told what they are suppose to like. The number of narrow minded posts should not be a surprise.

I did not see any threads on my other favorite fashion topic men in skirts. That should really spin'em up and then combine men in skirts with heels should send'em over the edge.

-- Brandy

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I was just over there, I could read but not post.

Considering that the people on that site are use to being told what they are suppose to like. The number of narrow minded posts should not be a surprise.

I did not see any threads on my other favorite fashion topic men in skirts. That should really spin'em up and then combine men in skirts with heels should send'em over the edge.

-- Brandy

Well, I wear skirts!

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I was just over there, I could read but not post.

I did not see any threads on my other favorite fashion topic men in skirts. That should really spin'em up and then combine men in skirts with heels should send'em over the edge.

-- Brandy

Yes I did find a men in skirts thread. And yup there was little acceptance and the idea did spin'em up.

-- Brandy

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