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Platform Shoes' Proof Of Influence


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This picture shows that the influence...is definitely from the stripper platform shoes we know and some love.

Now if you don't see the familiarity with what the thumbnail shows (aside from the obvious 'it's a platform...and that you [probably] hate it'), then maybe a link here would suffice.


I'll save time from telling you the price of the posted picture of the shoes (not the link), but let's just say: they've made it to the mainstream shoe seller's hands. The upper of the shoe, though, strikes a resemblance with one of Jeffrey Campbell's heel-less line of shoes, so I wouldn't be surprised if the left thumbnail was a part of his work.

And yes. I'd wear them :P



Formally "HHDude"

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Are they hard to walk in? Not the heelless ones, I wouldn't come within a mile in those. I have quite a few of old track running injuries, and would not want to destroy my ankles any more than I have to.

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Are they hard to walk in? Not the heelless ones, I wouldn't come within a mile in those. I have quite a few of old track running injuries, and would not want to destroy my ankles any more than I have to.

Should have put a Disclaimer beforehand, saying that I'm not the one in the photos, haha. Going by height on the ones on the left, though...I'd believe they would be comfortable from their open-toe counterparts. Probably around 6-7 inches in heel height. They could definitely be street-wear!

And the heel-less...only going by experience I had in them in the picture I just attached here. Tried them on in a store a while ago and couldn't believe how nice they felt! (Oh, btw, I know you probably don't care. Just telling the story for others, haha). The girl told me they felt like wedges and that they did, although it felt like the back of the heel could collapse from my own weight >.< They were pretty tight, too, so that sucked. Otherwise, I recommend. It's not a hard shoe to walk in~


Formally "HHDude"

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While the homepage was down, I did some searching and came across these interesting heelless designs. Looking at the small thumbnail, I couldn't even figure it out until I saw the bigger picture. http://www.thehighheelstore.com/bp579-saffo.html This same site has a bunch of other interesting and unique shoes, including a section devoted specifically to heels for men. These are rather ordinary women's styles but built on mens sized lasts. Many here with larger feet have trouble finding anything other than "stripper shoes" in their size. Prices are high, but I suppose that's expected for a rather unique product line. http://www.thehighheelstore.com/high-heels-for-men/ The term "Classic 4 inch men's pump" just sounds so great, doesn't it?

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