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We got family visiting for two months and I stopped wearing the heels until they go back, but its only been two weeks and I'm really dying to wear them,I haven't got that far yet to share my secret as only the wife knows about me wearing the heels,has any one else been through this

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wow 2 months thats a long time. I haven't been in that situation so can't really help ye. Guess you best have a talk with the mrs about heels.

In the process of becoming the person I always was...but didn't dare to let her come out

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There are many posts on this topic on the forum, and most report that family members are a lot more accepting than expected. Start with mother or mother-in-law in private if you can and explain your feelings and desires. Mention that you don't want your house guests to feel uncomfortable, but that it is your house and you don't want to feel uncomfortable either. If you have some less femme heels that are conservative, start with them. Chances are good that there will be acceptance. Or maybe your strange footwear will encourage your relatives to leave sooner! Either way you win. Mark Twain once said that both family and fish start stinking after three days. Two months is WAY too long! Steve

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Two months seems like an eternity, for different reasons i coudn`t wear heels this past week and i really miss them so i don`t know how to endure two months. This may be an opportunity, it`s your house after all, so why should you suffer? your house your rules... or something like that :P

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How much do you respect and love them? Are their feelings mutual for your family? Communication goes a long way in creating understanding and better friends. Does their need to know equal your need to tell them if you truly care for their well-being?

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Interesting situation but a bit overthought I think. I'm assuming there's a good reason family members have taken up residence at your home. But the operative word in this sentence is YOUR. I am a firm believer in tact where it is required but this is YOUR home which means it's YOUR way or the Kennedy Expressway (localize it as you wish). A man's or woman's house is their castle it's that simple. If one cannot take a stand in their own home I have to wonder what do they stand for? Stand up and be counted lest you get stepped on by someone else who doesn't respect you. HappyinHeels

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Thanks for your replies I haven't yet got the courage to tell them but as there off back home soon to the uk I be able to relax more and enjoy it as the wife doesn't mind but maybe one day but hoping Xmas as I'm looking for a new pair also a pair of ballet flats also I was wondering is there best websites that everyone can recommend that you all use to order shoes

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G'day, Degam. You don't need to be an English teacher to post here, but it would be really helpful to use punctuation so we can understand what you've written. The objective of posting to this forum is to communicate, but I can't figure out where one sentence ends and the next one starts. Please be so kind as to go back and edit your post, putting a period at the end of sentences, capitalizing the first letter of the first word of the next sentence, and using commas, occasionally, to separate independent clauses. That simple act will go far to make your post much more understandable without making your readers struggle. Please take this criticism in the constructive manner in which it was intended. Thank you. Steve

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Indeed, it reads like a bunch of gobbledygook. I can't make heads or tails of it myself.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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