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Getting a reaction...


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Hi all, this is the *second* time I've appeared publicly on this forum, have been hiding behind the covers for about a week reading avidly all the posts. I'm really into boots with crazy heels, especially thigh high but also knee high too. Well, recently told my girlfriend about my thing for boots. Reading this forum prompted me to do so, because I realised that if we are to be together we need to be completely open and honest with each other. I'm very alternative anyway, so this didn't come as that much of a shock to her. I don't wear any other female clothing, just the knee high and thigh high leather or patent boots. I find them incredibly sexy to wear, and I've recently bought myself a pair of Pleaser boots with a 6.5" heel and a 1.5" platform (at least that's what I measured it at). See what you think, I find them incredibly sexy. Well my girlfriend and I recently decided to start going out in public, her in her 2.5" heels (she's more into flats herself for comfort, although finds it fun to wear heels sometimes but won't go any higher than 2.5") and me in my thigh high boots, worn under some long bootcut jeans. I've mastered walking in these and would like to go higher. Saw some pics of the ballet boots that JimC has in his avatar, would *LOVE* to see a better picture of those. Can imagine it'll take a LOT of practice to walk in those ;-) Walked in the middle of town the other night with loads of people around, and no-one seemed to bat an eyelid. With the jeans, the entire heel is exposed and some of the shoe itself, so there's no chance anybody that saw would have mistaken them for anything other than the heels they were. I was almost disappointed that nobody said anything, because I found it to be such a buzz, I mean a proper adrenaline rush walking by so many people. Anyway, later on we had a walk around a boating lake, and there was a white van in the car park directly next to it. We eventually ended up walking right past the van, which had a couple of guys toking up in it, and as we walked past they just stared in disbelief, it was really funny to see. Anyway, they started flashing the headlights. At least we got a reaction out of someone. Love walking about in public it's so fun... Do any of you guys find it fun wandering around in packed public places? I would never of done it but Johnieheel's accounts of his expeditions got me and the missus thinking it'd be cool to go out and about.

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Here's the pictures of me in my patent thigh high boots. Let me know what you think everybody! I've been wearing these in public under my jeans. Did have a 1/4 mile walk with them exactly as they are shown in the pics at night-time but there were only a few passing cars, no pedestrians unfortunately. Would love to have seen their reactions! ;-)






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I'm usually not one for platform boots, but those are pretty decent. You'd be amazed how accepting some guys are if you're walking hand in hand with a girl. Used to wear 5" patent boots around town walking with a female friend of mine. People just looked confused rather then offended ;-) Congrats on your g/f accepting you're boots. Maybe get her a matching pair? hehe

(formerly known as "JimC")

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Personally I'm not into patent or platforms out in public, but if that's what you like GO FOR IT and enjoy it. Pay close attention to that amazing girl on your arm. With the proper attention the two of you can have alot of fun together doing and wearing what you like. BTW, I do like the thigh high boots. Thrill


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Great story! Though I have no experience with any substance that might have been consumed by the gentlemen in the van (this is a public forum) I can only imagine that seeing you enjoying a stroll only added to their experience. Fantastic outing.

Style is built from the ground up!

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i like the boots, and would love a pair if my back would let me.

have to say though, you've obviously lost your head over these boots!

society has decided that men will be confined to

certain items of clothing, and certain modes of


until we rebel PERSONALLY against this, we are diminished!

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Thankyou all for your responses. JimC its great that you like my boots, I take it as a massive compliment especially after seeing the photos of you in your ballets up close. They look incredible!

Pay close attention to that amazing girl on your arm.

My girl means the world to me and she is very much aware of that. We have an ace time together, it's very surreal to me that she enjoys watching and walking with me in my boots.

you've obviously lost your head over these boots!

Hahaha wondered how long it'd be before somebody mentioned the edited photos. Have to make sure my identity is protected just on the off-chance that anybody I know visits this site and sees my pictures. Hope nobody minds...

Whilst I enjoy wandering around in public in my heels, I'm a bit dubious about people I know finding out just yet. Does anybody else find this to be the case for their public outings - you have to go out where you're unlikely to meet anybody you know?

P.S. Here's a pic of me in my boots, as worn under the jeans. This is how I would've looked when I went out the other night.

Hiheellover23, thankyou for your kind words ;-)

Happyfeat, I can't imagine what must've been going through the minds of the guys in the van especially given what they were doing - but I found it amusing walking by in my heels...


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Does anybody else find this to be the case for their public outings - you have to go out where you're unlikely to meet anybody you know?

I did that at the beginning but not anymore. As you build up confidence, you will heel closer to your home...

About your missing head, you even took the time to use a "mirror brush" for the background. Very nice !

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Here's the pictures of me in my patent thigh high boots. Let me know what you think everybody! I've been wearing these in public under my jeans. Did have a 1/4 mile walk with them exactly as they are shown in the pics at night-time but there were only a few passing cars, no pedestrians unfortunately. Would love to have seen their reactions! ;-)

Luv those boots!

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I don't walk around in the little town I live in but go to the 'big' cities north and south of me so as to not meet anyone I may know personally. Although I do visit the P.O. later in the evening and I walked out of the local Safeway having to look a friend square in the eyes so he wouldn't look down as we crossed paths and chatted a minute or two. I was wearing 5" heeled knee boots under my pants and they were pretty obvious. Thrill


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I have that fear all the time. Because I have friends spread out all over Jacksonville that I have been friends with for a long time plus my father works around the area that I am living and one shot of them seeing me in heels and it would be complete chaos. Cuz first some would consider something was wrong with me or I would be very judgmental. And after that it would be very hard for me to continue to hold my head up high afterward. So bootedup I know what ya mean

What ya see is what ya get no more or less!!

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Whoa, stop the press, someone has stolen part of my name! Actually you may have been here first! Congrats my friend, it would appear you are at least, living the dream! I would love my wife to let me wear my thigh high boots (scarily similar to yours, which model pleaser boots are they, I sell them on Ebay me thinks!) let alone let me go outside with her in them! Keep it up, Its easy to say "Don't worry about what people think" but its very different in reality. It's a fine line to tread, living your new found confidence in wearing heels and dealing with the small minded imbeciles that whisper behind your back and put obstacles in your way. If you love them, you will find a happy medium....or go "balls to the lot of them!" and wear them to work! BUB:winkiss:

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...and I walked out of the local Safeway...

I've done a lot of driving about whilst wearing my boots, and I did have an episode where I thought "sod it" and went into the local Somerfield fully booted up one evening. It was a *HUGE* rush, possibly because of the thought that I could quite easily have run into somebody that I knew. But that has only ever happened once. After thinking about it in depth afterwards it dawned on me that if any of my family or friends had been there, I'd've been in serious doo-doo. There is only my girlfriend that knows and that's the way I want to keep things at the moment.

...some would consider something was wrong with me or would be very judgmental...

This is one of the reasons I keep things under wraps. Whilst I really don't care what other people think of me, if my family and friends become involved its a completely different matter. I can easily deal with the minority that find it amusing to point and laugh. It only adds to my own amusement as I turn round to them and ask "what - have I got something on my jeans?" Only to lift my jeans leg up to "inspect" it, thus revealing the lower leg of my boots and completely shocking those who were laughing in the first place. Who said silence was golden? They were right heh heh... Especially shocked silence... ;-)

Whoa, stop the press, someone has stolen part of my name!...which model pleaser boots are they...?

LOL whoops wasn't aware of your name when I signed up, I was fully booted up so the name I chose seemed quite apt. As for the model of boots I'm not entirely sure which ones they are. I got them from Alternative Footwear in Ramsbottom, near Bury. Saw them on their website (I'm sure a search on t'interweb will reveal their location), and thought it'd be cool to go to their shop and have a look. Had a drive up there one day and was amazed at the selection they had of all sorts of sexy boots. Tried several pairs on in the shop (the staff were very friendly) and ended up buying these ones for about £70. Will have to have another trip up there soon...

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Those boots are wicked. I wil love a pair of those. My wife loves it when I wear my 5" black boots with a tight jean. We got some good reactions with those.

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