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How High Is Too High?


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Here's a story that ran in my local paper yesterday.


What do you think? How high is too high before things go from the sublime to the flat out ridiculous?

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jenice Armstrong: Heels hit dizzy height

By Jenice Armstrong

Philadelphia Daily News

Daily News Columnist

NOT GONNA do it. Nope.

You'll never catch me in those ultra-high, extreme heels. You know, those 6- and 7-inch high-heeled shoes that are - excuse the pun - the height of fashion.

If heels keep getting higher, women will need a step stool to get dressed.

I first noticed this altitude-altering trend earlier this year when one of the New York papers ran a photo of actress Gwyneth Paltrow wearing a ridiculously high - possibly 7 inches - pair.

Recently, Victoria Beckham was photographed in a scarily high pair while shopping with her kids at a Build-A-Bear store, of all places. They looked downright painful.

On Saturday, Patti LaBelle performed in what appeared to be a 6-inch pair of Christian Louboutin's at Sheryl Lee Ralph's annual Divas Simply Singing AIDs fundraiser.

"She wore them, kicked them off and then put them back on and walked around in them just like she was barefoot," said Anthony Henderson, a celebrity-fashion stylist who divides his time between Philly and Los Angeles.

Now, I'd be lying if I said I didn't admire the ability of celebrities to balance on spiky heels the width of an ink pen and look sexy doing it. They deserve mad props for that.

But this particular fashion trend needs to stay on runways and red carpets where it belongs. This is not - I repeat - not for regular folks.

Sure, super-high heels elongate your legs. But imagine trying to negotiate SEPTA in a pair. They are practically prescriptions for a visit to the podiatrist.

But maybe I'm just hating.

At 6 feet 2, I'm more than tall enough as it is. And I've passed the stage where I cripple myself for fashion's sake. Used to do it.

But I've sworn off limping around a cocktail party trying to look cute. Besides, I can dance all night in my strappy, ankle-wrap sandals with the 2-inch heels.

Hey, even my shorter girlfriends can't do the super-high-heel thing. "I can barely walk in 2- or 3-inch heels," my most fashion-forward friend complained yesterday.

Unfortunately, the fashion tide may be against us. An article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal pointed out: "But instead of rejecting the extreme heels, many women can't seem to get enough of them."

Louboutin, for example, has had such success with his 6- and 7-inch stilettos that he plans to introduce 8-inch heels next year.

"I hear they can be painful," the designer told the pape, "but women keep asking for them."

Courtney Wilson, who manages Stiletto on Rittenhouse Square, said the same thing.

"The customers that shop here want them as high as they can get," said Wilson, who wears 6-inch heels every day. "The higher, the better they sell."

You know why that is.


Some guys think nothing signals sexuality more than a well-toned calf atop a spiky heel.

"Oh, I love them," one male friend said yesterday.

When I pointed out how impractical they are for getting around, he shot back, "What's more important, Jenice, walking or sex?"


Twisted ankles be damned. They're going to sell like hotcakes. *

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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In the bedroom, no walking is necessary, so no limit whatsoever! As for other shoe-wearing circumstances, it depends on the wearer (and his or her objectives). Basketball or mowing the yard in more than a 3" heel would be difficult for me. However, my 8" boots are very helpful when dusting the blades of my ceiling fans and cleaning the top of the fridge. Baby, if you can wear them well, go as high as you can!!! :winkiss: William

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I'm not of the opinion that "more (in terms of heel height) is better." While I'm not sure I'd ever find a 2" heel shoe I like more than one with 4", once you start getting above 4 1/2" - 5", there are just some shoes that I think start to look worse. I know there are a lot of people that like skyscraper heels (6"+), even ballet boots, but I think those end up losing a lot of the lines and curves that give heels a sexy appearance. I'd much rather see someone in 3" heels that's confident, walking like they aren't even in heels, then someone in 5"+ heels, knees bent, scraping their soles because they can't take a decent stride in them, always looking for opportunities to take them off, and then complaining that, "my feet hurt." If you can carry off a 6" heel as well as a 4" one, that's great, but there's just a huge difference in that extra 1"-2" that for many people, wearing them makes them look worse.

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More power to anyone who can strut around comfortably in heels that high. Not me. I will stick to my 4" heels and be happy as a clam.


Dawn HH

I'm with you Dawn HH.:winkiss: BTW, You aren't that far away. Would be an honor if you and Mickey could join us up here in Canton this Sat.:nervous:

real men wear heels

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I've never worn anything higher than five inches, and don't bother with that height anymore as four inches is sexy enough for me, not to mention practical for public outings. Eight inches? Ridiculous! At least in my mind anyway.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Women wearing up to 4.5" heels get the desired effect, chest out butt tucked in. Plats.....ehhhh I am not so keen on any thing higher than a .5" maybe no more than 1" as it can add comfort for the ball of the foot.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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I think it is totally up to the person wearing them. I am comfortable in 5" high heels. I can walk in them comfortably all day. I've had a harder time walking in 6" high heels in the past, but I keep wearing them daily just to see if I can improve my gate in them and then I will venture out in public in them. But if a man or woman is comfortable in 6" or 7" high heels, more power to them.

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Johnieheel:-) Thanks for the invitation to your heel-meet. Mickey can barely walk as her good leg is giving her a lot of pain and she isn't up to traveling right now. We have been to the doctors to see what might be happening there, so everything is up in the air at the present. We will be reading here to see who was there and what happened. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Baby, if you can wear them well, go as high as you can!!!

Just add as long as you look good, go as high as you can!

For me, I've done as high as 5 inches, but 4.5" is the highest shoe I own.

Style is built from the ground up!

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I think it is totally up to the person wearing them. I am comfortable in 5" high heels. I can walk in them comfortably all day. I've had a harder time walking in 6" high heels in the past, but I keep wearing them daily just to see if I can improve my gate in them and then I will venture out in public in them. But if a man or woman is comfortable in 6" or 7" high heels, more power to them.

I couldn't have said it better!


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