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Super awesome day! (one more for our side) kind of a long read

Mr. X

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I'm still thinking about my day as I sit here typing this. It all started this morning around 9 o'clock. The main reason I went out today was to pick up a wireless keyboard and mouse that was on sale. And I did buy it. Now I have my ears pierced once on each side. But even before I got my first set I knew I wanted 2 in each ear. I had some other errands to run and I wasn't sure if I wanted to wear heels all day so I packed some boots and my black pumps and went out the door in my tennis shoes. So off I went to the mall to Claires. I figured it would be less busy around opening and It would be faster, I was right. I got there and the mall was dead and I was the only customer in the store the entire time. The lady working happened to be the manager and she was the one who pierced me the first time about 2 years ago. This lady is probably in her mid to late 30's and I noticed both times that she has many piercings in each ear. The whole procedure didn't take long this time because I knew what to expect and I was very happy when it was done. I paid and then said I would look around a bit. She was happy I came because otherwise she had alot of paperwork to do. And now to the good stuff. As I was looking around we got to talking and she was mentioning that her husband likes to wear alot of things out of the norm for men like big gauged earrings etc. And she thinks people should be able to wear what they want. She said she even likes alot of pinks on guys. Then she started talking about some school that had a plaid skirt day and some of the boys that went there wanted to and did participate in the skirt day. She said plaid skirts were originally a man thing anyhow. That is when I started telling her about how I like to wear some larger earrings and I generally wear what I want. She was cool with that and she said there are not many people like me. I should have mentioned about wearing heels too but it totally slipped my mind. Now as I write this I'm thinking how cool it would have been if I was wearing heels at the time, and how I missed the boat on that one. Just like fashion freedom for men in heels I am trying to do the same thing with earrings. Anyhow I kept looking and found some gold hoops I liked, not real gold. They measured 2.5" in diameter. I went to pay for them and told her that I have lots of silver hoops but no gold ones. She didn't even bat an eye at the size of the earrings and she totally knew they were for me. She just started talking about the selling patterns of her gold and silver and how her gold sells in patches but her silver was a constant seller. She said silver goes with anything but everyone should have a few gold pieces in there wardrobe. A few customers finally came in and I was done, so I thanked her and left. I was flying at this point not only did I get pierced again but I know I will be able to go back there anytime I want wearing big earrings and/or heels and will have no problems what so ever, very nice! Now as I said I had some other errands to run and I had packed some heels in the car. Well at this point I had to go out heeling. So I slipped on my heeled boots and ran all my errands with no problems at all. Now I have worn my boots before but this time I was feeling real good. I even had a little strut in my step. My last stop was Walmart to pick up a few things. This is one of the busiest if not thee busiest stores in town. I got ready to go in still wearing my boots and noticed I had my black pumps. I have never worn anything heel wise other than boots. But after my earlier experience at Claires I knew what I had to do. So off went the boots and on went the pumps. My jeans were covering most of the heel just like they do with my boots. I got out and waited around my car for maybe 1 minute before I just said "screw it" and went in. Most people start small but today I started big. I was in the store for like maybe 15 minutes and I could here my heels click with each step but I didn't care. I used the self checkouts to pay for my purchases and left. For a first time thing went as smooth as silk with no problems what so ever and I will definitely be doing again. By the time I got back home I was really flying high. it was as if nothing could go wrong for me today. I dropped of my purchases then started thinking that if I have this much luck I should go to the casino. I was planning on going today anyhow but now I had to do it. I was at the casino for about an hour playing blackjack and I ended up winning about $100. So all in all this was probably my best day ever. Thanks for listening. Your reward is some pictures. Pictures 1 and 2 are both ears freshly pierced. Picture 3 is the gold hoops that I purchased. And picture 4 is the exact outfit I wore with my black pumps.





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Sounds like a great experience. I have had a few similar experiences recently shopping for women's jeans and pants. In fact, I have made pretty good acquaintance with several clerks in local stores and feel entirely comfortable going in those stores time and time again wearing heels- in fact I think they would be disappointed if I wasn't wearing heels! Also, I give you a lot of credit for having the guts to heel at Wal-Mart. I have never felt comfortable to wear heels to Wal-Mart, but I have worn heels to Target- go figure. Your earrings look fantastic and I really like the choices you made. Thanks for the post.

Style is built from the ground up!

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I'm happy to know someone else who likes Wal-Mart as a place to heel. My wife and I go occasionally to get groceries and sewing stuff and I try to see what they have in the high heel department and try some on. My going out shoes:



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You really didn't miss out on wearing your heels to the shop you got pierced at--you just wear them next time. You've got something to look forward to! If you go early again, you'll probably be the only one there again, and you can talk about heels then. Thanks for the enjoyable read.

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I'm happy to know someone else who likes Wal-Mart as a place to heel. My wife and I go occasionally to get groceries and sewing stuff and I try to see what they have in the high heel department and try some on. My going out shoes:


I love your "going out on the town shoes." Did you get those from exotic high heels?

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