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Posts posted by loswabs

  1. But, as noted, cobble stones aren't the high heels best friend. :welcome:

    You're so right Bubba. I like to totter around Camden Market which is a wonderful place for pushing the dress-code envelope. The downside is all the cobble stones but hey, it's worth it :thumbsup:

  2. Here's a picture of my silver leggings worn with my patent knee boots.

    Very sexy Patent Heel, very sexy indeed!! Is that a panty line I can see or just the way the material sits? Just curious 'cos I never wear undies for fear of spoiling the smooth look.

  3. I am currently sitting here in a pair of wet-look leggings, legwarmers and high heel sandals... (I'm in Girl Mode)

    I have to say that I look damn hot even if I say so myself!

    Don't be such a tease Dr Shoe... give us a peek!!! :thumbsup:

  4. I am SO going to AA tomorrow and bagging myself a pair in black! With my leopard Springolators, Sandy... EAT YOUR HEART OUT :thumbsup:

    Can't wait to see your pix!! BTW, I took a couple of pix of me in the red spandex pants if anyone's interested

  5. Best place for buying leggings is American Apparel. Prices are ok too.

    They specialise in dance wear etc.

    I'm a complete sucker for their stuff. I have a pair of the wet look/leather leggings and a couple of pairs of plain black... but they even do holographic patterns (though not to my personal taste).

    A lot of the dance music videos have girls girating in their stuff at the moment because they're very in at the mo.

    So worth a look. :thumbsup:

    I've bought quite a few pairs of leggings from American Apparel. I find them a tad pricey, but they're such a great fit :welcome:

    They've just launched some Spandex Disco Pants in red and also black. See here... http://store.americanapparel.co.uk/rsaah300.html

    I've tried them and they're an excellent fit in size XS, so lovely and skintight as they should be. But at £75 a pair, a bit too much. Hopefully they'll come down in the sales!!

  6. A result, of sorts, sooner than I expected. I was today browsing in a local charity shop and looked at the available jeans. Nothing suitable in men's but found a pair of skinny grey women's jeans in size 16. The helpful lady measured them and the waist was a good 35" and the leg almost 32". In good condition, at £3.90 they were worth a punt.

    They fit quite well but are very clingy, although the elastane content helps. They do sit low (as I suppose is intended) and have very shallow pockets (ditto - and useless when it comes to standing a round of drinks!) and the short fly is zipped on the ladies' side (blush!) but not too obvious. Whether I will wear them out is undecided; I do rather agree with the views of others that something a little less skinny might be better.

    Charity shops are a great resource for jeans and heels. I suspect the ladies who work in them have seen it all before, and they're always very helpful when I try stilettos.

    If you're not confident going out in skinny jeans, try some tight boot cut ones. You still get the fit above the knee, but you'll be less self-conscious with a flare over your heels.

  7. Thanks, loswabs. Are the New Look jeans men's or women's - I know some NL shops do sell men's clobber? If women's, what size do I try? I've never heard of Uniqlo - is it a brand, a shop chain or what? (Oh, I do miss C&A!)

    Hi Puffer

    I think New Look now do men's jeans but the section is pretty small. I suggest you try two labels - Disco, which are skinny jeans right down to the ankle, or Shimmy, which are really skintight down to just below the knee, at which point they flare out. They both in 3 lengths - 30, 32 and 34 inches. I'm a 30" waist and get into a size 8 which will be pretty tight, so you can go down a couple of sizes.

    Uniqlo are a chain of shops which have a similar range, they're sizes are maybe a tad more generous as I've fitted into size 4 jeans and they still weren't quite tight enough!!

    Still, have a nice day out shopping and let us know what you buy.

  8. I like the idea of getting some skinny (or at least narrow-legged) jeans to wear with my (male) pointed boots. I'm not sufficiently in touch with the UK fashion scene to know where best to buy either male or female versions. I normally wear a 34-36" waist and 32" inside leg - how would that translate to a UK woman's size? Can anyone suggest some user-friendly outlets (i.e. not wholly aimed at teenagers and preferably without piped music) where the prices are modest? (I'm not interested in labels and don't expect top quality.)

    One place with a big range that I have bought from in the past - Cromwell's Madhouse - told me that they don't sell skinny jeans. If they are fashionable, I wonder why not?

    Give New Look a try. They have skinny jeans which fit tight and now they have them skintight fitting with the leg flared at the bottom 12". I like those!! You should alos have no trouble trying them on. Uniqlo also have a good range and they too are pretty cheap. £15 to £20 gets you a good pair these days. Let us know how you get on.

  9. Sounds like a Great Day shopping. Did you get any shopping for anyone else done? I like the boots and shoes you put in the attachments (attachments worked for me). :w00t2:

    Yes, got some prezzies but also awarded myself a couple of pair of skintight jeans, one skinny leg, the other boot cut. Trouble is, I've just found out I picked up the shorter leg boot cut so will have to go back and do it all again to get the longer ones. Every cloud has it's silver lining lol

  10. I was recently shopping for a moderate 5 inch heel with good arch support for extended wearing and I came accross the Pleaser Seduce and Entice styles. I own a pair of the Domina style with the 5 1/2 inch heels which I find very comfortable even for extended periods. Does anyone have any experience with either of these 2 styles of shoes?

    I have a pair of Pleaser boots, but they're so comfortable with a great padded sole. I understand they get a bit of a bad press but I love mine!!

  11. Today I went out Xmas shopping wearing a pair of purple suede boots with a 3.5" stiletto heel. I also wore a dark long coat and tight fitting boot cut jeans. Colour aside, there was no hiding the fact I was wearing stiletto boots as the jeans legs showed nearly all of the heel. Anyway, I got quite a few looks while walking to the tube, the more obvious ones from men. I reckon they either thought I was a weirdo or were plain jealous. None of them said a word so I figured jealous!!

    In all I spent 8 hours shopping in Oxford Street and the surrounding area, which was pretty busy. The thing I noticed as I have before is that in a crowd you can get away with so much more. No one has the opportunity to look and stare as much 'cos in the main they've too many other things going on. As the day wore on the cover of darkness also provided "support" and confidence grew even more. I went into 3 branches of Dune and was given really good help by everyone I met. In one shop the manageress and I chatted quite a bit about boots and stilettos and the range she carried.

    "You like your stilettos to be really high then?" she asked. "Well, 4" is about my favourite height, though I have got a pair at 5 inches". I said. She laughed and said, "How high are the ones you have on now?"

    "Just under 4, anything higher with these jeans doesn't work 'cos I think the legs are too short". I said. "Yes, you need a few more inches on them, but they're nice boots, and I love the colour. No point hiding something that good"

    In another Dune branch I was helped by a really nice young girl, I reckon she was about 20, who asked if I wanted to try the boots on I asked about before I could say they were for me. I reckon wearing heels helped me but she didn't get fazed at all. Here they are:


    They fitted great but after seeing them close up I don't think they're worth £150. Nevertheless, at the sales girl's invitation I walked around in them for a few minutes, not that I need much asking. None of the other customers seemed to care one bit!!

    I also tried on a pair of stiletto pumps in Faith, but they were so busy I didn't wait to get served. I'll go back when it's a tad quieter lol Here's a picture of them:


    They have a lovely soft foot pad built in and I reckon I could wear them all day. They felt so good on, I can see I'll have to get them. I'll add them to my Xmas wish list and see if the wife will oblige ;o)

    Anyway, a great day, trying heels, wearing heels, and buying Xmas prezzies. It helps to have "real" things to do as that takes your mind off from being too self-concious. I'm absolutely buzzing with pleasure!!!

  12. A few weeks ago I saw a girl of about 10 years old tottering around the local shopping precinct in 4" stilettos, fishnets and a ridiculously short mini skirt. The woman I assume was her mother was so proud of the way her pre-teen child was strutting her stuff. They both had a real attitude problem with everyone in their immediate vacinity, snearing, growling and even swearing at a few people for no reason whatsoever. Aside from the fact wearing stilettos is to my mind a bad thing for the child's still growing feet, what on earth does her mother think she's doing? She made Iris from Taxi Driver look like a convent schoolgirl. Children will wear their mother's stilettos, clothes and make-up as part of play, discovery and fun in their childhood. I've no problem with that. They shouldn't have it forced upon them like this. It's wrong in so many ways. Like someone else says, what next? A baby thong too?

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