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Posts posted by loswabs

  1. First of all, great outfit dbalir, you look really good. Second, you're only responsible for your behaviour, no one else's. If a couple of feral girls want to shout and scream like banshees, they'll do it. What this goes to show is they don't have the wit they were born with. It also shows you have a maturity and strength of character that millions of other can only wish for. Good for you for carrying on with your day, I salute you, and know you'll have loads more fun ones in heels.

  2. Just looked through some of the comments, some partially homophobic.

    Does anyone fancy blitzing their comments section ??? Heh Heh.


    There was a time when I thought people who read The Times were educated, of good stock and basically better than me. That's how I was conditioned by people around me and society in general. Those days have long since past. The comments section shows what a bunch of bigoted morons now help make up their readership. The article also teeters on the edge of insulting / accusing high heels wearers with the line, "These camp, provocatively gender-skewing style statements are not the only way in which the man-heel is flourishing."

    Not everyone is "camp", old darling xx :)

  3. Grayson Perry was on Radio 4 yesterday evening. Look up 'Heresy' on iplayer. It's well worth a listen. Poignant and really funny. One of the topics was about gender and clothes.

    His best quote was 'No one ever died from embarrassment'

    I know it's easy to say from the comfort of my lounge, but you are the only one in Aldo who will really care.

    Good luck,


    I love that :)

  4. Personally I'm gutted, not just because another hight street brand has gone, but because of all staff were really nice - never came across a rude or unhelpful salesperson.

    100% agree with you heelium. The guys and girls who worked in Faith were always so nice and helpful. I'll miss them :)

  5. Think this situation...

    You are singel, been singel for a looong time.

    Your last girlfriend kicked you out becouse of your "need" of high heels.

    And finelly you find this girl, she is perfect...well, almost..she just dont like high heels. Not for herself, and absolutly not on you.

    Would you kick her out and continue looking for another partner that understand your needs better? Even thow she may not be that perfect as this one?

    If you don't want to compromise, then look elsewhere. The only thing I'd questions is, at what point did she say she is perfect?

  6. I bought my first pair of stiletto heels in the late 1970's. They were 4" strappy sandals from 'Faith' and they seemed incredibly high. I soon got used to them though...and I haven't looked back since. I think that styles of that era were gorgeous...strappy sandals for example I believe were more elegant. I have thick legs and ankles so styles with pretty thin straps and high slim heels did wonders for them.

    I collect Vintage heels and I'm always on the 'look out' for nice curved, spike heels which seemed hugely popular in the late '80's, especially on court shoes (pumps). The materials were a lot better as well. Here's a pair of late-'80's 'Faith' strappy sandals that I found on EBay UK last November. They are gorgeous, they have 4" heels, and came in the original box too.


    Those are indeed gorgeous heels and are very sexy on you :):P

  7. I went into the local branch today and they're having a closing down sale. 20% off most shoes, 50% off some others. It grieves me to say it, but nearly all of the shoes were a really tacky design. What do I mean by that? Chavvy / WAG / trailer trash shoes with no class and over elaborate. Only one or two styles would I describe as being worthy of the Faith brand that I came to love. Those ones were the classic court shoes. It's such a shame, but I think it's the passing old a once great shoe shop.

  8. Go for it Peter!! You are much more likely to regret the things you didn't do, rather than those you did. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. I've been to similar fetish events on my own, dressed really sluttily, and had a great time. People are always friendly at these events, after all, they're there for the same reason as you - to have fun. I'm hoping you go and have a great time.

  9. Been away a while, and had to share the reason why guys and heels is still very much a misunderstood and not readily accepted thing. My girlfriend of 3 weeks and I were moving along rapidly (she may even be reading this now), and in the midst of sharing our "unknowns", had to let the cat out of the bag. Never was a better example of YOU HAVE TO LET YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHERS KNOW! It can't end well if you don't, and it may not end well if you do. My case was the latter, and was not the desirable outcome.

    Sorry to hear what seemed like a promising relationship has turned sour. Did your gf she you in heels? Did she understand why you like to wear them? It's a shame that your choice of shoes has turned your gf against you. But hey, they'll be other girls and there are plenty who are opened minded enough to accept and embrace their guy's fetishes and fashion taste. I know - I have one.

    Best of luck to you

  10. I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate for a moment. Don't get me wrong, I can be pretty much "out there" in the heeling and dressing up stakes sometimes, and I like to encourage people to be bold and try heeling too, but... Imagine, through no fault of your own, someone ploughed their truck into the bus and there were many casualties and you as the driver of the bus were knocked unconscious. The next thing you know you are waking up in a hospital bed. Your nearest and dearest are there, naturally concerned for your well-being. So too are the cops and your boss. They all want to know why you were hearing high heels whilst driving a bus. Can you imagine the ramifications? If you wear heels all the time at work, then maybe there wouldn't be a problem. But, given the above scenario, do you think driving a bus is such a good idea?

  11. Yes, in heels I behae differently on public transport. On the tube (US = subway) I normally check the people in the carriages as the train stops. If I see a bunch of oiks in one carriage, I'll choose the next one.

    You need your brain in gear when heeling, just in case.


    I went to London yesterday on the Underground wearing purple stiletto boots, tight black skinny jeans and a short jacket. I copped quite a few open-mouthed stares from some ladies as I walked to the station (from the car :) ), which is not surprising. Discretion is always the better part of valour so I did cross the road a couple of times to avoid workmen. You just never know what you're going to get, if anything.

    The first train that arrived had rather too many chavvy looking people so I let it go. Does that make me a snob? Perhaps. The next one was emptier and fine so I got on. Sitting there in full view, I had no trouble at all from other travels. Walking around London, again no problem. I went into a few shops, tried on some leggings and jeans and guess what? Again, no problem. In fact, I got a few admiring looks from a couple of the young ladies who served me and one was quite chatty, saying how she liked my boots. Another said how she wished she was as slim as me and how nice my bum looked in the leggings!!! She made my day!!!!!

    The journey home was similarly uneventful, though I went early to miss the school rush. I prefer to avoid teenagers, some of whom can be a nightmare. Not surprising really as most of them have opinions based upon the last piece of peer pressure and will gob off to look big in front of their friends.

    Walk back to the car was fine, home safe and sound, happier for a day's heeling. No-one died, I had fun.

  12. Gutted, I love their brand as they always made classier heels which are a perfect fit. I'm taking a day off in the week to doing some much needed retail therapy in London and will now give Faith a longer than usual look. Here's hoping the business finds a buyer and they are saved.

  13. My advice is to be already wearing heels of some sort when you go in this points out that you mean business. Also I always wear hose of some sort, usually knee highs under my jeans or trousers or have a pair of them with me.

    You will not be the first man who has tried on and bought heels in a store.

    100% agree

  14. One thing is for sure, the more I go out the more I want to repeat it and the easier it gets. Maybe one day I'll be able to go out in the middle of the day without a care in the world :)

    That day will soon be with you and you'll enjoy that soooooooooooooo much!!!! :smile:

  15. Well done Tiffany!!!! You're story of your first outdoor heeling trip is an inspiration to everyone. You had the courage to go out wearing what you like and the presence of mind to carry on when you encountered sub-human life form. Let your feet recover and then give it another go. It get easier both on the mind and feet. The more you do it, the more you'll want to do it. Good luck and let us know how you get on. PS I love your shoe collection!!!!!

  16. So if ever you see a guy on a train or in a cafe dressed in womens' jeans and a pair of stiletto heeled shoes, or a pair of womens shorts, pantyhose and knee high stiletto heeled boots come and introduce yourself.



    Of course, that guy could easily be me and I dare say a few others on here, but still feel free to say "hi!" :smile:

  17. I fancy a trip to Oxford street to try on heels sometime. I'd quite like to go to Aldo and try on these boots that are on sale at the moment:


    I don't think I'm close to being ready to wear something like that in public though, but would sure like to. :smile:

    Very sexy :)

    More than half of the trick is to decide on the outfit you would wear with them. What do you have in mind?

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