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Posts posted by loswabs

  1. Was in Faith in Reading this week, the 2 young ladies there were really helpful, not freaked out at all. Shame they didn't have any shoes I liked :silly: New Look let you get on wth it, but are helpful if you need them. Dune are always great, my favourite shop. Bless 'em :winkiss:

  2. Great you had such a positive experience. You may want to hold for now pushing the envelope as this is your place of work. It's one thing to wear 6" stilettos out socially, it's a whole other thing doing it where you earn your money. The same rules which apply to a lady in heels will also apply to you, no matter how liberal your colleagues are. If people are aware, then at least you have no reason to hide them anymore. Why not ask you lady friend whether this is the case? Good luck with whatever you do :winkiss:

  3. C'mon folks. While they may be "menswear inspired", with a heel like that, no one is going to mistatke them for men's shoes. Be serious....

    Very true. I'd never wear anything that looked like it was mens shoes with a heel. It's gotta be proper girlie stilettoes for me :winkiss:

  4. i have reversed my decicon to leave this site. i will be walking outside in 5.5 heels with a small platform on the 14th march. any advice?

    Good for you Jamie. Go out and have fun. Then, if you feel suitably motivated, come back and tell us how good you felt doing it ;-)

  5. Mike, they are fantastic boots and your outfit is really classy. I love your coat and the scarf compliments it so well. You are to be congratulated, repsected and admired for going out dressed as you please. I envy you but in a nice way. A few questions for curiosity's sake... Who took the pictures of you? Did anyone say anything to you? Where there any highlights, apart from looking a million dollars?!! Respect!!!

  6. Congratulations Willow, so glad you discovered the pleasure of buying heels from a shop. Now take the next step and try before you buy. For sure you won't be the first guy to try a pair of stilettos in New Look, Faith or anywhere else. I'm surprised the girls in dark kitten didn't ask you if you wanted to try them on. They definitely would be used to guys in stilettos, skintight PVC catsuits, dresses, wigs, the whole 9 yards. Seriously, don't worry about it It's such a great rush and far out weighs any negative thoughts once you've tried on your first pair in a shop.

  7. Very stylish, classy and good fitting look ;-) As others have already said, the pictures are over-exposed so there's very little contrast between the colour of your shoes, skirt and legs. May you can do another picture so we get a better idea of colour? At the moment, given the picture quality, may I suggest matt nude tights or hold-ups?

  8. Pink court shoes, eh? The main thing is they compliment the whole outfit. I'd have no problem wearing pink stilettos to a fetish club / event, but couldn't even begin to think I'd totter around in the vanilla world in a pair. That's not to say a guy shouldn't, but he should expect a whole lot of attention and obviously not necessarily positive. Has anyone worn pink stilettos out? Maybe someone would like to take a survey on the subject while clearly wearing them? Now there's a blast for Camden Town!!!

  9. I suspect there are many millions of guys around the world who at one time or another have worn high heels, or have dreamt of wearing high heels but for their own reasons haven't acted upon their feelings. In the case of hhplace.org, maybe I'm a lot more advance in expressing my feelings than I have previously given myself credit for. Perhaps there are other who feel the same. What I do know is the contributors of this board have given me the confidence to be truer to myself than I otherwise might have been, and that's a damn good thing to have achieved.

  10. :thumbsup::welcome::winkiss: Fantastic boots and outfit. I'm thrilled for you to wear what you want to work. I wish I had the courage to do the same, but in my work and with the people I work with, I'd never last the day. Good luck to you, carry on enjoying yourself
  11. I totally agree. No matter what the business, the customer is not always right. Sometimes the customer is a boorish, arrogant pain in the ass or worse. I'm really disappointed in the comment the guy in Aldo made, and though it's not something I've heard myself, I wouldn't be that surprised if I found out shop people had a few adverse things to say about me after I'd tottered out of their shop. It's their problem though, I don't care. On the other hand, there's a guy who works in Faith in the Oxford Circus branch who's really helpful. Go there!!

  12. If it's not too personal of a question, I'd like to ask those of you who prefer the tighter women's styles, what type of underwear do you wear with them? I've gotten used to wearing low rise "boy leg cut" briefs from the women's section as well. They prevent VPL and are low enough that they don't show with the low rise jeans I wear. I prefer the American Eagle brand hipster jeans. And as for that formula to determine your size, it doesn't work for me. I'm 5' 10" and around 150 lbs. My men's size is about 30 to 32 inch waist and when I buy women's jeans, I wear a size 3 comfortably, size 5 are a little loose and when I really want them tight I even have a couple size 0 jeans that I can squeeze into. But the long inseam (32") versions work best for me with or without heels. Men's underwear just doesn't work with these jeans. Or I guess you could also go "commando". But I still wear boxers with my work pants and baggy sweats.

    What do I wear under tight jeans? Nothing! Quite simply, there isn't the room. If there is, I need a smaller size. That's how my wife and I like them to fit me. I've worn my wife's thongs a few times but they're so uncomfortable, particularly around the lower bits ladies don't have as they're simply not designed for us guys. It's not so bad with men's thongs as well, but I find they get all scrunched up under the jeans. Not a nice feel. In everyday bloke mode, I tend to wear loose fitting boxers.

  13. thanks for all the support, i look forward to taking the next step and heel during the day but the idea feels more like a dare rather than another walk.

    this is the rest of my collection, i know there are a few flats there but ex-girlfriends have had an influence (and never thought it was more than a passing interest i had) hence the pink pleasers. Id love to try out thinner heels but pumps seem so formal for my style, so id probably go for something more casual like these, for now i think il try the loafers or new boots i mentioned in somewhere like camden in london

    Hiya Acesecret

    Congratulations on your 1st outting. May you have many more and all happy events for you. I love your collection, especially the two Pleaser pairs - the pink and black plus the all black stilettos. I once tried a pair like the pink ones but in red and black. This was in a fetish shop and the lady who worked there (I assume also was the owner) absolutely loved me in them and the black PVC catsuit she sold me though at the time I didn't have the nerve to buy them. Today I'd get them like a shot but I'm running outta space lol

    Have fun :thumbsup:

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